Your Questions About Green Living

Laura asks…

The future environmental issues in US politics??

What do you think? i personally think environmental issues will decide US elections in the future, especially with global warming and the environmental crisis we have today.

I think that the nations that really work to conserve their environments in the future will be the most sucessful and richest.

what do you guys think?

The Expert answers:

I think the lack of enough fresh water for the population in the Southwest is going to be a huge problem. I think hurricane prone states are going to get repeatedly hammered worse than we do now. I think those winter wonderland winters in the upper midwest could very well become quite mild. I also think smog will become a big issue nationwide and not just in our larger cities.

Robert asks…

What you think about recent ban on Coke by some of the US univarsities, citing environmental issues in India?

They say that COKE is creating environmental hazards in countries like India and Cambodia, by drawing excess ground water resulting into lack of water for the use of the communities….

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

HELP! what are some current or pretty recent SPECIFIC environmental issues that have been going oon in the US?

i need to brainstorm some SPECIFIC environmental issue that have been going on in the US
any ideas???????
(for example: introducing non native pike into davis lake) yes it has to be THAT SPECIFIC 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

The Expert answers:

Georgie and the boys have cut funding to the the Superfund clean up of toxic sites around the country
….eh…they can wait

Mark asks…

Why does Global Warming get positioned as an “environmental” issue?

The issue is caused by industry and personal choices.
The effects may have major implications for the economy, health care, immigration, disaster relief, and the availability of water, food, and energy.
Deciding how to respond involves decisions on personal and societal mores and values.
The solutions must encompass industrial policy, transportation policy, regional planning, energy policy, international relations and collaboration, and so much more.

Since it’s such an all-encompassing scenario, starts with people and ends with effects on people, and since most of the human scope of the effects are not studied or addressed in the course of environmental science, why does it get tucked away as an “environmental” issue? Most of us see the “environment” as being something outside of “us.” Sure, the environment will change along the way, but isn’t the issue far broader and greater, and ultimately more about our choices, and the effects those will have on us?
My guess is that it’s a calculated political move to marginalize support for responses to global warming. Environmentalists embrace it, while everyone else is glad it’s off their plate. Environmentalists can lead the charge tadn the rest of us can wait to see how it turns out. Isn’t that why after 20 years none of the other disciplines is responding (architecture, regional planning, etc)? It’s not their problem.

This is what prompted me to ask the question:

“Disaster preparedness is not an environmental problem.” It is a hallmark of environmental rationality to believe that we environmentalists search for “root causes” not “symptoms.”

The Death of Environmentalism
Global warming politics in a post-environmental world

Maybe we’re all missing the point by arguing about the causes instead of focusing on the responses?

The Expert answers:

And what if you’re wrong? Then you’re just wasting time and resources.

How do you know it isn’t going to be colder 5 years from now?

Lisa asks…

What does the bible speak about environmental issues or Humen rights that I can refer?

The Lord Jesus deals with humenbeings and their lives .What was his openion on humen rights and what were his toughts on enviromental issues as a guide for us in this centuary? I believe humen issues are basically the same no matter from which century they lived. As such God would have the answer to question of humen rights that has become to be the central question all over the world today.

The Expert answers:

We are the stewards of the earth. We have a responsibility to take care of what God has given us.

Gen. 1:26 states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Here’s a verse on equality, that all are equal in God’s eyes.

Gal. 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. ”

Mark 12:31, “. . . Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. . . .”

That deals with equality. If you love everyone like youself, you must treat everyone equal, and render equal justice on all people.

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