Your Questions About Green Living

David asks…

Which groups of Society would the government target first to be exterminated?

In a country where people are living longer, being born earlier and population growth is a key concern.

The decision made by China (imposing a limit on the amount of children you can have) backfired as they neglected to take into account that people would choose artificial insemination, which actually increased the population with multiple births.

They now are committed to building 20 new cities to house there ever expanding population.

What action do you thing your government will take in the future to solve this serious problem, which if you ask almost any scientist, they will tell you that they are more concerned about population growth the environmental issues.
Should the government choose to limit the births, then they exterminate the people who never had a chance to be conceived and born.

The Expert answers:

If they target themselves it would be a good starting point..

Nancy asks…

What do you think about agenda 21.?

World overpopulation, environmental issues, food and water shortages, and those nasty greenhouse gasses, have forced the UN to take control of the world and sign the agenda 21 agreement. At current earth population of 6 billion (which was only 5 billion 8 years ago) there just is not enough farm land to grow enough food. 1/3 of the rain forest has been cut down to provide more food for growing demand. Riots rage in most countries over food shortages. And on the surface Agenda 21 looks like its trying to head in the right direction to control the limited earths remaining resources. But the form of control would require immoral and inhumane destruction of the masses, or most of them in the end. I wondered how the rest of you feel about where this is heading. If there is anything you feel we as humans can possibly do to slow this process to find a different solution to achieve the same goal. China laws require one child per family, but still because there are billions of them, their population climbs and climbs anyway. The U.N. sees this, and thus far 179 countries have signed agenda 21. i’m wondering, now thats its signed, and we begin to dislike the outcome of that signing, if we can ever pull out and demand a different way of achieving the same objective.

The Expert answers:

WHY DO YOU THINK THERE ARE TOXINS AND POISONS IN OUR FOOD AND WATER? Most ignorant people don’t know, they don’t want to know, and they don’t care. BUT THAT”S OKAY because only the intelligent ones who avoid those toxins and poisons will live better and longer and healthier. Secretely… It has to be this way! If everyone followed the healthy rules… Then NOBODY would die as quick and then we would have a resource issue, plus more people would lose jobs in hospitals, pharmacies, etc… Somebody has to live!( the smart ones) and Somebody has to die!(the ignorant ones.) Health is for those who want it. It’s not for those who need it! And this information is the Root to the SECRET. Agenda 21 looks scarey! But the American Govt isn’t really helping their own people either? Something is wrong with them, as if they are possessed by some thought control? God Help us all! Good luck!

John asks…

What comes next in this debate on FREE TRADE?

I am looking for a rebuttal in this argument over free trade between China and the U.S. This is essentially a debate over whether or not it is wrong for the U.S. to use China to manufacture goods cheaply.

Argument 1: Free trade between the United States and China is beneficial for both countries– it allows U.S. industry to lower manufacturing cost and it has greatly diminished poverty levels in China

Argument 2: The U.S. should issue a moratorium on trade until China changes it’s environmental and labor laws.

Argument 3: ????

The Expert answers:

Tariff all imports so they cost the same or more than US build product.

James asks…

I need to get this to school…?

Ch. 35: War and Revolution in China and Vietnam

A – Main Idea: China and Vietnam had to deal with underdevelopment, overpopulation, impoverished people, and environmental degradation on top of the loss of the traditional lives their ancestors had led for thousands of years. This led to revolutions by the indigenous peoples against the imperialistic powers pressing these changes upon them. The European domination of these two countries differed from other colonial conquests because the Chinese and the Vietnamese gained relatively few gains. Instead they were smashed, and left to their own devices to recover. China became a struggle for power, mainly between the military alliance headed by Yuan Shikai, and the wealthy merchants along the coast, a group in which Sun Yat-sen was involved. PUT VIETNAMESE HERE!!!!

B – Important People:
Yuan Shikai – Leader of the most powerful military clique in northern China.
Sun Yat-sen – Headed the Revolutionary Alliance (anti-Qing).
Li Dazhao – Interpreted Marxist philosophy. Emphasized renewal of a nation
Mao Zedong – Joined Li’s study circle. Became major Communist leader
Zhao Enlai – Founded Communist Youth Corps in Paris.

C – Vocabulary:
Mass Line – Introduced by Mao, formed agricultural cooperatives who became farming collectives

D – Outline:
I. Marxism
A. Sun Yat-sen was acting president, until 1912: gave it up to Yuan Shikai.
1. Yuan faked sympathy for democratic alliance leaders, but then built up military and bought out bureaucrats in Beijing.
2. Yat-sen called for revolution to unseat Yuan. Yuan used military power and “underhanded” methods such as assassination. Yuan on his way to become Emperor.
3. Yuan continually stopped by other warlords, nationalists, Japanese influence.
B. Japanese wanted to “establish a hold” on China
1. 1915- Japan presented the Twenty-One Demands (would of made China a dependent protectorate. Yuan did not accept or refuse, which caused one of his warlords to overthrow him. Yuan stepped down in 1916, which was the signal for the “free-for-all” power struggle for China.
C. May 4th – Students and nationalist politicians had widespread demonstrations at what they saw as betrayal by the Entente powers when Japan seized former German concessions. Led to boycotting of Japanese goods.
1. Russian Revolution led to awareness of Marxist solutions to China’s problems.
2: Li Dazhao interpreted Marxist ideas in a way to fit Chinese issues. Stated that China as a whole needed to unite.
3. Summer of 1921 – Communist party of China born in Shanghai
II. Nationalists Take Over
A. Guomindang (Nationalist party) headed by Yat-sen from 1911 to his death in 1925
1. Yat-sen went into exile in Japan in 1914, returned 1919. Meanwhile, Yuan consolidated his regional power bases.
2. Nationalists built power on support by businesspeople and merchants along the coast, local warloards and the criminal underworld. Tried to gain support from Europe and USA, but were disappointed. Turned to Soviet Russia. Bolsheviks sent advisors, encourage Communists to join Nationalists.
B. Mao Zedong, influenced by Li, became leader of Communist party.
1. Due to Nationalist’s full assault, Zedong and Communist’s retreat to country
2. Communists more adept at warfare, earned mandate to rule China
C. Policies
1. Great Leap Forward
A. Wanted to restore the rural base, focused on peasantry
B. Was economically disastrous – leaders abuse peasants, peasants resist
D. Mao’s Fall

But I have no flash drive or anything. Help?!?!

The Expert answers:

I take it you do not have a printer either? The best help I can give you is to get a CD (not very expensive) and copy the report to the CD. Last hope you might copy and paste in an email to a friend and have them print it for you, or print it when you get to school. Good Luck!

Donna asks…

Will America’s environmental efforts even matter?

If China and India do not help? A relative went to China, and he came back with all kinds of respiratory issues after he breathed the air in Shanghai.
They’re building coal power plants left and right.
Jim, If you live in the west coast, your life has not improved, as pollution from China is reaching the west coast (proven fact).

The Expert answers:

No, they will only cripple our own economy and insure Chinese control of world manufacturing.
China Builds one new Coal plant a week, while we step down our coal usage in favor of MASSIVELY more expensive, far less efficient wind and solar alternatives.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Michael asks…

unfairness of wealth distribution, this is my topic for a social position paper ( please comment on essay)?

“Life is unfair” this is phrased so many times within our life time, but the people who presents this idea to us; do they know what unfair really is? Have they overcome unfairness and the disturbing reality that follows it? It’s within honesty to suggest that life is only unfair to people who don’t realize unfairness is occurring within their environment. wealth distribution is said to be a case within the “unfair” trail. I believe the unfairness of wealth distribution that is occurring around the world is occurring for many different reasons, one of the reason being where the continent or country or even city lays at in the grid of power,development and historically

Unfairness is almost indescribable. It could be represented in many different statements or ideas and can be looked at from many different points of views and perspectives. An example of this is a kid who doesn’t receive his evening treat; is that really unfair?-it might be for the kid; since he sees the treat as a requirement-Or should we look at unfairness as those kids in Africa who don’t receive a single bite to fight off their hunger?-this wouldn’t be unfair to those kids because they are used to the struggle of finding their own needs” No one really knows what to think of unfairness as. I as an intelligent being; I survey a wide assortment of ideas and perspectives; an example would be looking at unfairness form a childish view or a little more mature view of a teenager and still gather the same thought-this said; the child and teenager would be rather wealthy- I would attack unfairness as not receiving what I “want”- which in a collective view is ironic since it’s “UNFAIR” to think of unfairness in such a way.
That is NOT unfairness-it might be for those two age groups who are wealthy enough to view it at such circumstances-; unfairness is what’s occurring around the world this very moment, the starvation of children in Africa or Asia or in countries and places that are thought of in a more wealthy view such as the U.S.A; yet it doesn’t occur to too many beings that this is one of the true meaning of unfairness-starvation. At this very moment its 2008 October the 23th 7: 35 P.M and there are 6,701,887,230 people on this earth, some struggling for food and drinkable water, some are dealing with family issues and some are having the time of their lives; this has been the case of people for millions of years; time hasn’t come to a point where it interferes with those people and what they are doing at this very moment; yet it’s fair to say that time can eventually come to a point where it may erases the struggle of finding food and clean water; but it’s also fair to say that time can also come to a point where it can erase everything: such as happiness . Wealth distribution is a big ball player in the game of “unfairness”.
Unfairness and wealth distribution go hand in hand. For example, look at the difference of overall wealth of a continent such as Africa and a continent such as North America or Europe! We see an enormous change of lifestyle and environmental factors; the fact of why this enormous change occurs within these two rather large continents is unknown; unknown, but it’s not wrong to say that one factor that could have played an important role in determining wealth distribution may be the history of the continent or country. If you look at histories of any state and the history of many African countries you will surely find an outstanding difference. Proof of this is where the country or continent sit at right now-status wise. The history of Africa and North America has extreme differences; Africa was ruled by other colonizing European countries for quite a while, which brought down its status. But when we look at America, it was never ruled by any other opposing countries. America is said to be self powered. Looking more closely at wealth distribution and fairness of the distribution we can look at a student attending an American school and an African student attending an African school (most of the time children in Africa don’t even receive the privilege of attending school)- another unfortunate fact of wealth distribution- the American student would receive quiet the education and an opportunity to successfully get places; the African child on the other hand struggles to find a pencil and a paper to write down the rather miserable education provided to become something in the near future. Opportunities are provided in the bigger “historical player” (North America), but Africa receives nothing except starvation, misery and at some points death of its young.
even though history is a big part of wealth distribution the leading government of the country is also important since it usually decides how wealth is to be spread within the country, a bad ruling government will mean power distribution and sometimes even theft of a country’s wealth, an example of this bad leadership is Saddam Hussein, previous president of iraq

The Expert answers:

Get your facts straight…

Starvation in Africa is not caused by an unfair distribution of food, per se. The starvation is a direct result of warfare, theft, and cleptocracy. We send food and aid, and the rulers and warlords steal it.

In societies that enact enough redistribution of the wealth, nobody creates any, and nobody gets any (except the rulers, who steal what little there is).

Lisa asks…

Why do Republicans lie about Senator Obama’s foreign policy experience?

Obama’s service on the Foreign Relations committee has placed him in an unique position in that he is the Chair of the Subcommittee on European Relations and serves on the Subcommittees on African Affairs; East Asia and Pacific Affairs; and International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection. This cross-section of subcommittees places Obama in a unique position of having knowledge about Asian, African and European issues. The only other member of the Foreign Relations committee who is running for President is Democrat Joseph Biden who is Chairman of the full Foreign Relations Committee yet unlike Obama he does not serve on any of the other foreign policy committees and his experience is limited to foreign policy issues covered by the Foreign Relations Committee.

Obama has also traveled extensively in his capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and has visited Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan in Asia; Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, and the Palestinian Territories in the Middle East; and Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa in Africa. Obama has also co-sponsored the “Lugar-Obama Act” with Republican Senator Richard Lugar who was Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations at the time. This act was a bi-partisan effort to increase U.S. security in terms of the elimination of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction. This legislation came out of Obama’s trip with Senator Richard Lugar to Russia, the Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

Obama has also sponsored legislation such as the “Democratic Republic of Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act” which was signed into law by President Bush on December 22, 2006. Obama has co-sponsored immigration related bills related to his service on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee including the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. His extensive foreign policy experience exceeds that of every other Presidential candidate including his trips abroad in the performance of his official duties as a member of committees dealing with foreign relation issues.

While some have criticized Obama’s foreign travel claiming that he is the most traveled freshman Senator in doing so they often fail to mention that as a result of his extensive trips abroad is legislation such as the Lugar-Obama Act instead preferring to make the political connection between his travels abroad to his run for President yet others will recognize the experience he has gained as a result of his foreign trips and recognize that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he is expected to travel extensively and that his travels often were with the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

On the Republican side, you have McCain who doesn’t know the difference between Shi’ite and Sunni or that certain foreign borders aren’t where he says they are and you have his running mate, a neophyte with zero foreign relations experience and zero knowledge of the subject.

It really is straight out of the Rove playbook, isn’t it, to lie about your opponent’s strengths when you sorely lack in that very department?

The Expert answers:

Is there a question here or just a long rant?

The GOP doesn’t lie about Barry’s record, or lack thereof. It speaks for itself.

Ruth asks…

Which class should I take for college in integrative science?

AA S 575 Asian American Community Health Issues
AFRS 201 Kemet, Afro-centricity, and the Dawn of Science [LLD, AERM]
AFRS 213 Science and Spirituality in Ancient Africa II [LLD, AERM]
AIS 450 American Indian Science
ASTR 405 Astrobiology
BIOL 160 Marine Biology
BIOL 310 Biology for Today’s World
BIOL 313 Principles of Ecology [L/F]
BIOL 317 Ecology of California
BIOL 318 Our Endangered Planet
BIOL 322 Human Sexuality–Integrative Science [LLD]
BIOL 326 Disease!
BIOL 333 The Genetic Revolution
BIOL 349 Bioethics [LLD]
CHEM 107 Exploration of The Chemistry of Plants
CHEM 108 Exploration of The Chemistry of Plants Laboratory (1) [L/F]
CHEM 121 Chemistry in the Causes and Prevention of Cancer [LLD]
CHEM/ENVS 380 Chemistry Behind Environmental Pollution
ENGR 210 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
ENGR 220 Energy: Resources, Alternatives, and Conservation
ENVS 392 Nature, Culture and Technology
ENVS/GEOG 600 Environmental P

The Expert answers:

Wow some great choices! But where are you’re interests? Would you rather take a class about plants or diseases of the human body? If it were me I would take something in the Bio field; it tends to be more interesting in my opinion.

Sharon asks…

Why do people not question, and just believe everything that james watson states about race an intelligence?

I’ve seen this on television programs and I’ve read the articles.
I strongly disagree that race has anything at all to do with intelligence. It seems that societies these days are full of very passive people, who just believe what they are told in the media.
Just because a scientist has said that race and intelligence have a relationship, does not and i mean NOT mean that this is totally true.
I think it is actually very unintelligent to suggest that the lighter your skin colour is, the more intelligent you will be.
I have read so many of the studies done, to prove that some races are superior to others in academics. James Watson says that its genetic that some races are more intelligent than others, but its not genetic at all, this difference in intelligence is due to culture and environmental factors, and this is what most studies actually prove.

It is stated that blacks are the least intelligent race, however
many blacks live in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, where there are families of low income, lone parents, and violence, which is not the ideal environment to produce highly academic thinkers.
It is also not the blacks fault that they live in the ‘ghetto’ areas, because this happened when slavery was abolished, blacks could not get jobs because of racial discrimination and some where left homeless, this left a massive scar on the people of colour.

My closest aunt has got a PhD in social sciences, and she travelled a lot, and has done studies of her own, in schools all around the world, and found that there were no major differences in intelligence in private schools, but there were major differences in intelligence in public schools, and it had nothing to do with race but really their environment.
I also disagree with the race intelligence theory, because i once lived in an inner city area in London, and a lot of the students that attended my school, were working class white students, after high school many of them did not make it to college, a lot of them did not have any care for education, all they wanted to do was, work manual jobs or go on to receive benefits. The few people in my school from countries like South Africa, India and China tended to be the ones who did well all the time, so how can whites be genetically smart.
When people ask questions like, but why is it that Africa is poor ,if Africans are so smart ?,
Well most Indians are very smart but why doesn’t anyone ask the same question, why is India so poor.

Are people so blind to see that this is just another way to simply say that blacks are inferior.
Look at president Obama, i mean for god’s sake, his the president of the USA, which is the richest first world country. He is clearly a lot smarter than president Bush.
This whole thing about ‘no whites are better’, ‘no Asians are better’, ‘no blacks are better’ sounds very childish to me, and it really needs to stop, but of course there will always be racists out there like James Watson to make people feel inferior because of the colour of their skin.

All i want to know is why do people not challenge these issues or debate these topics intelligently, why do people not research, people just seem to only rely on the media and hearsay.
People shouldn’t be so ignorant, people should educate themselves about these issues not wait for someone else to this.
Mr Watson’s research has many faults.
I think he is just another attention seeker and it is dangerous that people actually believe all that Mr Watson states about race and intelligence without questioning minds.i personally think Mr Watson’s theory is a whole lot of nonesense.

p.s. I’m white, black and asian, so i am not biased in my argument, I am basing it on FACT.

The Expert answers:

Who haz all da money? White peple. So dey have to b smarrta dan uz.

John asks…

LADIES: Would you allow your hubby to take your toddler out of the country for vacation….WITHOUT you…?

(I’ve already asked this question on another board, but just curious what responses I’ll get here in the Parenting section):

I’ve been married for 4 years, but together with hubby for 14 years. Our son will be 3 years old next month…………and my husband (who’s African) wants to take our son to his country for 2 weeks, to see other family members who are there.

Ladies…..if you were married to a man from another country (3rd world country, that is) would you allow him to take your young child?

At first, I had agreed……..but later after thinking about it some time, decided I didn’t want him to, for the following reasons:

1. Traveling to a 3rd world country, where sanitation isn’t like the U.S., I’m afraid my son will get sick from diarrhea or malaria. I feel he’s too young to understand he can’t put his hands in his mouth, he can’t drink the water, etc.

2. Even though my hubby is a good dad, I just don’t know if DADS are as watchful and neurotic as MOMS are (sorry, Dads, but I just don’t think you are). Hubby says I am too protective. My concern is that hubby will not seriously take to heart any health concerns that may crop up while they are there. Diarrhea for a toddler is NOT the same as diarrhea for an adult.

3. Our son is too young to remember the experience. Why not wait until he’s 5, maybe, when he might be able to appreciate the experience more?

4. I think a trip of this sort really requires 2 parents. I can’t go along because I am 12 weeks pregnant with baby #2.

My suggestion has been to wait a couple years so that our son is older…..and more able to handle the environmental differences.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not at all concerned about hubby taking our son and kidnapping him to Africa. That’s not even what this is about. It’s more about do you trust that your husband has what it takes to provide the same level of CARE that you would provide? Hubby and I have disagreed a lot about him thinking I am too PROTECTIVE and me thinking he’s too LAID BACK. For example, I am a stickler for making sure the car seat straps are not twisted, that the seat is tightly in place. Hubby complains that “the seat is fine” and he just doesn’t take to heart issues that could be a SAFETY HAZARD. I also worry that if our son were to get sick, he would wave it off like other illnesses/colds/etc. that our son has had and not be as concerned to get him treated by a dr.

Hubby makes comments that our son is “tough” and “is a man” and that I always “baby” our son. I’m sorry, but a 3 year old isn’t a man; he’s a toddler. And I just worry that being in a different country, he won’t shield him as protectively as I would. I’m afraid he will trivialize real threats (similar to the car seat example).


Well, by the time he is thinking of going (Sept 2009), I will be further along in pregnancy, and I’m also concerned about health risks, vaccinations, etc. But, I also do not have the vacation time to take off for 2 weeks (it would affect the amount of maternity leave I would have).
It’s been about a month or so since hubby mentioned wanting to take our son. He hasn’t purchased plane tickets yet. His brother lives there, as well as his great-uncle, who he wants our son to meet.
I forgot to mention that I asked my mother-in-law (who now lives here in the U.S., but goes back every couple years), and even SHE agrees that we should wait until our son is older!!!! That’s an important point I forgot to include! 🙂 I trust her opinion, too.

The Expert answers:

My husband has gone out of state with our kids without me and I trust him completely. I don’t think he would ever even think about going out of the country without me. I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable with him leaving the country with them not because I don’t trust him, but because I have major issues with the cleanliness of foreigners. I wouldn’t want my small children exposed to germs and whatever else they might encounter.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sandy asks…

Where are the closest year-round farmer’s markets near Champaign, Illinois?

I am a kitchen manager for my Fraternity. I am looking to purchase locally grown food from farmers, hopefully year round. There are quite a few markets that are open until the beginning of November, but does anyone know of some that offer year-round fresh produce? Some farmers grow food indoors year-round, but I am having difficulty locating places near Champaign. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me in my search for finding sustainable food opportunities.

The Expert answers:


You may have better luck hooking up with several individual farms rather than using a farmers market in winter time, especially if there is not one close to you or if it runs once a month.

Also, you will likely have to buy in bulk ahead of time and this could be an issue if your kitchen does not have very, very, very secure storage facilities that the frat boys cannot break into at night (I was a frat cook for 2 years before i became a produce farmer and had all sorts of strange damage to the kitchen and food due to late night foraging by drunk frat boys)

I applaud your efforts for buying local for the frat you work for-Bravo!!!

Lisa asks…

Can capitalism create sustainable solutions to combat global poverty?

or is it truly an inefficient system? It is undoubtedly capitalism that has caused the vast majority of the world’s problems, stemming from a universal desire for profit. It is capitalism that creates the “value” that profits are above people. It is imperialism, a result of capitalism, that has trapped many countries into inefficient regimes and poverty as a result. Because multinational corporations thrive on these conditions, people in 3rd world countries continue to be exploited. Governments, nations, and war are only necessary under global capitalism (or any profit-based economy). The abolition of capitalism and the state will end inefficiency from capitalism and from governments that oppress their people. Thus, production can be geared towards helping one another. We will ensure that all people get access to food, water, shelter and other necessities. This cannot be possible under capitalism because it is not profitable. Thus, people will ALWAYS be poor under capitalism.

The Expert answers:

Just look at all the contributions given to help poverty in history, you can bet that 90% of them come from Capitalist countries, if not 99%*****
Socialist have two levels , the rich / elite and the poor/peasants, if you want that go to where it thrives,go and let America continue to prosper and supply the world with great inventions like the computer, electricity, planes, medical miracles, Satellite TV, etc.**********

Susan asks…

How much would it cost to build a very sustainable home?

so i was just thinking of what kind of home i’d like when i grow up and i obviously want one that gets energy through renewable resources such as solar power, wind, and geothermal maybe. my question is how much it would be to build a new house with all this installed and also with good insulation and also the house be a passive solar system. and if someone could answer this too, is it possible to build a house anywhere you want? and also grow food by yourself?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you can build a house almost anywhere you want and you can grow food by yourself; but, this all depends on your level of dedication to those particular tasks as they will require a great deal of time and fortitude. As far as the green house goes, you can do some research on people who have built green houses. From what I have seen you’ll spend about 30% – 50% more on a green house versus a regular one.

Paul asks…

In my APES class we are doing a Sustainable City Design Project. What city should we choose?

Apparently choosing the location is a critical part of this project and it should be researched in-depth. This city has to provide everything you can think of for a population of 50,000 and have an industry as well as housing, food, water, transportation, jobs, an education system, waste management, etc. My teacher said it would be stupid to choose a place like Miami or Buffalo because of the climates. So, what would be a wise place to choose? We were thinking California. Maybe Malibu or a little more north like Santa Barbara. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

What about Santa Cruz (about 55,000 population) and the industry is tourism. Petaluma is another and they are farming (it is noted for its chickens) and they sit at about 55,000

Betty asks…

In my APES class we are doing a Sustainable City Design Project. Should we choose a city in California?

Apparently choosing the location is a critical part of this project and it should be researched in-depth. This city has to provide everything you can think of for a population of 50,000 and have an industry as well as housing, food, water, transportation, jobs, an education system, waste management, etc. My teacher said it would be stupid to choose a place like Miami or Buffalo because of the climates. So, what would be a wise place to choose? We were thinking California. Maybe Malibu or a little more north like Santa Barbara. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

What’s wrong with the climate in Miami? Seems pretty sustainable to me.

Los Angeles has all the things you mentioned, but didn’t until about 1910, when they built the aqueduct to LA. Something to think about.

Santa Barbara must rely on its own water supply. I know in drought years, things get really iffy there.

Malibu? Malibu is a strip of land 26 miles long, with no industry to speak of, that is sandwiched between the ocean and the mountains. The only reason it survives is because it relies on LA County Metropolitan Water District for its water, and it’s VERY high income clientele for its property tax base.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Carol asks…

Are the Majority of American Citizens Willing to Work together to Achieve Energy Independence?

Can’t disrupt the tourist trade. (Energy has better paying jobs)
Can’t aggravate the hunters. (Surely we’ve got past this/why else are state and local governments looking into the impact of Breeding Farms for “Wildlife” and why are Auto Insurance rates rising)
What about the Wildlife. (Checkout the Alaskan Pipeline personally or try and find someone you know and trust to ask)
Reduced Property Values. (Most of these are built in Disaster Prone Areas anyway)
Alternative Energies. (All of these are now on somebodies NIMBY List)
Let’s debate it and give YOUR personal experiences of Pro and Con, not reference to somebody else.
Can be any little impact in your daily life, not necessary to be of World Shaking Importance.

The Expert answers:

I know I sure am. I’m tired of gas prices. Where we live we have our own natural gas well that we own, so we don’t pay anything for heat and most of our appliances are natural gas, of course, because we don’t have to pay for it. We live WAY out in the country and I’m researching wind energy currently. I mean before we had electricity, humans used wind power to grind wheat….windmills. I think technology is quite capable of making cars run on other things than gas but money makes the laws in the US…look at pharmaceutical companies. And as for hunting….we stand in our house and can shoot deer if we want to. We don’t even have to get cold or wet, the deer come right up to our pond. We are on well water, so we don’t have to pay for that resource either. The major financial drain for us is gas for our cars. Being way out in the country, there are not many, if any, good paying jobs, so commuting is essential. I still believe they are other sources to run an engine that do not involve a non-renewable resource but no company will ever make a car that runs on something cheaper. Money and greed make laws and legislation. There are no health reprucussions from our wells, that I know of or have seen any signs of. All our wildlife is healthy and active. I would sure like to see more wind turbines.

Mary asks…

What is the un-intended consquence with alternative energy vehicles?

Something to think about as we are bashing Oil Companys….

In few years there will be more electrical cars on the road…
so are these the consequences…?

1. Less gas usage…implies less tax revenue for the Feds and State….so the State will raise and disguise taxes in other areas of your life…maybe in utilities. Are they going to screw us no matter what? Remember, that town that told its citizens to use less water for water conservation…but end up raising fees because it wasn’t getting the revenue due to less water usage?

2. Less gas usage ….implies less revenue for the Gas Station. I mean why shop at a store you don’t need Gas anymore.

3. Less Demand for gas…implies the Oil Companies may not receive the revenue they need that helps provides jobs.

Are we ready to deal with these consequences?

I’m all for alternative energy and electric cars…but are we ready to deal with the impact? ….the unintended impact?
Mr. Chi,

I realize that Gas Stations do not make money…but many shoppers who get snacks are there because they stop to get gas.

Also…gas taxes is a revenue source for the government….

My concern becomes…where will the government try to take money from us?
No Brown…

thats not what Im saying…I’m saying we beat our chest….wanting something…but we must be prepared for the whiplash of what we get…

My biggest concern is that the Governmnet will invent another tax to screw us even more….

The Expert answers:

Do you mean: “Will the world ever be perfect”? No. Alternative fueled cars will still break down and get flat tires.

Wheels used to fall off of covered wagons, and horses poop.

The chain used to come off of my bicycle on a regular basis.

There are always going to be issues. BUT…do you want to quit trying because you can’t find a “perfect solution”?

Mandy asks…

What are some web sources for oil drilling and against alternative energy?

I’m doing a debate in favor of oil drilling soley on U.S. soil, and that we don’t need alternative energy.
(not my choice)
But I need more legit info like how it will stimulate american jobs, how you will pay less at the pump, and why we need to worry more about oil than new forms of energy.
I know this is a toughy.
I have the ASWF and drill here drill now, but if anyone knows of any sites that could aide me in this it would be much appreciated. Especially a site with a graph of some sort. idk. anything would help.

The Expert answers:

Here is my question that Yahoo wouldn’t allow to be posted – information and web sites:
Did Obama go to Brazil to consummate this deal?
Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling
“The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a “preliminary commitment” letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees.”

U.S. Government Loaned Mexican Government More Than $1 Billion to Drill Oil in Gulf of Mexico Last Year; Has $1 Billion More Planned For This Year

Drilling in the Gulf is OK’d for Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, China, Venezuela etc. BUT NOT for ALL US Companies!
Petrobras Gets OK to Produce Oil, Gas in Gulf of Mexico

Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits
The Government FINALLY Issued 5 permits
Those New Gulf Oil-Drilling Permits? Not So New
The ACLU – Still could block these permits.

Sharon asks…

Does anyone believe the government needs to be investing tax dollars alternative energy? Why can’t the private?

Sector do it with professional investors who risk their own money and do their own due delegence?

Does anyone believe the government bruecrats will do a better job protecting your investment than a professional investment team?

The Expert answers:

Yes, many people realize that there are situations where government investment is better than private, and that the push to convert in a big way to cheap, clean energy is one of them.

We have seen how turning things over to professional investors works — most of them are professional scam artists.

When we have intelligent, non-corrupt people in government, yes, they do a reasonably good job. It isn’t their job to steal everyone’s money, like “professional investors.”

Oversight is a GOOD thing — you get none with the private sector.

George asks…

Alternative energy engineering?

What does an alternative energy engineer do on a daily basis, is it hard to study this major in university and how many years do you need to study? Is it a good paying job now and in the future, can you become rich from it? What are the best universities for this major?

The Expert answers:

I don’t think there is such a thing as an alternative energy engineering degree.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Susan asks…

What jobs could i get with a degree in ‘Green energy technology’?

is it a waste of time studying a degree like this? or will it bring me fantastic job prospects in the future as countries aim to generate more of their energy via greener sources?
Or is the renewable energy industry looking for tradesmen like plumbers? or maybe skilled electrical engineers?

Any information will be fantastic…

The Expert answers:

Sort of all of the above. While studying green energy in college could lead to a job, it would be better to go for a more generally titled degree. You can still study up on green technology if that is the field you want to get into, but you want to be looking for a job with an engineering degree where you can tell people how much you learned about renewable technology in the interview–not a green energy technology degree where you can’t get an interview to get the chance to explain that it is basically an engineering degree.

And yes, the renewable energy industry is looking for tradesmen of all levels. Plumbers are used for geothermal systems in northern climates. Electricians need to plug in anything that produces or uses electricity, green or not. Electrical engineers need to figure out how to integrate new devices into a power grid. And of course it is worth mentioning that most people feel solar is not nearly as efficient as it could be–if a nobel prize is your life’s ambition, figure out how to make solar power cost-effective and you’ll probably win.

Keep specific goals like getting into green energy in the back of your mind. Whether you decide to go to college for an education or to learn a trade instead, study things that have widespread use so you are more certain to get a job with your training. Making the title of the focus of your study too narrow will make it so that fewer people will be interested in your resume–for no good reason at all. Also, you should be aware that in some political climates, “green” is a dirty word. In other situations it is your foot in the door. For that reason, it would be more ideal to have a resume that can be presented with and without an emphasis on “green”.

Steven asks…

Is ‘renewable energy technology’ too broad a degree to study in order to come out with good job prospects?

I want a career in the green energy sector but not 100% sure what side of the career i’d like to work in, eg engineer or researcher etc. So is it worth studying a degree at leceister university; ‘green energy technology’? Or is is too broad a subject to study and therefore come out with good prospects, if i were to do this course, what would my options be after graduating?

The Expert answers:

You may want to try for something more specific. One option you may want to explore is getting two degrees. One in renewable energy technology and another in something more specific. Stay away from wind b/c it is a dying industry. Solar could gather momentum quickly if there is a break through in battery technology in the near future. This is especially true because solar panel efficiency has improved greatly in the past few years. Corn ethanol is also dying, but there is still a lot of research being conducted recently to try and make ethanol from organic wasted such as lawn clippings, leaves, and lumber mill waste.
If you want a job that I believe is going to be really secure in green energy then go nuclear. Yeah I know there are a lot of problems with nuclear energy especially in the wake of Fukishima, but recent innovations in reactor technology will make it much safer and cleaner in the near future.
1. Thorium has been identified as a possible replacement for uranium as a reactor fuel. The short half life of thorium eliminates waste disposal problems.(India is building an experimental thorium reactor)
2. Liquid salt cooling systems will prevent build up of pressure in the event of a cooling system failure. This would have stopped the Chernobyl accident and reduced the damage at Fukishima.
3. Pebble bed reactors unlike the current fuel rod based reactors can’t get hot enough to melt down even if the cooling system fails. (China has built one and it is working well so far)

Mandy asks…

How much and how has renewable energy developed in recent years? and what about the future?

Is it a 100% guarantee there’ll be tons of jobs created in the renewable energy sector?
What are the jobs that will become of renewable energy in the future?
In the uk, does the government hope to pump more money/jobs into a certain renewable energy, such as wind, solar or geothermal? which one will employ most in the future?

All answers with any relativity to the question would be amazing, thanks if you reply 🙂
Im a uk student debating whether to study green energy technologies.

The Expert answers:

Today not UK but all country of the world is trying to use renewable energy.
BTech,MTech and Art stream student may have more demand in this field.
For more detail you can search in Google or yahoo .

Michael asks…

Is it actually worth doing a renewable energy degree or not?

What would my job prospects be like?

The Expert answers:

Your job prospects?


Paul asks…

What are some careers in renewable energy?

The job titles in alternative energy development that require masters degrees and such?

The Expert answers:

Farm and Home Management Advisor

agricultural business and management, general
farm and ranch management
crop production operations and management
agricultural and food products processing operations and management
agricultural supplies retailing and wholesaling
agricultural animal health
animal sciences, general


agricultural production workers and managers, general
agricultural animal breeding and genetics
crop production operations and management

Food Scientists and Technologists

agriculture/agricultural sciences, general
food sciences and technology
foods and nutrition science

Nursery and Greenhouse Managers

agricultural production workers and managers, general
crop production operations and management
ornamental horticulture operations and management
horticulture services operations and management, general
greenhouse operations and management
nursery operations and management
turf management

Nursery and Greenhouse Manager

horticulture science
horticulture services operations and management, general
agricultural business and management, general
botany, general
farm and ranch management
greenhouse operations and management
ornamental horticulture operations and management


Environmental Compliance Inspector

agricultural and food products processing operations and management
agricultural supplies retailing and wholesaling
plant sciences, general
food sciences and technology
plant protection (pest management)
environmental and pollution control technology/technician

Environmental Science Technician

environmental and pollution control technology/technician
chemical technology/technician

Fish and Game Warden

natural resources law enforcement and protective services
fish/game management
wildlife and wildlands management
fishing and fisheries sciences and management

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sandra asks…

Removing furniture polish build up…help!?

I have a dining room table that I wipe with furniture polish. Seems I now have a lovely build up. I put a bowl on the table and it left a very slight “ring” as it may have been slightly damp on the bottom. I can tell the ring is not into the wood, but in the build up. How on earth do I get rid of it? Ecofriendly solutions would be most appreciated, but I’m happy with any ideas!

The Expert answers:

It really depends on what type of “furniture polish” you have been using. But try this:

George asks…

Need some wood for furniture building. Best online sources for buying?

I am looking at building an upstairs murphy bed, matching towers, and desk. I have the plans, but limited wood sources. Local Lowes/Home Depot have oak and maple plywood. has any wood you need, but their standard lengths are 6′ and I need them closer to 8′. I already have the stain picked out, but need some options.

I remember an article about some wood being grown on a tree farm in South America where the wood has limited knots and is great to work with (also ecofriendly). Can’t find the article right now. Also, width not really a factor since a jointer will work fine. Would just rather build it out of ply with solid faces.

The Expert answers:

Try “DIY”.com and ask Norm Abrahm, or ” this old house” classics

Steven asks…

Any ideas for a hippie 70s/60s style bedroom?

I have always been titled as a hippie or a tree hugger and would like to incoperate that into my bedroom. I love The Beatles and plan to use my posters of them in my bedroom design. I also love the enviorment and have picked up some cool canvases from Target that have ecofriendly messages.
I already talked to my mom about ideas and she said the basics: tie-dye bedspread, door beads for my closet, lava lamp, egg chair. But i need more help on how to make this bedroom a place for a hippie chick.
I was thinking to paint my walls either a green or a purple. Is this hippie enough? if not what are some more colors that would seem better for a hippie?
Also where can i find some good quality bamboo (or other ecofriendly materials) furniture or 70s style furniture?
Please add your ideas for room decor and websites that i may find these items.
Thanks. i look forward to your ideas.

(Please remember these design suggestion must be appoperate for a 13 year olds’ bedroom)

The Expert answers:

Do your wall color a solid color, nothing crazy or tie die – you’ll hate that eventually . When I think hippie I think relaxed, calm, cool ,collected… Maybe a solid purple wall color, some tie die posters pinned up, add some cool beatles memorabilia and dont forgot daisey’s. Those flowers are key, hippies wore daiseys in their hair when they rocked out to Janis Joplin, the Grateful Dead, Hendrix…. All the greats…. Try some black and whites to give it a modern edge, that would look awesome together!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need some ideas on wall colors etc for your room too heres a cool virtual room designer you can use. Its easy and its free and super fun!
Hope these ideas are helpful! Have fun! Make it your own, incorporate all these great ideas people suggested and use them all to make something really original! 🙂

Ken asks…

How to design with Green in Mind?

I want to Choose More Eco Friendly Home Furnishings, but on a Student Budget. HELP!

(furniture, accessories, etc.)

The Expert answers:

Go to your local thrift store – or shop yard sales.

Check on You can find your local chapter and see what people are giving away as well as post your needs.

Its much greener and eco friendly etc to reuse than buy a new item for a lot of different reasons.

Plus, your usually giving money to local people, individuals and often charities (thrift stores can often be associated with charities) as opposed to big business etc no matter how “green” they claim to be.

Not to mention this way of shopping is much kinder to the pocket book : )

Thomas asks…

I need your advise on baby cribs. Can you help?

I am a furniture designer and I am interested in creating a nursery line. Do you Moms/Dads have any suggestions on how to make my cribs more convenient for you? I love modern furniture, so definitely this line will be modern as well. I am also planing to make it ecofriendly, and convertible (crib-daybed). What would you like to see in the future cribs? Any problems with you current cribs, suggestions? THANK YOU!

The Expert answers:

Or cribs side rail if a pain to lower, I have not yet gotten in down and we’ve had the crib for 7 months!

On our crib search it was hard to find a nice solid crib that could last more than one kid. Also All the ones I saw have screw heads that show. Cover those up.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Susan asks…

What are the most urgent environmental issues and what organization is doing the most about it?

I get to designate 4,000$ a year to charity and I believe the environment is the most pressing issue we face today. Where and why can this money be best put to use? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

The Endangered Species Act. People don’t realize it but this is much more important than any issues people have. It is a horrible thing if an animal is Endangered and close to extinction. If people keep killing things then eventually there’s going to be barely any animals left. People are selfish and only care about their own species– if even that! Some people only care about themselves! (Most people actually.)

Mandy asks…

Please write an 8th grd level report on an environmental issue today?

ie: global warming, ecoli, mad cow ect

make it a good length

The Expert answers:

I find it better to write about things close to home rather than world-wide. With that said-
– How about bio-engineered foods (made in U.S – good or bad?)
– The U.S. National Animal Identification System (NAIS) for animals
(used to track animals for scrapie and mad cow – voluntary or mandatory)
– The ethanol craze (corn used to create ethanol fuel – pros and
– Any large lakes or bodies of water in your area that are in bad shape (we have the Salton Sea)
I think you get the idea – check your regional news for other possible issues.
Then- very first thing – make yourself an outline of what you want to say and it will help you pull your report together.

James asks…

What are some overlooked environmental issues?

for a school project i needed to develop potential solutions for environmental issues that are frequently overlooked yet prevalent in today‘s day and age…does anyone have any suggestions? thanks 😀

The Expert answers:

Light pollution
ecological damages of artificial light
there is an article on the national geographic
it was published november 2008 in spanish so i would say sometime before that in english

Carol asks…

Do you feel that more should be done about environmental issues that our society faces today?

The Expert answers:

Will the real Chester please stand up?

Laura asks…

What are the most important issues going on in Pakistan today?

Also are their any websites explaining these issues? Are the cultural, political, or environmental issues more important. I already found every website imaginable, but I still don’t know what is more important.

The Expert answers:

To make a long story short:

After 9/11 America forced Pakistan to fight terrorists living inside Pakistan. Pakistans governemt is beeing pulled in two directions from America on the one side and the Pakistani people on the other.

Most pakistanis oppose it when the Pakistani army targets taliban and Al-Qaeda in their country. America on the other hand wants the Pakistani army to do more and to root out the terrorists.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Donald asks…

What will it take to get people to use alternative energy sources?

I need some links answering or discussing this question.
Also what would happen to all the cars if we made the jump to alternative energy? could our current cars run on it such as natural gas?
Please give me links, I am doing a research project and needs links that I can research into not peoples answers. I’m having trouble finding any links to these that’s why I’m posting this in case anyone knows a reliable source pertaining to this.
Breath it is a research project that is why I asked for links not personal answers.

The Expert answers:

If you are looking under alternative energy for a question about how to change peoples mind you need to sharpen your google-fu. The proper subject would be rhetoric, mass marketing, advertising or possibly even political science. Once you understand this subject you will notice that although this discussion receives frequent mentions it is rarely a main theme in alternative energy literature.

There is a basic reason for this. It is a matter of perspective. There are two basic camps. There are vested interests who have been doing business in a certain way for several generations. They are a small group, well funded with a clear agenda seeking to control or manipulate mass opinion. Funding can poll markets to determine what is of interest and what is considered “good.” Advertising and paid for “informative” articles will then target what is of interest and considered “good” like “security” or “sex” and hook public opinion and products into these values. From the perspective of this camp there is a great deal of interest in “what it will take to get people…”

And then there are the masses who are unfunded, uncoordinated, with many conflicting goals and often very little social perspective. The masses have individual needs and desires. It takes something special to motivate the masses as a unit.

Sometimes this happens after a war or as a result of a collective shock. But it doesn’t last for decades as it can with vested interests.

What this means is that for the masses to move on a subject like alternative energy sources first the resistance provided by vested interests must be overcome and then a collective sense of purpose should be instilled.

Practically this might mean eliminating all subsidies and a blackout on advertising similar to what was done during the anti smoking campaign…and you can see how effective this has been but it would be a start.

Natural gas may be an alternative fuel for a car but it is not an alternative energy source. It is still a fossil fuel. We are now hearing that the US has huge deposits of natural gas. These have been known for decades but the means to extract it has been considered an environmental disaster. With energy more desperately in demand it is felt that this will be overlooked.

Since it is a “research” project, I would not want to simply do your work for you, but I hope I have suggested some new avenues for exploration.

David asks…

Is there still a push for alternative energy?

In the current economy, is there people still wanting and looking for alternative energy?

The Expert answers:

With the crowd in Washington these days, it’s more of a shove at the point of a bayonet.

If they think that CO2 is a pollutant, the folks at the EPA should stop breathing. And “He who must not be named” living in the White House should stay home and not use Air Force One to go for Sunday drives.

William asks…

what are the major related to alternative energy?

I want to major in subject related to alternative energy for undergraduate degree , i can’t find the which major will cover that subject.

The Expert answers:

Depends on if you want to make/design “alternative energy” or you just want to make money or make laws controlling it.

If you want to make or design devices that produce or run on alternative sources of energy, consider physics or engineering. I would suggest nuclear physics, electrical engineering, or biochemical engineering with regard to future energy resources.

Many people will get rich trading “carbon credits” and energy futures. If you want a piece of that action, consider a business or law degree.

Lizzie asks…

Why are we stil using oil, when we could be using all the alternative energy sources from the Clinton years?

Why aren’t we using all the alternative energy sources that were developed back in the Clinton years?

You know, back when we had all that extra money and prosperity. We had such intelligent leadership that could see we can’t be dependent on foreign oil forever.

And that was ten years ago, so some of those energy sources should be hitting the market just about now. Just in time, too, because gas prices are going sky high.

Why don’t we just switch over to the Clinton era energy sources and end our dependence on foreign oil?

The Expert answers:

What “sources” are you referring to?

James asks…

If you were writing an letter about alternative energy, who should you send it to?

If you were writing to the government about alternative energy, who would be the most suitable candidate for the letter?

The Expert answers:

Begin with an appointment to speak in person or in a phone meeting with an aide at your Senator’s office. The aide will personally assist you and guide you. Here is a link to a list of Senators and contact information. Phone for the appointment:

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Your Questions About Green Living

Joseph asks…

Will financial Aide help pay for two Associate Degrees?

I will be graduating from a community college with an AA degree. I will be getting this degree because I am very close to receiving it, only 4 credits away. But really I am interested in renewable energy development. Yes, I know I changed my mind at a really bad time. A nearby community college has this degree which is an associates, but will I still receive pell grants and stafford loans to get a second Associates degree? If I do not I was considering transferring to the other community college before I graduate from my current one and then after graduating with the associates degree in renewable energy I would pay out of pocket to take the last few credits for the AA degree. Would this work as an alternative?

The Expert answers:

My understanding of Pell is that it is largely NEEDS based. Meaning, if you are of the small percentile that meet its “needs” criteria… You essentially get the aid. There are other minor conditions as well (for example, you have to maintain a certain GPA; but it is set VERY low, you’d have to screw up pretty bad to lose your Pell). Etc. And as far as I know, there is no “cap” on degrees. If you finish this degree, and go to get the next degree, it should only come down to your financial need at the time. But I would highly recommend consulting a financial aid expert (ie: your college’s financial aid department) to confirm this; they’ll know the answers/rules/laws! [if the person at the desk doesn’t know or seems incompetent, because many are; just ask to speak to a supervisor/manager]

But I’d really like to offer you encouragement to reconsider your plans. If your intent is to use these degrees to acquire a job, career, etc… Please consider my advice (if you are only doing this for enjoyment, learning, etc; disregard it). Having 2 associates will not compare to having one bachelors. If you want to capture a career, you will be A LOT more marketable with a bachelors verses 2 associates, no matter what the associates are. I would strongly encourage you to consider putting the time/effort into going on to a university to get a bachelors in something you enjoy! Given you are almost done with your associates, you’re practically half way there!

Best of luck!

Maria asks…

what’s your opinion on the article Doer’s drive to clean the air ?

Doer’s drive to clean the air
NDP leader wants to model California’s crackdown on vehicle emissions

By Mia Rabson
MANITOBANS could have more than just sunny skies in com­mon with California if Gary Doer is sent back to the premier’s office next month. Doer marked Earth Day Sunday with a series of campaign promises to pro­tect the environment, including forcing all cars on Manitoba roads to spew out fewer greenhouse gases. “We want to work using the California method on vehicle emissions,” Doer said in the backyard of a private residence in Wolseley. California set tailpipe emissions stan­dards 41 years ago, and has long been the North American leader on the sub­ject, including recent plans by the state to cut by 10 per cent the carbon content of gasoline sold in the state.
Cars sold or imported in California must meet that state’s emissions standards or they aren’t allowed on the road, and Doer wants to set the same standards here.
He said he believes the federal gov­ernment should set a national standard for tailpipe emissions to ensure car man­ufacturers are forced to act.
“Having said that, just like California is not going to sit back and wait for Washington, we’re not going to wait for anybody else,” he said.
Doer said the tailpipe restrictions will not just be for new cars sold in Manito­ba, but also include incentives for people with older cars to cut back on emissions. “We believe carrots are the best in this regard,” said Doer.
Doer repeated his pre-election pledge to pass a law requiring Manitoba to meet its greenhouse gas reductions targets under the Kyoto Protocol by 2012. But, for the first time, he said he’d like to meet that goal with actual reductions, not by buying credits from other juris­dictions that have fewer emissions or have


cut back more.
Manitoba’s Kyoto target requires a cut of 2.3 megatonnes of greenhouse gases. The province currently emits about 20 megatonnes a year, more than one third of which come from vehicles.
Other promises in his environment platform include building renewable energy sources for the communities in Manitoba that don’t have access to hydroelectricity, and requiring all land­fills to capture emissions.
Curtis Hull, project manager of the Manitoba-based environment crusader group Climate Change Connection, said overall the Doer environment platform “looks promising.”
But he said he’d like to see more ini­tiatives to get people out of their cars in the first place, including investments in public transit, particularly in rural Man­itoba, and higher gas taxes, though he acknowledged that is a hard sell.
“Increased gas prices won’t be popu­lar, especially at election time, but when it comes to getting people out of their cars, that’s the big one,” said Hull.
Doer was joined at the microphone by Lloyd Axworthy, who was once the senior federal Liberal in Manitoba and is now the president of the University of Winnipeg. Though Axworthy’s presence implied he was endorsing Doer’s cam­paign, he said that’s not true.
But he did laud Doer for showing lead­ership on climate change in Canada.
“I’m not here in a partisan way, I’m here because as a citizen of this province I think it’s important we continue to build on what’s been accomplished,” said Axworthy.
Liberal Leader Jon Gerrard, who also made environment announcements Sun­day but didn’t get the boost of Axworthy’s presence, sniped that he thought it was funny that Doer felt the only way he’d get credibility for his environment announce­ment was by having a Liberal present.

The Expert answers:

Hydrogen fuel…its here, it works, its perfectly clean, can even use it in all our cars and problem…government and big business won’t let it happen..

George asks…

issues related to the environment!!!!?

1. Should national environmental policy focus on developing more oil resources, or developing renewable energy sources?
2.Should our national energy policy focus on building more nuclear power plants?
3.How does overseas oil dependency influence our economy/international policies?
4.Should the government offer tax credits (lower taxes) for the purchase of hybrid or alternative energy vehicles?
5.Should environmental studies become a mandatory part of science classes in public schools?
6.Should regulations on corporate pollution be increased, decreased or left the same? Why?
7.Should more civilian oversight be created to monitor government and military pollution?

The Expert answers:

1. No-we need resources we can keep lasting without running low.
2.yes/no-nuclear is the cheapest but also the most dangerous to us and the environment.
3.oil is used to run over 98% of land and air and seas vehicles, the other 2% are solar/electricity powered.
4.yes-it would save a lot of money on oil being hybrids don’t use that much.
5.yes-it helps understand the world we live in, in modern days
6.decreased-pollution in some cities is so bad they can’t walk outside without a gas mask
7.yes-all pollution should be cut down period.

Mary asks…

Conservatives — Can you read this summary of the Cap and Trade bill without foaming at the mouth?

Summary Of The Waxman-Markey Climate Bill: American Clean Energy and Security Act.
June 27th, 2009 • Related • Filed Under

Some of the key points of the American Clean Energy & Security Act from Grist, since they know better than I do. You can head to their site to read the nitty gritty, but here is a general summary:

Renewable electricity standard

The bill creates a renewable electricity standard (RES) that would require large utilities in each state to produce an increasing percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. Qualifying renewable sources are wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, marine and hydrokinetic energy, biogas and biofuels derived exclusively from eligible biomass, landfill gas, wastewater-treatment gas, coal-mine methane, hydropower projects built after 1992, and some waste-to-energy projects.

Emission cuts

The bill would put a cap on emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases, and would require high-emitting industries to reduce their output to specific targets between now and the middle of the century. (This is the “cap” part of the “cap-and-trade” program.) The bill covers 85 percent of the overall economy, including electricity producers, oil refineries, natural gas suppliers, and energy-intensive industries like iron, steel, cement, and paper manufacturers.

Emission permits

Regulated industries would need to acquire permits for their emissions. (Emission permits are also referred to as “carbon credits,” “pollution allowances,” and various combinations of these words.)

If a company cuts its emissions so much that it has more permits than it needs, it can sell excess permits to other companies or bank them for future use. If a company doesn’t have enough permits, it can buy more or borrow its future credits and pay interest on them. Non-regulated entities (banks, nonprofits, people like you) can also buy and sell permits. (This is the “trade” part of the “cap-and-trade” program.) If a company’s emissions exceed its permits, it would be fined two times the fair market value of the permits it should have purchased.

How permit auction revenue would be spent

About 15 percent of the pollution permits would be sold by the federal government in the initial years of the program. Here’s how the revenue would be spent (shown as a percentage of the value of all permits):

* 15 percent would be used to offset increased energy costs for low- and moderate-income households
* 5 percent would be used to prevent international deforestation, scaling back to 3 percent from 2026 to 2030 and 2 percent from 2031 to 2050
* 2 percent would be used to help the U.S. adapt to the negative effects of climate change from 2012 through 2021, scaling up to 4 percent from 2022 through 2026 and 8 percent thereafter; half would be spent on wildlife and natural resources and the other half on other adaptation concerns, like public health

Investments in energy technology

By 2025, the bill would direct an estimated total of $190 billion to energy technologies and efficiency measures:

* $90 billion to energy-efficiency and renewableenergy technologies
* $60 billion to carbon-capture-and-sequestration technology
* $20 billion to electric vehicles and other advanced automotive technologies
* $20 billion for basic scientific research and development


Regulated companies would be allowed to purchase carbon offsets to meet a portion of their required emission reductions—meaning they could fund clean-energy projects elsewhere instead of cutting their own emissions. This could lower the cost of complying with the new law.

Coal-fired power plants

* New coal plants could be built between 2009 and 2020, though they would be expected to adopt carbon-capture-and-sequestration (CCS) technologies when they become commercially available
* By 2025, all coal plants built after 2009 would have to capture 50 percent of their CO2 emissions

Worker transition

* Workers displaced due to new emission regulations would be entitled to 156 weeks of income supplement (70 percent of their average weekly wages), 80 percent of their monthly health-care premium, up to $1,500 for job-search assistance, and up to $1,500 for moving assistance

Smarter cars and smarter grids

* The bill includes a “cash-for-clunkers” program that would provide roughly 1 million vouchers, ranging from $3,500 to $4,500 in value, to consumers who trade in older, less-fuel efficient vehicles for new vehicles that get better gas mileage
Apparently they can’t…

The Expert answers:

So, … It sounds like, in addition to substantial costs being passed on to the consumer, you’re counting on the means of energy production being sources that have minimal output. It’s unbelievable that anyone in their right mind supports this. The real question is: If and when programs like this, socialized medicine, and an unimaginably oversized budget take effect, what will the democrats do? You can only blame Bush for so long. So long!

John asks…

what’s your opinion on this article Doer’s drive to clean the air?

Doer’s drive to clean the air
NDP leader wants to model California’s crackdown on vehicle emissions

By Mia Rabson
MANITOBANS could have more than just sunny skies in com­mon with California if Gary Doer is sent back to the premier’s office next month. Doer marked Earth Day Sunday with a series of campaign promises to pro­tect the environment, including forcing all cars on Manitoba roads to spew out fewer greenhouse gases. “We want to work using the California method on vehicle emissions,” Doer said in the backyard of a private residence in Wolseley. California set tailpipe emissions stan­dards 41 years ago, and has long been the North American leader on the sub­ject, including recent plans by the state to cut by 10 per cent the carbon content of gasoline sold in the state.
Cars sold or imported in California must meet that state’s emissions standards or they aren’t allowed on the road, and Doer wants to set the same standards here.
He said he believes the federal gov­ernment should set a national standard for tailpipe emissions to ensure car man­ufacturers are forced to act.
“Having said that, just like California is not going to sit back and wait for Washington, we’re not going to wait for anybody else,” he said.
Doer said the tailpipe restrictions will not just be for new cars sold in Manito­ba, but also include incentives for people with older cars to cut back on emissions. “We believe carrots are the best in this regard,” said Doer.
Doer repeated his pre-election pledge to pass a law requiring Manitoba to meet its greenhouse gas reductions targets under the Kyoto Protocol by 2012. But, for the first time, he said he’d like to meet that goal with actual reductions, not by buying credits from other juris­dictions that have fewer emissions or have


cut back more.
Manitoba’s Kyoto target requires a cut of 2.3 megatonnes of greenhouse gases. The province currently emits about 20 megatonnes a year, more than one third of which come from vehicles.
Other promises in his environment platform include building renewable energy sources for the communities in Manitoba that don’t have access to hydroelectricity, and requiring all land­fills to capture emissions.
Curtis Hull, project manager of the Manitoba-based environment crusader group Climate Change Connection, said overall the Doer environment platform “looks promising.”
But he said he’d like to see more ini­tiatives to get people out of their cars in the first place, including investments in public transit, particularly in rural Man­itoba, and higher gas taxes, though he acknowledged that is a hard sell.
“Increased gas prices won’t be popu­lar, especially at election time, but when it comes to getting people out of their cars, that’s the big one,” said Hull.
Doer was joined at the microphone by Lloyd Axworthy, who was once the senior federal Liberal in Manitoba and is now the president of the University of Winnipeg. Though Axworthy’s presence implied he was endorsing Doer’s cam­paign, he said that’s not true.
But he did laud Doer for showing lead­ership on climate change in Canada.
“I’m not here in a partisan way, I’m here because as a citizen of this province I think it’s important we continue to build on what’s been accomplished,” said Axworthy.
Liberal Leader Jon Gerrard, who also made environment announcements Sun­day but didn’t get the boost of Axworthy’s presence, sniped that he thought it was funny that Doer felt the only way he’d get credibility for his environment announce­ment was by having a Liberal present.

The Expert answers:

I feel that this is a great article with a lot of details regarding Doers plans. He seems to have very concrete goals for improving the environment. Of all the countries in North America, I believe that Canada & its citizens have demonstrated the drive and environmental commitment that it takes to acheive great things.
I would support any politician in the USA who would make similar plans for improving the environment.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sandy asks…

What other energy efficient/sustainable courses can I take other than LEED?

I want to become an Energy Efficient/Sustainable Consultant. I check the USGBC website daily for courses in NYC for after the summer to no avail. I am interested in taking any other course that pertains to energy efficiency and sustainability. So far, I have checked NYSERDA’s website and the AEA’s website; however, they have no courses available for after the summer.

Can someone please let me know where energy efficient/sustainable courses are taught in NYC?

The Expert answers:

I don’t any in NYC, but I just earned an AAS. Degree in Sustainable Development @ College of Menominee Nation in Wisconsin. As far as i know CMN is one the only schools in the midwest of offer a dedicated program about sustainability.

Lisa asks…

where can i find a map drawing that shows a sustainable city?

i need to create a sustainable city but i need an example of one. i need to see the energy sources, human recreational areas, buildings, neighborhoods, roads, and all other things that are needed to create a sustainable city.

The Expert answers:

I think this is a fine example of a sustainable city…..


William asks…

How ‘sustainable’ will the London Olympics really be?

The London bid for the 2012 olympics pledged to be the greenest games so far. But will it be delivered? The planning documents and environmental statement for the Olympic Park suggest that no energy performance requirements further than current building regulations will be enforced, leaving it to the building’s developers’ to incorporate sustainability measures. Furthermore, London 2012 nor the ODA have released details on their carbon offsetting plans for the travel aviation emmisions released during the games. Marketing material suggest that the Olympic Park will be fueled by renewable energy, whereas a CCHP plant is planned running on fossilfuels, again leaving any implementation for solar, wind and biogas energy up to the constraints of the developer’s construction programmes and budget. It seems yet again that the UK authorities are issuing spin giving a misleading impression, whilst missing a unique opportunity to ensure a truly environmentally sustainable olympics.

The Expert answers:

Sustainability…. The latest thing on politicians lips….

I am certain that by 2012 they will have all of us dancing to a different tune.

No one in power gives a toss about the environment; green issues are simply a distraction that they use on us… It must amuse them to think that we believe all the claptrap that they spout.

Don’t take your eye off the ball… Your civil liberties will vanish before the environment gives up on us!

Sandra asks…

How will the London 2012 Olympics be sustainable?

I’m doing a project on the London 2012 Olympics and need to find out how it will be sustainable to finish it. Can you help?

The Expert answers:

The Olympics do not pay for themselves, either private donations or government money is always required to do an Olympics.
How the London Olympic committee is going to put on the games is not known to me, but I know every previous Olympics had to have outside help.

Susan asks…

Can minimal sustainable growth maintain a healthy economy?

I am just learning about economics—kindergarten economics level, and so I might struggle with obscure (to me) terminology—-be gentle on my head!
Is it at all possible to have a capitalist, free market economy that grows only as fast as the growth of the population of the consumer base? I know this ‘constraint’ would go against the principle of “free” enterprise, but is it possible to have a healthy, sustainable slow growth free market economy ?
Enlighten me before I have to go for my milk and cookies.

The Expert answers:

In your statement there is a clash between the ‘population of consumer base’ and free enterprise. Nowadays free enterprise is part of globalisation that doesn’t necessarily subserve a country’s population per se. It might lead to working at cross purposes.

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