Your Questions About Green Living

Mandy asks…

Selling of home made eco-friendly products?

My husband and I want a little extra mo ey to go into our savings, and he suggested selling some of the things I sew online (etsy or eBay), and also at the farmers market in the summer. I originally was thinking purses and wallets, but I just don’t think I could sell them for enough money for the time and effort I put into making them (I am an absolute perfectionist when it comes to sewing). I’m leaning more towards selling Ecofriendly cloth products to replace disposable products in a home. Wr have used reusable cloth products for years to both save money and reduce household waste, so I know for sure the items I make last for a very long time and are very easy to use/care for. I do have a few questions regarding selling items, as I have never done anything like this before, and am trying to get a better idea of how to be successful rather than just wasting my time-

1. My product line would include the following (reusable cloth) items we use in our own home to replace disposable items- cloth towels/napkins (neat system that works just like paper towels using Velcro and a plastic pipe “roll”), family cloth (replaces toilet paper for urine only) with a wet bag, reusable pad sets, reusable snack bags, reusable swiffer covers, and “handy” cloths with a little case with “clean” and “used” pockets (for on the go, can be used to wipe hands, as tissues, as toilet paper replacement, just about anything). Is this a good line to start with?

2. I was thinking of showing the average savings of using reusable vs disposable in product posts. Example- women spend around $10 a month on disable pads or tampons. A set of 8 reusable pads (in different absorbencies) costs $60 and lasts around 6 years before needing to be replaced. That’s an average savings of over $3000 in the lifetime of a reusable pad set. Is this sort of thing a good way to sell how much better reusable are than disposable?

3. Obviously these kinds of products only appeal to a specific group of people. Etsy seems like a good website, since people who want homemade and Eco friendly products go there to shop. I also know people interested in this sort of product shop the farmers market where we live. But Im not sure if there might be any other types of places where I could market these items to the more “earthy” crowd. Any ideas of other places that might be good to market my line?

4. Finally, is figuring 2x the cost of materials along with $10/hr for my time spent making the products a good way to figure pricing? I think this seems fair, but am unsure if that will be too low or too high?

The Expert answers:


Making your own products to sell is a great IDEA and the biggest problem is where to sell it. You should think about selling your product online through sites like Ebay, Craigslist, and Amazon. Be very careful with these kind of sites because of their very high seller fees (10%-20%). There is this new site that I did discover called that does not charge any seller fees. Although they are not at the launching stage yet, but you can pre-subscribe and get free money when they do launch. From what I read on their introduction page, they will advertise your product and product line on social networks, email subscriptions, rss feeds, milipeeps mobile apps, google shopping, bing shopping, and major search engines, all for FREE! It is always hard starting a new business, so check them out because it is a great way for free advertisement.

Ruth asks…

Any natural/eco-friendly products to get rid of blackheads/unclog pores on the nose?

I’ve tried those nose strips and those little tool things but my pores on my nose are awfully small so it really hurts to go pushing that instrument. I don’t really get that bad of acne, my pores on my nose just get clogged so you have that small black dot (blackhead?) and solid plugs and I’m afraid they’re unsightly from time to time. I don’t like using lot’s of chemicals or unnatural products either, like a lot of acne products really irritate my skin/smell bad to me. If they could be natural more ecofriendly products I’d feel better about using it.

The Expert answers:

Go to CVS or Walgreens, and in the soap bar aisle, their is a little yellowish box that says Azufre/Sulfur, by a company Grisi.. This is GREAT! Dermatologists have found that sulfur is great for acne and blackhead treatment as it burns of dead skin cells, and it also dries out blackheads, and closes pores! I use it everday, BUT I must warn you, it will dry your skin so make sure you use a “non-comedogenic” cream for ur face 🙂 and drink lots of water.


Richard asks…

How do my partner and i get a company to produce and manufacture our own brand cleaning products eco friendly?

The Expert answers:

Just like anyone else, you develop a business plan, raise the necessary capital and incorporate.

Laura asks…

Who among you guys wants our environment to become safe and clean by using eco-friendly products?

and you can get extra income too………..
and can earn extra income too!!!! I CAN PROVE IT TO YOU!!!!

The Expert answers:

What do you mean by eco friendly? Email me at

Paul asks…

Where to find Reps for Eco-friendly or Environmentally safe products/ services?

I’m looking for businesses or consultants that sell eco friendly products or environmentally safe products/ services in CT, MA or RI. If you know of any businesses or dealers please post their website.

Thank you
I posted this because I wanted referrals from those who actually did business with some of these environmentally friendly businesses. I’ve looked in many directories.
The reason I’m asking is because I’m putting on an Energy Conservation & Economic Fair in Plainfield, CT on Oct 4th. I’m looking for vendors who want a FREE spot to promote their products or services. I found a Green Builder, Alternative Fuels, Sustainable energy etc… I’m just not able to find local reps that sell biodegradable products or products safe for the environment besides the few I do have. Please post as many links as possible. I’ll check them out. People can send me brochures, business cards too. I’ll put them on a table for people to check out their Eco friendly products and services.

The Expert answers:

Hi Donna,
Hope this will be helpful, I don’t know if you are looking for specifically products made in those states or just reputable companies that serve those states. My company Irie Star makes organic and natural skincare, soy candles, and organic baby clothing and we’d be happy to work with you. We have a sales rep in the northeast area – his name is Tom Lena, business name TLM Associates. They work out of the Northeast Market Center. He reps many lines so you could certainly contact him and see about other lines that might suit you.

Other than that I would highly recommend that you try attending the Natural Products Expo East in Boston this fall. You’ll see hundreds of lines in food and non-food categories. I’m not exhibiting there but we have done the Expo West in California in past years and there is a lot to see and learn. Great opportunity for a new business to network.

Check out for individual product listings – it is an eco directory where manufacturers can list their products. Try looking around at a Whole Foods location for what lines they carry, write them down and then look up the company’s direct contact information. If you call them directly you can probably find out who their wholesale broker is.

Hope these ideas help. 🙂
Julie Longyear

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