Mark asks…
What is the most widely used source of renewable energy in the world today?
is it
a.hydroelectric power
b. biomass fuels
c.tidal power
The Expert answers:
Hydroelectric by far. Biomass is just now coming online. Tidal power is not going to be a big source ever. There are only 40 spots on the whole globe that are serious places where tidal will work without being in danger of being destroyed by hurricanes, sever storms, and other such forces.
William asks…
How can renewable energy benefit 3rd world countries?
The Expert answers:
They won’t have to rely on other people to obtain the needed fuel for their energy such as those who depend on fossil fuel (i.e. Needing to rely on the energy company who depend on the oil company who need to obtain that from an arab nation), they won’t have to worry about prices going up and down, and it will keep their air, land, and water a little bit cleaner. In many cases it could be cheaper such as if they use wind power (it’s actually quite easy to construct your own wind generator) and when you consider that oil is now at $100 a barrel. Coal is not only detrimental to our air, but also to our land and water as it needs to be mined or taken from mountaintops (look up mountain top removal and see how badly it is affecting the local communities around the Appalachians…).
It’s not just the energy which will benefit them, being more earth friendly in general will benefit them greatly as it costs less money and is more resourceful. A few examples would be using a solar oven for cooking, using local resources such as straw and clay to make their homes with which is also better insulated and would therefore require less energy for heating and cooling, composting to make the land more fertile and to grow their own fruits and vegetables, and bio-filtration for their water supply as most 3rd world countries have limited and/or unhealthy water sources.
Robert asks…
What do you think are the disadvantages of the current non–renewable energy sources in the world?
yes the picture is me
The Expert answers:
The ANSWER is in your question! They are _-NON-RENEWABLE-_ sources!! We _NEED_ to start finding alternative sources of energy!!!
“ALL you NEED is LOVE!”
The B E A T L E S!
Vincent Reagan
Mandy asks…
Should we save the world by switching to renewable energy, or destroy it by sticking with oil?
Let’s hear from both sides of this question.
We have no onshore reserves left in the US.
The whole US economy depends on the health of the gulf coast. There is not a “red environment” and a “blue environment”
solar and wind.
The Expert answers:
I say we continue to use up oil reserves around the world, then when everybody else’s are dry, we will have our own reserves in the US to fall back on. Let them figure out how to function without oil.
Daniel asks…
What is the share of renewable energy sources (wind, solar and hydropower) in the world’s energy supply?
The Expert answers:
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