Your Questions About Green Living

David asks…

Which groups of Society would the government target first to be exterminated?

In a country where people are living longer, being born earlier and population growth is a key concern.

The decision made by China (imposing a limit on the amount of children you can have) backfired as they neglected to take into account that people would choose artificial insemination, which actually increased the population with multiple births.

They now are committed to building 20 new cities to house there ever expanding population.

What action do you thing your government will take in the future to solve this serious problem, which if you ask almost any scientist, they will tell you that they are more concerned about population growth the environmental issues.
Should the government choose to limit the births, then they exterminate the people who never had a chance to be conceived and born.

The Expert answers:

If they target themselves it would be a good starting point..

Nancy asks…

What do you think about agenda 21.?

World overpopulation, environmental issues, food and water shortages, and those nasty greenhouse gasses, have forced the UN to take control of the world and sign the agenda 21 agreement. At current earth population of 6 billion (which was only 5 billion 8 years ago) there just is not enough farm land to grow enough food. 1/3 of the rain forest has been cut down to provide more food for growing demand. Riots rage in most countries over food shortages. And on the surface Agenda 21 looks like its trying to head in the right direction to control the limited earths remaining resources. But the form of control would require immoral and inhumane destruction of the masses, or most of them in the end. I wondered how the rest of you feel about where this is heading. If there is anything you feel we as humans can possibly do to slow this process to find a different solution to achieve the same goal. China laws require one child per family, but still because there are billions of them, their population climbs and climbs anyway. The U.N. sees this, and thus far 179 countries have signed agenda 21. i’m wondering, now thats its signed, and we begin to dislike the outcome of that signing, if we can ever pull out and demand a different way of achieving the same objective.

The Expert answers:

WHY DO YOU THINK THERE ARE TOXINS AND POISONS IN OUR FOOD AND WATER? Most ignorant people don’t know, they don’t want to know, and they don’t care. BUT THAT”S OKAY because only the intelligent ones who avoid those toxins and poisons will live better and longer and healthier. Secretely… It has to be this way! If everyone followed the healthy rules… Then NOBODY would die as quick and then we would have a resource issue, plus more people would lose jobs in hospitals, pharmacies, etc… Somebody has to live!( the smart ones) and Somebody has to die!(the ignorant ones.) Health is for those who want it. It’s not for those who need it! And this information is the Root to the SECRET. Agenda 21 looks scarey! But the American Govt isn’t really helping their own people either? Something is wrong with them, as if they are possessed by some thought control? God Help us all! Good luck!

John asks…

What comes next in this debate on FREE TRADE?

I am looking for a rebuttal in this argument over free trade between China and the U.S. This is essentially a debate over whether or not it is wrong for the U.S. to use China to manufacture goods cheaply.

Argument 1: Free trade between the United States and China is beneficial for both countries– it allows U.S. industry to lower manufacturing cost and it has greatly diminished poverty levels in China

Argument 2: The U.S. should issue a moratorium on trade until China changes it’s environmental and labor laws.

Argument 3: ????

The Expert answers:

Tariff all imports so they cost the same or more than US build product.

James asks…

I need to get this to school…?

Ch. 35: War and Revolution in China and Vietnam

A – Main Idea: China and Vietnam had to deal with underdevelopment, overpopulation, impoverished people, and environmental degradation on top of the loss of the traditional lives their ancestors had led for thousands of years. This led to revolutions by the indigenous peoples against the imperialistic powers pressing these changes upon them. The European domination of these two countries differed from other colonial conquests because the Chinese and the Vietnamese gained relatively few gains. Instead they were smashed, and left to their own devices to recover. China became a struggle for power, mainly between the military alliance headed by Yuan Shikai, and the wealthy merchants along the coast, a group in which Sun Yat-sen was involved. PUT VIETNAMESE HERE!!!!

B – Important People:
Yuan Shikai – Leader of the most powerful military clique in northern China.
Sun Yat-sen – Headed the Revolutionary Alliance (anti-Qing).
Li Dazhao – Interpreted Marxist philosophy. Emphasized renewal of a nation
Mao Zedong – Joined Li’s study circle. Became major Communist leader
Zhao Enlai – Founded Communist Youth Corps in Paris.

C – Vocabulary:
Mass Line – Introduced by Mao, formed agricultural cooperatives who became farming collectives

D – Outline:
I. Marxism
A. Sun Yat-sen was acting president, until 1912: gave it up to Yuan Shikai.
1. Yuan faked sympathy for democratic alliance leaders, but then built up military and bought out bureaucrats in Beijing.
2. Yat-sen called for revolution to unseat Yuan. Yuan used military power and “underhanded” methods such as assassination. Yuan on his way to become Emperor.
3. Yuan continually stopped by other warlords, nationalists, Japanese influence.
B. Japanese wanted to “establish a hold” on China
1. 1915- Japan presented the Twenty-One Demands (would of made China a dependent protectorate. Yuan did not accept or refuse, which caused one of his warlords to overthrow him. Yuan stepped down in 1916, which was the signal for the “free-for-all” power struggle for China.
C. May 4th – Students and nationalist politicians had widespread demonstrations at what they saw as betrayal by the Entente powers when Japan seized former German concessions. Led to boycotting of Japanese goods.
1. Russian Revolution led to awareness of Marxist solutions to China’s problems.
2: Li Dazhao interpreted Marxist ideas in a way to fit Chinese issues. Stated that China as a whole needed to unite.
3. Summer of 1921 – Communist party of China born in Shanghai
II. Nationalists Take Over
A. Guomindang (Nationalist party) headed by Yat-sen from 1911 to his death in 1925
1. Yat-sen went into exile in Japan in 1914, returned 1919. Meanwhile, Yuan consolidated his regional power bases.
2. Nationalists built power on support by businesspeople and merchants along the coast, local warloards and the criminal underworld. Tried to gain support from Europe and USA, but were disappointed. Turned to Soviet Russia. Bolsheviks sent advisors, encourage Communists to join Nationalists.
B. Mao Zedong, influenced by Li, became leader of Communist party.
1. Due to Nationalist’s full assault, Zedong and Communist’s retreat to country
2. Communists more adept at warfare, earned mandate to rule China
C. Policies
1. Great Leap Forward
A. Wanted to restore the rural base, focused on peasantry
B. Was economically disastrous – leaders abuse peasants, peasants resist
D. Mao’s Fall

But I have no flash drive or anything. Help?!?!

The Expert answers:

I take it you do not have a printer either? The best help I can give you is to get a CD (not very expensive) and copy the report to the CD. Last hope you might copy and paste in an email to a friend and have them print it for you, or print it when you get to school. Good Luck!

Donna asks…

Will America’s environmental efforts even matter?

If China and India do not help? A relative went to China, and he came back with all kinds of respiratory issues after he breathed the air in Shanghai.
They’re building coal power plants left and right.
Jim, If you live in the west coast, your life has not improved, as pollution from China is reaching the west coast (proven fact).

The Expert answers:

No, they will only cripple our own economy and insure Chinese control of world manufacturing.
China Builds one new Coal plant a week, while we step down our coal usage in favor of MASSIVELY more expensive, far less efficient wind and solar alternatives.

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