Your Questions About Green Living

Lizzie asks…

Why is it that Europe moves forward while America seems to be regresing?

European human rights movement is getting stronger, gay marraige, freedom of speech, huge investment in infastructure, freedom of movement, higher levels of education, high focus on environmental issues.
What do you think?

The Expert answers:

I know it sounds good, but I’m still proud to live in the America.

Mandy asks…

Over the last 3 decades the environmental lobby has never had massive support, so why?

Are we in this energy crisis because of them? I mean environmentalissues” never ranked in the top 5 of importance to the American voter, and yet they have managed to insure no drilling for American oil in ANWR or off the coasts of our nation (even though other countries will), they’ve managed to insure no new oil refineries were built in 30 years, and that no new nuclear power plants were created. How did the environmental lobby succeed to wreck America without voter support?

The Expert answers:

There is no money in environmentalism. But now, they are trying to block the only real chance we have to avoid a depression (drilling in anwar and off florida coast).
I am a republican, but this is both parties faults.

John asks…

liberals, why aren’t you concerned about population growth of Mexicans in America?

You seem to be very environmentally concerned about over population, but you are mum on obvious
practice of illegal Mexicans coming to the U.S. and having babies. Their birth rate is alarming.
And you say nothing. Is it because you are only concerned about environmental issues when it
doesn’t insult a minority, or an illegal alien?
anna are you concerned about the world’s population are NOT? You prove my point. You are afraid to criticize what is an obvious problem according to liberals, over population, when it comes to illegal Mexicans. Just how spineless are you?

The Expert answers:

Well what do you expect liberals to do? You can’t prevent that amount of people from crossing the border. Not only that, but who cares and their birth rate, Mexicans aren’t infected or dangerous why should we be alarmed. So their stealing our jobs and not paying taxes, but we’d pay taxes and be hired before any Mexican regardless. Preventing enviornmental damage is important because there is no known way to reverse some of the damage being done. Certain enviornmental issues are more of a priority than the issue of illegal immigrants.

William asks…

i REALLY need help!!?

so i need to know this for a final in world studies:

Analyze the connection between economic problems/prosperity environmental issues in Latin America.

Thank you!!!
wow… no need 2 be mean… just asking for help!

The Expert answers:

I know nothing about the topic but it seems obvious..

If they’re in an economic crisis, they have no money to support the enviornment.

Helen asks…

What type of government would you describe this as?

Well ive been playing this game called nations, in which over time you answer political questions, and the results will change your country. And ive been playing for a bit now, so I wondering what type of government is this?

->Detail on the country, they dramatize it a bit.

The Nation of Better America is ruled by President Davila. Purity of bloodline is the primary deciding factor in the replacement of rulers in Better America. Technology is at the forefront of scientific research and the nation flourishes with superior communication and means of production. Government sponsored programs for health care allow any individual who owns land to receive care.

Life in Better America is very safe due to the right of the police to randomly search private property. This country sports an impressive military force which operates fully on testosterone-driven body builders which are used to intimidate any adversary. Religious tolerance is available to all those who can afford to buy it. All children in Better America ages five to thirteen are eligible for free placement testing to determine their proper schooling placement.

Most environmental issues in Better America are resolved with a simple coin toss which is then translated by an official coin toss interpreter. Privatization of corporations and free market are new concepts developing in this country, and freedom of speech has recently been allotted to the citizenship of Better America, but consequences for what citizens freely say are still enforced.

The Expert answers:

Sounds like something a collaboration between Robert A. Heinlein and Philip K. Dick would come up with.

I’d like to read it!

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