Laura asks…
What are our options in preserving deer populations and decreasing auto incidents?
Are there any options for preserving deer populations that will allow us to decrease auto accidents? While I absolutely fear hitting another deer and I can’t stand it when they run out on me while I’m driving, I also think they are some of the most precious and beautiful beings. There’s got to be a better way for both humans and deer to exist together.
I live in a rapidly expanding piece of suburbia in New Jersey and the more development, the more “deer fear” when driving at night. I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to environmental issues, all I know is to recycle, so any information regarding the preservation of deer populations will be greatly appreciated. Even keywords I could look up to find current discussion of this issue are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
The Expert answers:
Part of the problem is that the deer population is in no way endangered. There is in fact an overabundance of them. Before humans eradicated their natural predators the population density of deer was lower.
According to an article I read in the Audubon magazine the population of deer is also high because the hunting lobby has campaigned to keep it that way so deer will be easy to find during hunting season. Since there are few natural predators, this is done by setting limits and season lengths.
While it may be upsetting to think that the only way to keep the population of deer at a healthy level (where they are not overgrazing the land and getting in the way of cars) is to kill some of them, the sad result of this overpopulation may be the increase of chronic wasting disease (similar to mad cow disease) among deer.
You might want to contact your state’s fish and game department and find out what their policies on deer population levels are. Organizations such as SPCA and PETA may also have some thoughts on the issue.
Oh one more thing. I have seen devices that attach to the fenders of your car. They are ultrasonic whistles that operate when your car goes over a certain speed. Supposedly the deer can hear them and may flee when they do. I don’t know how well they work by I have friends who use them.
Mandy asks…
In your opinion, which of the 08 Presedential Candidates has the Best Environmental policy?
I have been researching where they stand on Envir. issues such as Air Quality and safer drinking waters, protection of wildlife and Our waterways… I am looking for a Leader who wants to improve things today , not 2050….We are all ready for a Healthier Planet today….So who will Help Lead us there in your opinion…..I know we the voters, and the consumers should make sure we make the best choices on who we vote for and what we buy……
The Expert answers:
I found a very good resource for the environmental proposals of each of the candidates. To me John Edwards has the best thought out plan and has been endorsed by Friends of the Earth.
Susan asks…
Should the fashion industry lead the way by making efforts to use our natural resources for textiles?
Currently we manufacture a majority of our textiles overseas that are used in the US. Would there be an added value to the product of we used natural resources, to make a step towards the reverse of our environmental issues?
The Expert answers:
Each textile made outside the US, Canada, or EU results in an increase in global pollution over those made in these countries. Retailers are interested in bottom line only. Everything else they do is lip service and fluff.
Richard asks…
SUV’s are bad, aren’t they?
As are Hummers.
Do you believe that in these times, when environmental issues have an effect on us all, when a large protion of the violence in the Middle East is a result of our fight to obtain as much oil as possible, when these bigger vehicles are responsible for guzzling more gas and causing double the amount of road accidents since their inception than any other vehichle, even four door sedans, that driving an SUV, especially a Hummer, is political, socially, and personally irresponsible?
Oh and to respond to WhyAskWhy below…
Your screename says it all. I never said anything about guilt, apparently your conscious has suppleid that for me. You should feel ashamed, you must be a republican.
And to amglo1:
23 MPG’s??? Wow, to think that you think that is
impressive or practical.
Where do I get my information about SUV’s causing more accidents: Um, well, for one thing, I read. You should try it, click here:
Touchy feeley? I think it’s amusing that you consider someone’s interest in saving the environment and trying to tackle a big PUBLIC (you know PUBLIC? That means everyone,) health issue. My agenda is not leftist. My agenda is humanist. I care for the world and it’s people, unlike you who apparently wants to rant and rave about other problems without answering my question,”They want to kill me, too?”, what does that have to do with anything that I am talking about? Hmmm…NOTHING!
Here’s some more reading for you, too:
Where do you people come up with this shite?
They are not safer by any means, in no way shape or form. USe your brains and look it up. And as far as all of you defending your SUV use because it helps you cart your kids around? I think that is very ironic given the fact that are polluting the atmosphere at a greater rate which your precious little one’s will have to deal with in the future.
And to love to be curious:
Parrot follower? That’s hysterical! Hmm.. where did you hear that from, one of the several other hundred people who have used that term in here?
Blissfully ignorant? I have my Masters Degree in Environmental Science. What are your credentials?
The Expert answers:
Yes. And not just because they are gas guzzlers, but because they give unskilled drivers a false sense of competence that endangers others.
I’m a Republican, by the way.
Joseph asks…
The US form of government is a democratic republic?
So why do people continue to scream that the President is not listening to the people? In our form of government elected officials are elected and then are supposed to do what they believe is the right thing.
Are these people who want the president to listen to the people, do they want to change our form to a direct democracy?
If that is so, would they like to put things up to popular vote such as abortion, school vouchers, taxes, social security, definition of marriage, term limits on congress, environmental laws, hate crime law and on and on?
I believe the people screaming today about the President only want a direct democracy when it serves their partisan interests but would not like AMericans voting on other issues.
The Expert answers:
“In our form of government elected officials are elected and then are supposed to do what they believe is the right thing” – You’d have to be fairly naive to believe that that is still true today.
Politicians get elected by spending huge amounts of money and pandering to whatever groups pay the most. Almost all of them are whores. Elected officials do whatever they feel will keep them in office and that is amost always to vote along party lines (on both sides of the aisle).
Our system is broken and needs fixing badly starting with campaign finance reform.
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