Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

i need a topic and a reason for wanting to talk about it?

in world history we are to think about current issues,

“”Some topics you may want consider are the recent election, the economy, foreign relations, education, students rights, environmental issues, etc… These are only a few topics we can discuss.”

thats rite from the blog. can you help i already suggested the presidancy and how Obama will affect us, but thats everyones i want some thing different.

The Expert answers:

Russia has been making quite a bit of noise lately – how about elaborating on a few plausible scenarios if they continue their aggression and the global effect it could have – what if they DO electronically jam our missile defense system like they said they were going to do?

James asks…

PETROBRAS! Brazilian Oil Company owned by George Soros, Obama got deep water drill permits, but no US corp WHY?

Petrobras got a 2 billion $ loan to deep drill compliments of Obama recently. Now they get to drill in OUR WATERS, while our companies don’t and we will be buying oil from them. Who is president of Brazil right now? A communist revolutionary who did time for her involvement in the Communist movement in Brazil.

Mexico also got a 2 billion $ Loan to deep drill in the Golf. Not sure of the ins and outs, but that’s oil we should be drilling.

We are also just sitting by while China drills off Florida using Cuban permits, taking oil thats closer to the US waters than Cuban. The Chinese are unaccountable to our environmental standards. More chance of spill, no oil in US control which would bring down prices.

How clear does it have to be? We are being sold out. We are being deliberately torn down by an enemy from within.

Doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. If you plan to live in this country you should be very concerned.

Also you should be concerned about the media covering this up. I mean politics is one thing, but to cover up a big sell out like this? Something may be rotten in Denmark, and it probably is, but there is no doubt something is stinking to high heaven right here at home.

If we don’t pull our heads out our country will be sold out from under us while we squabble over issues that seem to be planted to smoke screen what is really doing our country grave damage.

If the Republicans were really on the people’s side, they would be yelling bloody murder about this and shutting things down. I was hoping there was someone on our side, but sadly, I don’t think there is. Maybe just the Tea Party, maybe not even all of those.

It’s up to we the people, our government officials are selling us out.
Dyslexia be can fun … GHW Bush is the CEO of Petrobras? Is that true? Any documentation you can point me to? I know he was working with Soros on something, forget the name of it, and Soros paid of GW Bushes debts in hopes of getting some pull with the Bush administration but he ended up really pissed off at GW Bush. I want to know all I can about this, and I want the people to know all about it as well. I don’t think Fox is even giving us all the information. I think were being played!

Duke of Dixie 10 BILLION?!!!!!!!!! Son of a Fucking Bitch! We have to clean house before their is no damned house to clean!
Oops, GHWB is a director you said, not CEO. Would like to see evidence. A lot of dishonest crap is tossed at the Bush’s, but I don’t disbelieve, would just like verification. I don’t trust the Bush’s

The Expert answers:

To answer your question;

Follow the money, George Soros is Obama’s biggest contributor. When you own the president it has its privileges.

Thomas asks…

Why is climate change considered the most important environmental problem?

Everybody seems to agree that climate change is the most important environmental issue yet no-one seems to be able to answer the question as to why it is so much more important than massive population growth or severely depleted food-stocks and bio-diversity. Even in “An Inconvenient Truth” he says “this is the most important environmental problem on the planet” but never gets round to explaining why he thinks that.

I don’t doubt that it is happening, I work in an industry where it can be plainly seen on a daily basis, but I’m just confused as to why it is considered so much more important than, say, the imminent starvation of the entire planet due to massive over-harvesting of limited resources and the associated destruction of entire eco-systems.

I can’t help get the feeling it is because harvesting of endangered species makes money and stopping it has no economic benefit whereas convincing everyone that they need to buy a new type of car or hot water system and throwing on an associated tax is big business and is going to make countries and companies who jump on the band-wagon literally billions of dollars. I keep feeling conned

Just before you abuse me I’ll re-iterate I BELIEVE CLIMATE CHANGE IS HAPPENING AND I’M RELATIVELY CERTAIN IT’S US WHO’S CAUSING IT. That’s not what I’m asking.

The Expert answers:

I am fairly sure humans aren’t causing global warming and I am nearly certain warming isn’t even happening at the present.

Giving me a thumbs down won’t make those record cold temperatures and record snow storms go away.

Wake up to reality. You have been led astray by the Pied Piper, brainwashed, and deceived by the world’s biggest lie.

William asks…

Is there an official code of ethics for graphic designers/visual communication professionals?

If so, where might I find it? (I’m particularly interested in the Australian industry code, but US or UK codes will do).

One that covers ethical issues such as environmental responsibility, advertising/promotion of harmful products, visual misrepresentation/embellishment of products, etcetera.

The Expert answers:

It involves two things. The first is to each artist his own work. Originality is its own reward.

Second thing. Dont do anything you wouldnt want your mother knowing about

Sandra asks…

Australian news help?

I am in desperate need of some information on the following from February 2009 to now:

Australian current events
major speeches by Australian leaders
major Australian government policy initiatives
major social, economic or political problems in Australia
Australian government responses to natural disasters
issues related to civil liberties/elections/human rights in Australia
Australia’s major environmental issues
and the depictions of the US in the Australian press

Are there any good news archives where I might find a lot of this information? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I hope this helps!

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