Your Questions About Green Living

Thomas asks…

How energy efficient are you?

Please feel free to answer the following questions…

I am a student from the University of Ulster currently undergoing research on attitudes towards energy saving measures and climate change/ green consumerism in the current economic climate. The importance of behavioural change is needed and should be encouraged for individuals to ‘change their habits’ and be better ecological citizens to prevent the consequences of our consumer behaviour, damaging the environment.
The questions that are used in this questionnaire are solely for the use of my research for my dissertation. The questionnaire is to be completed anonymously and you will not be treated as an individual participant. Please answer as truthfully as possible.
Many thanks

Personal Details

1) Male/ Female

2) Age- under 18


Q3) Please state how you feel to the following statements

Climate change is a major issue that needs to be addressed now

There needs to be greater public awareness and understanding of energy generation and consumption

Responsibility for combating climate change starts in the HOME

Q4) Please state if you do any of the following in your household.

(a) Do you use energy saving light bulbs
Yes No Sometimes

b) Do you re-use plastic bags/use environmentally friendly bags

Yes No Sometimes

c) Do you turn off appliances/lights when not in use

Yes No Sometimes

d) Do you recycle

Yes No Sometimes

If yes what do you recycle and how often?

e) Leave appliances on standby

Yes No Sometimes

f) Leave the water running while washing/brushing teeth

Yes No Sometimes

g) Wash clothes at 40 rather than 30 degrees

Yes No Sometimes

h) Use public transport more than driving a car

Yes No Sometimes

Q5) Do you feel that it is due to Habits which makes you reluctant to change your routine to be more environmentally friendly?

Agree Disagree Not sure (please explain briefly your answer)

Q6) a) Do you feel you could do more to reduce you carbon footprint? (

Yes No Not sure

b) If YES will you do anything in the near future to reduce your energy consumption?

Q7) Have you adopted or would consider Energy saving measures in your home?

Power from Renewable energy resources

Yes No Would consider it

Home improvements E.g. (Double glazing, loft insulation

Yes No Would consider it

Energy efficient appliances

Yes No Would consider it

Q8) Which of the following options matches reasons for not implementing more measures for being more environmentally friendly. (May stste more than one option)

Lack of awareness

Too expensive

Too much effort

No interest in the environment

Difficult to change routine

Other (please state)

Q9) Which of the following would be the main incentives for you to manage your consumption patterns
(May tick more than one option)

EcoFriendly home

Feel good factor

Positive influence on others

Better for the environment

Other (please state)

Part 3
The questions below are related to changing attitudes and consumption patterns. Please state whether you agree/ disagree or are not sure to the statements.
Please circle appropriate answer and you may give a brief explanation

Q10) A) Individual action alone will not make any difference so why bother being an ‘ecological citizen’
Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

B) I encourage penalties/ fines and enforcement actions upon large companies that are substantial carbon emitters
Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

C) Breaking habits is difficult for an individual, being part of a group and encouraging community citizenship would encourage me to change consumption patterns
Agree/Disagree/Not sure

D) Green consumerism and Green products is just a money making scheme for large companies as opposed to being ‘environmentally friendly
Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

E) The Government should support local community action by funding programmes for behavioural change
Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

F) Value for money/the quality of the product/the function of the product is more important than energy saving
Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

G) Telling people how to behave is not always practical; people buy what is within their budget limitations regardless of the consequences on the environment
Agree/ Disagree/ Not
H) The products that I buy are what as an individual I Prefer regardless of the consequences on the environment

Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

I) The current economic recession is more of a worry for me than preventing climate change

Agree/ Disagree/ Not sure

Q11) Overall do you believe that ‘Going Green’ could be advertised and encouraged more in the UK? If so how?

Q12) Do you believe that sustainable consumption/better consumer behaviour is achievable even during the current economic recession? Have you found yourself buying more ‘green products’?

Q13) Do you have any intentions to change your behaviour and have a ‘greener attitude’ towards your consumption and daily patterns in the foreseeable future? What measures are you willing to take/not willing to take?

Have you got any further views on issues raised in this questionnaire?
Thankyou very much for your cooperation. Much appreciated.

The Expert answers:

1-f 2-18-35 3-100% agree with each one 4-ab yes c yes d yes paper, glass plastic tins weekly/ monthly efg no h sometimes 5-disagree as I have been doing this for years now 6- yes b get a new car that is better energy consumption 7-yes, already have double glazing, insulation etc 8- I don’t know what others think maybe too expensive 9-better for the environment and financial 10-a disagree b agree c agree d not sure e agree f not sure g agree h disagree i disagree 11- yes it could be done by getting more schools and councils on board, getting children involved for the pester power of parents is a good way and councils actually recycling instead of going abroad with it would encourage people 12- people have less money so are currently using less of everything, and being more aware, not so much buying green products. 13-I already take a lot of measures, I will be getting a newer car as soon as I can afford it to more be more energy efficient for the car.
Good luck with the paper

Maria asks…

Carbon emissions and ecological clothing?

So first, is the term carbon omissions or emissions? What is the difference or are they the same?

Second, what kind of fabric is ecological or environmentally friendly? Which kind of cotton is ecofriendly and which is not?


P.S. As with any other question, please do not repost or say in different words other people’s answers, I will report you. ALSO please give me summarized details, not websites.
so that’s what I thought about carbon emissions/omissions. *** was wrong.

I was told some forms of cotton are ecofriendly and some forms are not. Like Pima, Egyptian etc. What’s the protocol?

The Expert answers:

It is carbon emission. It just means that CO2 will be released from making it or emitted. Omission is forgetting something so doesn’t apply.

Cotton is carbon neutral as much as any cloths can be and it just happens to be most comfortable and usually in style.

Betty asks…

Dorky/Nerdy clothing references for nerd day?

My school is having nerd day for spirit week and since I am a senior I am going all out. I was thinking i would wear as many nerd references as possible in one outfit. So far I have:

1.) 3-D glasses with lenses popped out – Stereotype based

2.) Black Bow Tie – Because bow ties are cool. (Doctor Who reference)

3.)Tuxedo shirt tucked into black pants (pants are rolled up to be floods) – Stereotype and Erkle from family matters

4.)Hogwarts/Gryffindor Robe – Costume from when I was 11 😉 (Harry Potter reference obviously)

5.)Converse – Awesome and Doctor Who again 😉

6.)Pop Tab bracelet – Gotta be ecofriendly!

Any other ideas??

The Expert answers:

Carry around any Star Wars merchandise. Like a lightsaber or something lol.
Put tape around the middle of your glasses.
If your shirt has a pocket, wear a pocket protector and stick pens into the pocket.
Wear a sweater vest over the shirt. Maybe an argyle one.
Wear a fanny pack in the front. They look nerdy.

Ken asks…

Place where I can buy revolutionary clothing?

I am looking for t-shirts that say things with “revolutionary” meaning to them. Like eco friendly, pro hemp and marijuana, earthy colors. Does anyone know a website that would have something like this?
I wish just SOMETIMES that people wouldn’t be so quick to blurt out their opinion. How do you know what I am doing, or what I am involved in? If I focused all my time on finding clothes, I wouldn’t be asking this question. I want to buy shirts with meaningful images on them so others can see and reflect, to “spread the word”. I go to college and I have alot of people pass by me. I think a small impact is a good one. Just because I am not like MLK, the leader of a revolutionist group, doesn’t mean I don’t care. And YES I SMOKE WEED! SO WHAT! && If you drink alcohol, you have NO RIGHT so say anything about it! Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Usually when people think of revolution they think of toppling large governments and corporations that act above the law, manipulating billions of people and crushing the populaces freedom and free will… But you want to smoke pot and eat hemp burgers lol… Sigh.

Ruth asks…

My friends think I’m not respecting their choices..?

Ive been vegetarian for over 2 months, I sign petitions and write letters persuading people to change their ways, and I’ve promised myself to only buy ecofriendly makeup and clothing.
Recently, I uploaded a few pictures to facebook to spread the word about factory farms and why vegetarianism is good. I’m just speaking up for animals and standing up for what I believe in.

I tagged a few of my close friends in the pictures, just so that they could see what happens. Now they are b*tching at me and spazzing at me, calling me rude, saying i don’t respect their opinions, and telling me to take the pictures down!

i know that no one wants to see pictures like that, but they need to face the reality of it and i’m just trying to spread the awareness.

why are they getting so mad!? i show them one picture, and they are spazzing at me and calling me rude.
now i told them that if they think im rude i dont really care since im doing what iiiiiii think is right,

its so annoying,
why do you think they think that way about me?
also, just give me feedback on what i said please (:
when i say i tagged them in pictures,
i mean i took pictures off of PETA’s website of poor animals in factory farms and such and i tagged my friends in them so that they would see the pictures.
i actually did take the tags off, but they kept trying to pick fights with me about it!

The Expert answers:

Oh well in that case i think you did the wrong thing. Although you stood up for what you believed in you still hurt your friends feelings in the process. I think you should apoligize to them for hurting there feelings and doing so with their pictures without their permission. Doing so dont NOT mean your going against your believes it just means that you dont have to step on peoples feelings to get your message out to other people. Do remember that your friends respect your choices of being vegan, and that they would just like for you to respect their choices on eating meats as well.

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