Your Questions About Green Living

William asks…

spiritually speaking don’t we have enough problems?;_ylt=AjjV1v1kESTYht7gx9VfYkFvzwcF

don’t we have enough pollution in our water without doing this?

other countries are finding alternative energy sources…why aren’t we?

just wanted to know what r&s thought of this.
just want everyone to know…i do not thumbs down anyone who answers one of my questions.

no matter how much i might disagree…lol
right section…this is where i hang out.

The Expert answers:

Push is a puppet of big oil, spiritually speaking, of course.

The thing is, the oil is going to keep getting scarcer and more expensive, and in the meantime, we keep subsidizing sprawl and glorifying the automobile. Even if oil wasn’t an issue, sprawl is killing our economy. Our infrastructure is falling down around us because it is too frakking big to maintain. The average suburban house does not generate nearly enough tax money to either build or maintain the infrastructure that serves it without massive subsidies. The subsidies come in the form of tax breaks for developers and diversion of public funds into roads and utility lines.

Suburbs are forced into the position of subsidizing big-box commercial development just to raise taxes to pay for roads. It’s a viscious, never ending cycle that’s been known to be destructive and unsustainable since at least the 1950’s. But big oil, big auto, and big development have hamstrung our governments into pouring wasted tax money into it.

Edit: [hehehe, i called bush push, like push over, must’ve been freudian]

Paul asks…

Are these correct Republican definitions?

alternative energy sources
n. New locations to drill for gas and oil.

n. A punishable crime when committed by poor people but not corporations

Cheney, Dick
n. The greater of two evils.

class warfare
n. Any attempt to raise the minimum wage.

climate change
n. The day when the blue states are swallowed by the oceans.

compassionate conservatism
n. Poignant concern for the very wealthy.

DeLay, Tom
n. 1. Past tense of De Lie 2. Patronage saint.

n. So extensively exported that the domestic supply is depleted.

Fox News
fict. Faux news.

free markets
n. Halliburton no-bid contracts at taxpayer expense.

n. Senior presidential adviser.

n. 1. The justification for tax cuts for the rich. 2. What happens to the national debt when Republicans cut taxes on the rich.

gun control

n. The index finger, usually on the right hand. No other definitions or usage.

habeas corpus
n. Archaic. (Lat.) Legal term no longer in use (See Patriot Act).

healthy forest
n. No tree left behind.

n. Lies told in simple declarative sentences–e.g., “Freedom is on the march.”

House of Representatives
n. Exclusive club; entry fee $1 million to $5 million.

n. When the poor are not working.

leisure time
n. When the wealthy are not working.

n. Followers of the Anti-christ.

n. Nerds with Napoleonic complexes.

n. Tragedy used to justify any administrative policy. (see Terra, Terra, Terra)

No Child Left Behind
riff. 1. v. There are always jobs in the military.

ownership society
n. A civilization where 1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth.

Patriot Act
n. The pre-emptive strike on American freedoms to prevent the terrorists from destroying them first.

adj. Valuing human life until birth.

n. Exclusive club; entry fee $10 million to $30 million.

v. To cut the taxes of Republican donors.

staying the course
interj. Slang. Saying and doing the same stupid thing over and over, regardless of the result.
voter fraud
n. A significant minority turnout.

n. The nation-state, future tense.

n. Arsenic storage device.

The Expert answers:

. I think that is the most truth I have seen in one place in a long time. Beautiful absolutely beautiful.

Lizzie asks…

Iran talks on nuclear halt to resume?

So it’s on the news that Iran may well be prepared to give up its nuclear development (which is proven only to be for energy), and talks will resume. A suggestion by the chick on the news said that they would stop nuclear development in return for sanctions being lifted.

Personally, I think Iran should have the sanctions lifted and have an alternative energy resource in return for the stopping of their development. Their nuclear programme provides great success for their nation. The ability to sustain the country itself on nuclear energy whilst maintaining a whole profit from oil sales. It’s good business really.

Thoughts and opinions…
@ Agent 99. Iran is the largest supporter of terrorism? I think you’ll find that the USA is the largest supported SINCE THEY BLEW UP THEIR OWN TWIN TOWERS.

Convenient how the pentagon was undergoing refurbishing. And convenient how the innocent ol’ farmer mustve been mistaken when he thought he saw 2 fighter jets chasing down one of the aeroplanes. THE USA ARE THE LARGEST SUPPORTERS OF TERRORISM IN THE WORLD. thats my opinion. And my source? The amount of flaws in every single American proposal EVER.

The Expert answers:

It is B/S we mast stop Iran …

Lisa asks…

Do you think that things are going to go disastrously wrong?

What with the advent of peak oil, which I think may be a major culprit in the current economic situation world wide, and the lack of investment in viable alternative energy sources for example:

Nuclear- Takes ten years to build a power station, uranium is hard to find and the energy it produces is not cheap, essential to economic growth… AND many power stations could have an extremely detrimental effect on the eco system. (Think about all the deformed children being born in Iraq due to a contaminated water supply where weapons waste was dumped)?!!!

Methanol- It takes more energy to produce it, than what can be gained from it!

Bio-fuels- Again, energy using power stations are needed to produce these fuels!

Some people believe that oil peaked in 2006 and the population is set to be 9 billion by 2030 all of whom, by this time, aspiring to own a house, car, fridge, tv etc reliant on a power source that is finite and all ready depleting at a phenomenal rate with no viable alternatives and lack of investment. Currently the only viable options are hydro-electric, wind and solar… But at the current level of energy use, alternative energy sources count for just 1 percent! When you consider, to meet energy needs by 2030, supply needs to increase by 40 percent and with lack of investment by all governments….

Are we in trouble?!

Ps lets not forget about climate change, exacerbated by humans and only too apparent when you switch on the news and see natural disasters causing countries all over the world a mischief! And the same governments who publicly send their condolences to these places when there is death on a mass scale, allow things like the extraction of every last drop of crude oil to be squeezed out of tar sands!!!

The Expert answers:

Try reading the bible,it tells you step by step what will happen-to this Godless is only the beginning. Worse to your eyes and ears and wake up.

Mary asks…

Do you think that we are heading for disaster on a global scale?

What with the advent of peak oil, which I think may be a major culprit in the current economic situation world wide, and the lack of investment in viable alternative energy sources for example:

Nuclear- Takes ten years to build a power station, uranium is hard to find and the energy it produces is not cheap, essential to economic growth… AND many power stations could have an extremely detrimental effect on the eco system. (Think about all the deformed children being born in Iraq due to a contaminated water supply where weapons waste was dumped)?!!!

Methanol- It takes more energy to produce it, than what can be gained from it!

Bio-fuels- Again, energy using power stations are needed to produce these fuels!

Some people believe that oil peaked in 2006 and the population is set to be 9 billion by 2030 all of whom, by this time, aspiring to own a house, car, fridge, tv etc reliant on a power source that is finite and all ready depleting at a phenomenal rate with no viable alternatives and lack of investment. Currently the only viable options are hydro-electric, wind and solar… But at the current level of energy use, alternative energy sources count for just 1 percent! When you consider, to meet energy needs by 2030, supply needs to increase by 40 percent and with lack of investment by all governments….

Are we in trouble?!

Ps lets not forget about climate change, exacerbated by humans and only too apparent when you switch on the news and see natural disasters causing countries all over the world a mischief! And the same governments who publicly send their condolences to these places when there is death on a mass scale, allow things like the extraction of every last drop of crude oil to be squeezed out of tar sands!!!
Thanks for answering Mick. I read through this and considered I might be slightly dyslexic!

The Expert answers:

We have always been on the brink of global disaster. Look through history. Someone will be right, I guess, and now is as good a time as any to BE right.

But we never know what lies ahead. The UK can now sustain a fusion reaction for minutes at a time – the most promising new technology for power production I can imagine. I dare say the US, S. Korea, Japan and others are either at that point or close.

That doesn’t answer the big questions, however – what will we do about population and what do we make (most) modern materials from without the oil supply? Fusion power will hardly have plastic as a by-product.

I’m not going to be drawn into the global warming thing, though. I don’t believe we know anywhere near enough on the subject to give us a reasonable shot at doing anything about it- if we could. The world has been much warmer before due to massive amounts of greenhouse gases – even Antarctica was a veritable forest when humans were plodding around…

Edit: I’m disappointed no one else took you on. All that effort in the question is damned annoying when the replies don’t come…I was looking forward to several edits to rebuke other answers. Alas, ’tis not the case. You must have just asked at the wrong time…

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