Your Questions About Green Living

Donna asks…

Did you hear the ‘great’ news about the new Saudi oil fields that could help problems with rising gas prices?

Yeah, just great. And here I was sort of hoping all this would get people serious about alternative energies and we’d finally break the hold the saudis have on us. They’re getting rich while we’re over here feeling the pinch.
Before you think that I’m some kind of gas hating pansy, I love sports cars, and if I could I’d go out and hot rod all I could. It just seems like to me, if the future does not include gas as a cost-effective fuel and energy source, then shouldn’t we be looking for something else?

The Expert answers:

Yes, we should be looking for something else as we actually want a planet left.

I have a CONSPIRACY theory for you, the Saudis knew for a long time about these oil fields but didn’t use them so they could artificially drive up oil prices, when supply goes down and demand is rocketing the price of the product goes up and up, making them loads of money. I suspect this is happening with many other oil companies as well under the cover of oil shortage, not debunking that there is one though.

Susan asks…

The Catastrophe economy… Capitalism and the endless “Bad News” cycle?

Now that Capitalism/Corporatism has become the dominant world economy… we seem to have a steady stream of disaster. Let me explain..

Japan… the fact is Nuclear power is not safe or clean.. Earthquakes happen. This just as easily could have happened in California or Toronto or anywhere else.. The energy Companies and their iron grip on public opinion have done everything it can for 40 years to stop “Alternative energy” from moving forward… That is “Corporatism” dominating the power landscape.

We all know that Industry gets rid of competing industry whenever it can… that’s an accepted form of Capitalist Fascism… So it seems we are stuck with this now, which is to say we can expect Oil Spills, Political unrest, Nuclear Disasters, Wars, Suffering on genocidal levels to continue as long as we indulge in the exploits of “absolute” wealth and power which is what the current form of global capital is creating…

Instead of efforts to equalize living standards, the exact opposite is taking place.

Infinite Growth vs Finite resource is unsustainable without a shrinking of the population…
is that the plan ?

The Expert answers:

I’ll repost this for you

Thomas asks…

Where is Obama going to come up with the money to support this economic plan ?

WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama promoted an economic plan Saturday he said would create 2.5 million jobs by rebuilding roads and bridges and modernizing schools while developing alternative energy sources and more efficient cars.

The Expert answers:

From you, me and everyone else who pays taxes. He will raise our taxes(what a surprise).

Sharon asks…

Axelrod: Oil spill adds urgency to passing energy and climate bill (CAP AND TRADE)?

Yep. The motive behind this ‘accident’ is now crystal clear.
Never let a crisis go to waste…………

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should add urgency in Congress to pass an energy and climate bill, White House senior advisor David Axelrod said Monday.

Axelrod said that the spill, from which oil continues to pour into the gulf, underscores the need for developing alternative sources of energy.

“I would like to think that this will increase the sense of urgency in Congress, because it underscores the value in developing alternative sources of energy,” the senior advisor said during an appearance on MSNBC. “So I hope that it will give added impetus to Congress to come up with and pass a comprehensive plan.”

Now Im all for green energy, but government fascism and corporatism is something I despise.

What do you think about this? Do we need to hurry and pass cap and tax?

The Expert answers:

I think you don’t care one bit about the environment, and your lack of education is apparent when you reveal your ditto-headness by spewing your cap-and-tax garbage.

James asks…

Now that common sense has started to make a comeback, aren’t your thrilled that the term?

“green and going green’ are not being retired to the landfill?

Maybe next year it will “alternative energy” Can we all hope so?;_ylt=AtcNi_Jdnx.Ynix9UyMVjjkazJV4

The Expert answers:

The buzz words are just that, words that make your head buzz. No substance no purpose except to make someone feel good.

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