Your Questions About Green Living

Lizzie asks…

need help on a relgious question?

In the ancient goddess traditions, the Earth was seen as the body of the goddess and as such the Earth was considered sacred. Nature was seen as a living, spiritual force, which is often not the case in the major religious traditions. Do you think that the lack of a feminine aspect to God has helped lead us to our current environmental crisis? Do you think that re-introducing a feminine aspect to religion might help in solving some of the environmental issues we are facing?

The Expert answers:

When one has a religious question, one asks in the religion forum, not the royalty forum, since, you know…not related.

Susan asks…

By supporting illegal immigrants, are you encouraging more to come into the country?

As liberal as I am on other issues, I find it unbelievable that the US supports illegal immigrants the way they do, especially with regard to birthright citizenship and education.

By supporting illegal immigrants and opening borders are you going to encourage a ton more to come in to the country? What kinds of social, ecomomic and environmental impacts will this have?

Why doesn’t the US do more to improve the situation in the offending countries, rather than just supporting them here?

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure how much more America could encourage illegal immigrants…
They already know that they can get better jobs here than in Mexico, can drive illegally and/or drunk and when INS fails to show 72 hours later they will most likely either skip bail or be released without charge…

They get in less trouble for their actions than actual CITIZENS of this country!

Maybe when we build that wall we can put a neon sign on it that says “just dig, climb, swim, or fly around, sorry for the inconvenience”

Donald asks…

Why do feminists blame male biology on VAW, when research shows it’s an environmental issue?

It is well know that if you raise a child in a violent environment they’re going to be violent. Yet feminists and some women want to blame testosterone and the evil ‘Y’ chromosome on men’s violence against women and girls.

When women abuse children they do it more than men and also when women abuse kids they abuse/kill boys more.

Seems to me boys are raised with violent mothers more than violent fathers so boys are learning how to hate females.

So why do the VAW radicals think men will stop by acvtually calling us rapists, pimps and murderers? This only teaches us and boys to be violent.

You CANNOT stop half the problem!
Sweet_P – this is from the same website as that thread you linked to and it’s from 2003 to boot so must be worse now:

The Expert answers:

I personally agree with the first 1/2 of what you are saying: I don’t think testosterone or the Y chromosome has one whit to do with why men are so violent.

I think it is entirely cultural (or environment, as you put it). We have no way to prove otherwise, because there are no men or women who aren’t raised in patriarchal society.

However, I also do not believe for a moment that boys’ violence is due primarily to women. Over half of the abuse attributed to women and men (see my earlier posts/questions on this, from US Health and Human Services stats provided by another man on here) is neglect.

If women kill more boys, would someone please cite the original *source* of that statistic so I can look it up? (Don’t just give me the MRA site posting the stat w/o the source.)

Six times as many men kill women as vice versa (citation in my previous question about that) and men commit even more murder on men than women.

Even if we accept that women were abusing boys more than girls, and ignore that most of that abuse neglect, there is nowhere near 6x as much abuse of boys as girls. In fact, on the Health and Human Services site provided to me, the table I cited on it showed that girls were more likely to be abused than boys.

Finally, simply NAMING the fact that men are disproportionately rapists, pimps, and murders is far more constructive to addressing that violence than encourages it, relative to all of the ways in which boys are taught/trained from infancy into male supremacy and power.

Steven asks…

How much does science aid in the persistence of nonsensical beliefs?

I highly value science as our best means of gaining knowledge, so this is not the issue here. My question is more about the somewhat unique human capacity to override the way evolution ordinarily functions. Technological advancement has taken many previously relevant environmental pressures off of us. It seems to me one of the dangerous consequences of this is that people can hold beliefs that deviate from reality so much that the consequences would previously have been debilitating to life if not deadly.With the social power of many religions waning for instance, we would expect to see these beliefs would have to compete on their own, and ultimately be exposed as the fiction they are simply by not allowing life to flourish. But human advancement has prevented these consequences, and those ideas have no consequences, so they persist. What am I missing here, and how do we deal with it?

The Expert answers:

“There has been no significant change in Human DNA in 10,000 years, but is likely we will be able to completely redesign it in the next 1000.”

In my opinion messing around with the human genome would almost certainly have disasterous consequences. Apart from the overtones of “eugenics”, which the Nazis managed to make unfashionable after the Second World War, so called “gene therapy” has already had disasterous consequences in the form of the deaths of those involved.

DNA is not a structured computer program, and still less is it one we have the source code for.

Sharon asks…

Question about New Zealanders, Kiwi attitudes, politics, values and other socieitial issues?

1. Why do New Zealanders feel that Australians are better off when they really aren’t?
2. Why do New Zealanders aspire to have a conservative government?
3. Why are New Zealanders so hostile to such things and liberal ideas such as the Emmissons trading scheme, anti-smacking law and other humanitarian liberal ideas?
4. Why are they so tight-arsed about liberal ideas realating to social and economic issues?
5. Why are they so tight-arsed realting to giving thier taxes to needy people who are unemployed when some are really needy?
6. Why do they feel they must have a tough on crime approach like 3 strikes when they have some of the safest streets in the world compared to larger countries such as Australia (who has even softer laws and a higher crime rate too), Canada, UK and USA?
7. Why do they have such an inferior complex and have a chip on shoulder?
8. Why do they think that Australian Government policies are any better when all they do is cause lots of harm to Australians too?
9. Why are New Zealanders so unpatriotic about their own country and then come to Australia and think it so great and are therefore patriotic about Australia which Australians don’t even go on about?
10. Whats up with the kiwis negative attitudes?
11. Why do New Zealanders constantly think that their government tells them what to do when the similar, if not the same issues with Aussies goverment also tells us what to do therefore making australia also a nanny state?
12. Why do New Zealanders hate the idea of an Anti-Smacking law and water restrictions even though it happens in Australia?
13. Why do New Zealanders feel that they must have the same wages and same tax rates as Australia?
14. Why are average Australians far more liberal than the average New Zealanders about alot of social and economic issues?
15. Why do New Zealanders feel they must have the same strong economy as Australia?
16. It complexes and confuses me why they continue to come here even though we have serious water and environmental problems and can’t sustain our environment with our current population, surely they have no right to come here and whats up with them automatically being accepted as they are kiwis, shouldn’t they have to go through the same immigration procedure as any other immigrant and therefore requiring a visa to live in Australia, not make it an Automatic right, should we cut the string and make them apply like every other immigrant? The opposition was right by cutting australias immigration to like to eventually take only 30,000 instead of 300,000, its too many immigrants australia takes a year?
17. Why are New Zealanders so negative?

Please take the time to comment and opinionate on these issues kiwis.

18. Are New Zealanders just a bunch of ignorant, pig headed, arrogant, un-educated, idiotic and naive bunch of people and realise no matter when you are in this world, there will always be the same problems as at home, if not worse?

I am sorry if some of this offends, but just currious.

The Expert answers:

I am a Kiwi and I feel some the originator’s comments are quite valid. We should not be so conservative and embark on a nuclear weapons campaign.Give all the Aborigines a 5 year holiday overseas, then, in the meantime nuke Australia then send all the remaining immigrants back to their own countries respectively….(after all you are an immigrant yourself aren’t you?) Then we can put a layer off topsoil over the affected areas and give it back to the Aborigines….Happy blogging 😀

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