Your Questions About Green Living

Thomas asks…

designing a snack for food tech.?

I’ve got to design a healthy snack for part of my food tech course, it has to be low in fat and salt and high in fibre. And has to contain one or more of the following: a scarce food, a GM food, fair trade food, tractor assured, sustainable food or seasonable fruit. Any one got any ideas? thanks

The Expert answers:

How about a fruit salad pot? Make it into a small plastic pot with a tight lid.

Fruit is low in fat, has no salt and is high in fibre. Choose one that is GM to improve its shape or colour (Strawberries?), one that is imported but has fairtrade label on it eg banana(The Co-op sell a lot of Fairtraid products), British apple eg Cox is a good choice as grown in Uk (maybe even local variety if possible) it’s also seasonal.

Hope this helps

Susan asks…

How do Genetically modified foods promote sustainable development? please help!!?

I searched on the internet but I couldn’t find anything.

The Expert answers:

GMO’s themselves, they’ve been around for oh, a few thousand years, and the genetic modifying by breeding plants, has been going on since the turn of the century. The antagonsit of GMO will say, we don’t know the long term effects. Yes, we don’t but being that in the last 100 years the human life span has increased 40-60 years beyond what it was at the turn of the century i don’t think we have to worry too much about GMO’s. Your body ingest thousands of chemicals daily! The stuff you inhale from your car is far worse than what you eat from a potatoe that has fish genes in it, on a molecular level it doesn’t make a difference, and there is no clear science proving gmo’s to be bad, wait i know someone will argue. Studies have shown GMO’s to do this, that etc, but studies have shown the same results from organics and conventional foods. When it comes down to a cellular level, there is virtually no difference in the digestive process. The main other thing about GMO, without it, we could only feed 1/3 of the population!

Joseph asks…

What is a sustainable yearly wage for an average American family?

For basic necessities only (food, shelter, clothing). In your answer please specify the family size.

What type of government can best provide people the tools to meet those needs?

The Expert answers:

For a family of four, with children sharing the bedroom I would say it breaks down as follows:

Food: $600 per month, depending on locale. $7,200.00
Shelter: $500 per month, again with local variances. $6,000.00
Clothing: About $400 per person each year. $1,600.00

This will total $9200.00. Unfortunately this will barely scratch the surface for most families. I have not included utilities, transportation, school expenses, entertainment, church contributions, taxes or other expenses. I would say the minimum sustainable yearly income for most families this size would be nearer $50,000. Nobody can live on basic necessities only unless they are in a nursing home. (And nursing homes aren’t cheap either.)

It should not be the place of government to provide family necessities. Government should defend our shores, deliver the mail and maintain law and order. Historically, families have prospered when they were given the freedom and the means to provide for themselves. For those unable to provide for themselves, churches are commanded to care for widows and orphans and I would extend this to include all who are incapable of maintaining themselves.

William asks…

Why are dog owners happy to allow irresponsible pet owners to abuse pets?

yet not happy to allow unwanted pets be put down humanely & sold to China as a sustainable food source ?
Would they rather see the Chinese kill dogs inhumanely & miss out on a big market for our unwanted pet just because we can not stand it happening to fluffy ?
You may just save pets in China a miserable fate.

The Expert answers:

It’s a twisted cold harsh world. Nobody cares, i guess you could relate it to the Hollocaust, you see they didnt rescue the people straight away did they? So maybe we all gotta wait , but someone has to make a stand :S I hope they stop torturing them animals, cause that right there is cannabilism, my dogs like family to me. Like i said, some people dont have a heart, youre either raised with a conscience or with out one.

Donna asks…

How many acres are needed for sustainable living?

Imagine a group of 15-40 people living together as a group or tribe in the wilderness. Except for some permaculture and animals kept (such as chickens), most of the food comes from hunting and gathering.
How many acres are really needed, as all hunting and gathering will be on the tribe’s own land?
Very thankful for a reply, and please leave a source or other proof of what you’re saying.

The Expert answers:

I would say about .8 acre per person or more. That is how big my lot is and it’s more than enough for my garden and chickens. If I were hunting, especially for a group, I would guess the total area per person should be about 10 acres.

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