Steven asks…
What is the best online dating site for eco-friendly singles?
Looking for a decent honest site where I can meet green eco–friendly singles like me.
The Expert answers:
Hahahahhaha, i am eco friendly, go to hahahahahahahahaha dude just put that in your profile or something on any of the sites. Prove me wrong and say your not a far lefty. Hahahahah wow this made my day…
Laura asks…
What are some ways to make my school eco friendly?
My friend and I are running for co-prez and we want to make our school eco friendly. We already have low-flush toilets and recycling bins. What else? 10 POINT TO BEST ANSWER! Thanks.
The Expert answers:
Recycle bins for sure.
How about some of the following:
Compost pile for ground clippings
Start an organic garden for the cafeteria
Use recycled paper in computer lab
Make sure light bulbs are energy star certified or CFL compatible.
Solar panels to supplement energy usage
One of the biggest issues you’ll face is fundraising to make these happen. School budgets are super tight and don’t have a ton of wiggle room for additional spending. But you could lobby the school board to at least allocate a portion of the next years budget to eco-friendly efforts. Good luck.
Susan asks…
How are eco-friendly detergents better for the enviroment?
Compared to those which are no eco–friendly ?
The Expert answers:
One huge thing that makes the difference is the presence of phosphates in the detergent. Phosphates are one of the number one polluters of our waterways. There is a whole slew of nasty stuff found in conventional cleaners though. Here is a list of commonly found chemicals in household detergents and cleaners:
Joseph asks…
Do you have any of the old fashioned eco friendly skills?
A lot of the skills that used to be used are very eco friendly. Do you have any of these eco friendly skills? Do you still use them?
I am thinking about the old skills which used things they had to hand, because they grew locally or used recycled materials such as:
bottling, jam making and preserving
willow items, baskets, lampshades
coppicing, drystone walling
curing meats and skins
making home prepartions for toiletries, medicines
making carts, buggies, trailers,
making own gardening implements/tools
bee keeping, making beeswax products
rag rug making, darning – who can darn now?
Any other old fashioned eco friendly skills you have?
The Expert answers:
Yep can do most of all of that. Brought up old fashioned, do a lot of it now. Eco-friendly is the best way to go, better quality items also.
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Sharon asks…
What are some ways for home RENTERS to be eco-friendly without making permanent modifications to the house?
I rent a house and want to implement some energy-saving or eco–friendly options in my home life, but I won’t be here long enough to bother the landlord with making permanent modifications.
Also, I’m pretty broke. Anybody have any ideas?
The Expert answers:
The 1st and most important word in the mantra is reduce. Reduce the toxins in your cleaning supplies, using baking soda and vinegar can save you money and they with a little liquid soap can clean almost anything. Reduce the amount of energy you use, opening windows when to let a cool breeze in or opening drapes to let the sunlight in etc. Adjusting your thermostat up a few degrees in the summer and down in the winter can save energy as well. Only washing full loads of laundry or dishes, and wearing clothes that look clean more than once before washing. Reduce waste, buying the right portion so you don’t have food waste, cooking at home and freezing leftovers can reduce food waste as well. I’ve noticed the healthier I eat the less garbage I create. Processed foods have excessive packaging as well as excessive chemicals.
Just think frugal and you are being kinder to the planet. Everything we do, use, buy or consume has an impact, so the less we buy the lower our impact.
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