Your Questions About Green Living

Thomas asks…

what are the benefits of sustainable development?

this is a college project…..the topic is- “sustainable development is the development that lasts for generations.”justify-

can any one please help me out with this?

The Expert answers:

I don’t completely understand what you’re asking, but here’s my point of view:

Clinton wanted to pass a BTU tax of $16/month per resident. This tax was essentially an emissions tax. It wasn’t passed. Looking back on it, only a decade later, it would have been a brilliant policy.

If we don’t implement sustainable policies and developments, we’ll be looking back on the past and regretting it. I don’t want to be on my asthma-related death bed feeling guilty for not doing something to change the outcome of the future.

John asks…

What is the effects of applying of sustainable development in automobile industry for producers and consumers?

1. What is the Cost-Benefit Analysis?
2. What is the Positional Analysis?
3.What is the Cost-Effeciency Analysis?
4. What is the best methods of eveluating of the effects of applying sustainable development standards in automobile industry for consumers and producers?

The Expert answers:

You cannot apply the (macro-level) concept of sustainable development to an industry (which is a micro-level entity).

Michael asks…

Is there a difference between sustainable development and irreversible development?

Sustainable development takes into consideration present needs without compromising the ability of future generation to meet there own needs.
Obviously, irreversible development makes non reversible a development type already reached

The Expert answers:

— sustainable fishing:
fishing with nets that have holes large enough to allow baby fish to escape yet catch adult fish. This allows the babies to grow old, propcreate and be caught at a later time.

— irreversable fishing:
fishing with nets that do not have holes large enough. Everything in its wake is caught and the fish eventually die out.

Lisa asks…

How can sustainable development help the rainforests ?

How can sustainable development help the rainforests ?

could you also give some examples ‘cos ive been doing this homework for 2 and a half hours and im sick of this homework and i want to go to bed 🙂

The Expert answers:

Sustainable development is shorthand for…continuing to make a profit out of fuc*ing up the planet.

Donna asks…

Your definition of ecologically sustainable development? And how do we achieve this?

Your definition of ecologically sustainable development? And how do we achieve this?

The Expert answers:

I think that the media puts to much emphasis on going green now, and making it seem as if we do it will solve all our problems in the next decade, I’m not saying we shouldn’t, because we defiantly need to protect the environment, but I don’t believe its a fragile to be shattered by a hundred or so years of extreme carbon emissions, so, yeah, protect the environment, drive a hybrid, don’t pollute, but don’t get worked into a frenzy by the media over there theory of were all gonna die, because if the ecosystem collapses, it wont be in our life time.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Helen asks…

What is more eco-friendly out of a concrete bridge and a wooden bridge?

I was wondering which one is more ecofriendly and I need a brief description of why one and not the other.

Thank You.
Thanks for the answers so far guys, but what I want to initially know is on the whole, which one do you think is the more ecofriendly and why.

The Expert answers:

You would have to count the total energy cost over the life of the bridge. As well as the safety issues.

As well as the effect on the local environment.

Difficult call. On balance, the concrete bridge would win because of its longevity. Unless you think that dead humans and decaying wood are good for the environment.

James asks…

What are some eco-friendly products that you can find at your local grocery store in Australia?

I want to buy more ecofriendly products, can anyone give me some brand names to start with?? I am having trouble sourcing any information online. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Try out Nature’s Organics they have some personal care and home cleaning products. Check a smaller health food store or environmental shop and the health food/speciality aisle of your supermarket if there is one. Look for things that say “biodegradable, non-toxic, environmentally safe”. Hope that helps some.

Susan asks…

Is there an eco-friendly sealer for my granite countertops?

It’s time to seal the granite countertops in my kitchen. I am looking for a sealer that is ecofriendly, nontoxic, and effective. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Yes, but it does not work well in my opinion.
You need a penatrating sealer to keep stains out of the stone and on the surface.
I use Miracle Sealants for polished granite.
To see if you need to seal, throw water across the tops, if it beads up it is ok, if it absorbs into the stone and get dark, sealit again .

Ruth asks…

What are some eco friendly clothing brands or stores?

I know Roxy and Hurley have some eco friendly clothing, and I have heard of Blend Apparel. Are there any stores or brands that are easy to find?

The Expert answers:

Try this reliable clothes online shop:

I bought my clothes from them.

Inexpensive, stylish and of good quality

Free shipping. Very cute!! You should try.

Lizzie asks…

How eco-friendly is when a company sell products online?

How ecofriendly is when a company sell products online? Like how can a company help the world by selling online instead of selling in stores.

The Expert answers:

All companies are Pseudo Eco Friendly
They become Eco Friendly just to cut cost or to show that they are eco friendly
Had they been real ECO friendly they would have given incentive to customer when they go for Eco friendly things.
For example Dell stopped Shipping User Manual in Paper form in 2005 to save money but did not share the benefit of reducing the cost with the customer.

These guys just do it to save money. Eco friendly is to fool common man to make them feel that if they don’t get a printed manual its ok coz its saving the environmentt.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Mark asks…

How many jobs will be lost of Obama causes the coal industry to go bankrupt?

I know he’ll be creating jobs with alternative energy, but coal workers do not specialize in alternative energy… they know how to do coal work, so they’ll lose their jobs. How many workers will be out of work and be forced to find something completely out of their field?
Oops… change the “of” to “if” in the question 🙂
I have seen ONE answer in here that was close to answering the question. If you don’t have a reasonable answer for the question, please don’t answer.

The Expert answers:

Thousands! The poor working fools that are voting for him, are going to get hit big time. Obama is getting big bucks from the liberals who are supporting him and he will have to pay them back, big time! The losers are people like me who did not vote for him.

James asks…

Is Big Oil/Big Coal lying about the negative impact of alternative energy ?

ENEL-A Italian Energy company
“The company has 58,548 employees and operates a wide range of hydroelectric, thermoelectric, nuclear, geothermal, wind-power, and photovoltaic power stations. In 2006, Enel posted revenues of 38.5 billion euros, EBITDA of 8 billion euros and net income of 3 billion euros.”

Seems like alternative energy creates many jobs and is profitable. And you get the added benefit of NO CO2 emissions.

The USA has been lied to for a LONG TIME.
Oh well. God Bless America???
I don’t think so.
You really believe that putting up windmills, solar PVC units and geothermal plants COSTS MORE THAN PUTTING UP HUGE COAL PLANTS OR GIANT OIL/GAS REFINERIES???
If you believe that I have some land in Antarctica to sell you.
I like that “Is the pope catholic”?
Thats all he is although many consider him a CEO.

The Expert answers:

I know you’re not supposed to answer a question with a question, but my answer is, “Is the Pope Catholic?”

Paul asks…

Why is it the government’s job to invest tax money in alternative energy research?

Any opinions?

The Expert answers:

If you read the Constitution, it isn’t. Nuff said.


Ruth asks…

Alternative Energy Specialist…Job Info?

Please give links to information about it; OR if you know anything about it please post. Like the salaries, different ways to get into the job, degrees.

Person with most info gets best answer

The Expert answers:

This work will fall on the traditional trades.

Plumbers. Electricians. HVACR(heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration) technicians. Auto/truck mechanics.

Degrees don’t hurt a thing. Any engineering degree or anything technical like mathematics, physics, chemistry, construction science…

Michael asks…

any alternative energy engineers out there?

im looking for an alternative energy engineer . im 14 and i chose this to be my future job. i also need to interview one of you guys about this job. what do i have to do to get into this field?
ps. im good at math if its any help
are there any of you guys i can interview online. i need it for my project. just give me your email and ill mail you guys about it. please help me!

The Expert answers:

It is good that u r good in maths, that is important for engineers

I am Automation Engineer, works for automatising the Electrical Power Stations, which is known as Substation Automation. I did Electrical Engineering and my other collegues too.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Charles asks…

china is leading the world on renewable energy, will the west ever catch up?

how can european and american renewables manufacture ever catch up while starved of capital and hindered by big oil?
dana; nice links, thanks. “The next technology boom is in green energy“. well exactly, surely anyone can see that? so why arent we doing it? what is discouraging the money folk from taking advantage? why isnt it taking off like the internet thing did? oh, yes, there is already an established energy business doing all it can to prevent disruptive innovation…

miles, it’s exciting and frustrating. the few investors really going proper deep green are making a mint, while us third hand investors get fobbed off with greenwash.
thanks wakaka, very interesting personal account. are you nz? i’m in u.k. not america, but we have same problem; watching with frustration as the magnificent chinese industrial complex practically turns on a sixpence while our start up renewable industries struggle. they can and they are, and all strength to them, but i want some of the action for our engineers too! i used to deliver steel, saw the last remains of the british heavy industry, i would love to see it revive.
oops! sorry, Walaka. typo.

The Expert answers:

This is precisely what Lindsey Graham is talking about when he says we need to put a price on carbon.

“To jump-start nuclear power, wind and solar and the green economy, you’ve got to price carbon…How you do it is subject to discussion and open debate. But the idea of not pricing carbon, in my view, means you’re not serious about energy independence. The odd thing is you’ll never have energy independence until you clean up the air, and you’ll never clean up the air until you price carbon.”

“Every day we wait in this nation China is going to eat our lunch.”

“my concern is that every day that we delay trying to find a price for carbon is a day that China uses to dominate the green economy….China has made a long-term strategic decision and they are going gang-busters.”

The next technology boom is in green energy. The Chinese know it, most Europeans know it, and some Americans know it, but many don’t. If we don’t invest in the technology on par with China, as Graham says, they’re going to eat our lunch and dominate the green economy.

The west can still catch up, but only if we ramp up our investments in green tech.

Paul asks…

how would the world be different if we use more renewable energy?

im doing a persusaive essay on this

The Expert answers:

The air would be cleaner, the mountains in the Appalachians would not be blasted and shoved into the streams and valleys, and we wouldn’t need to fight wars in the middle east.

Jenny asks…

Can you make money by buying stocks of renewable energy companies?

since global warming and the need for more greener energy like wind power increases, is it really possible you can make lots of money by buying these companies now that are worth virtually nothing, and wait until the world gets the need of renewable energy? (buying shares of stocks). Thanks

The Expert answers:

Nobody can predict the movement of any stocks whether going up or coming down. Many of the market professionals use fundamental analysis of companies along with technical analysis like chartology, option movements and relative price strength of stocks.

There might be many people who think the same logic as yours and made investment in renewable energy companies. Consequently, some of these companies’ shares have gone up significantly where you might have to find a good spot to buy at certain time.

What you need to do is to study the company’s performance (revenues and earnings and their growth) in relation to the stock price. Also, look into the company’s financial condition (does it have a lot of debts?), market share of its products, product leadership, and earnings browth rates vs. Its competitors.

Since you will be investing your hard earned income, be very careful in doing the preliminary studies before investing. I recommend you also read a couple of books on investment.

Mark asks…

Why doesn’t the world just use Green power and Renewable Energy instead of Oil?

The Expert answers:


Lots of things are set up to use oil based products (cars, airplanes, etc), so it would cost a small fortune to switch it over. Third world countries have very little money. Countries that have more money don’t have enough money to do that.

Oil producing countries are very, very rich. They like their money.

Going green is sort of a progressive thing. It’s not something we can such “switch over to.” It will take some time.

Sandra asks…

Help on creating renewable energy devices?

I need major help on my 8th grade science project. I want to get a head start on it without screwing up. The independent variables I will be testing are the world‘s most efficient renewable energy machines. will be testing wind powered generators, geothermal generators, and hydroelectric generators. I need help on creating cheap, functioning replicas of these. Any suggestions? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Some of those are going to be beyond your capabilities (geothermal generators)

What you need to understand is your systems share some basic components- the power generation portion- you can use a permanent magnet motor for this part. It works but is inefficient, but will work for your wind and hydro portion.

What is different is the driving mechanism- how are you harnessing the energy of your material source- air, water and making the mechanical connection to your common generator. If you have an RC aircraft propeller, there you ahve the means for harnessing wind- now how are you going to use something similar to harness the water energy? You might have to carve somethig from a block of wood. Your geothermal system will be similar, but you are not likely to be allowed to use live steam to drive a turbine blade in your classroom.

There is the geenral outline you sought. Now you have to apply the process of assembly and understanding your assembly.

To understand how a motor works and conversely your generator- you need to understand magnetism and how that makes the each work.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

health insurance, alternative energy and pharmaceutical sector?

I would like to know: your opinion, from all health insurance sector, which stocks are worth more investing in ? your opinion, from all alternative energy sector, which stocks are worth more investing in ? your opinion, from all pharmaceutical sector, which stocks are worth more investing in ?

can you please write me three Recommended stocks from each of these sectors ?

Thanks in advance
my best wishes for your happiness
Good morning

The Expert answers:

Health insurance: AFL, PRU, MET

Alternative energy: FSYS, STP, PTEN

Pharmaceutical: TEVA, GILD, DNA

James asks…

BCON-a green alternative energy this worth the look?


The Expert answers:

I’m a big risk taker with several renewable energy penny stocks but I don’t like BCON. They haven’t filed any NASDAQ paperwork since 2008. In fact, they’re in danger of being de-listed.
And they’re not anywhere close to being profitable.

On the other hand, they’ve recently received over $40 million in funds from the DOE and equity issuance. They’re actually building a power plant in NY with this new technology. Both positive signs.

If you don’t mind the risk and understand you could lose your entire investment, BCON could be a good investment. But the odds are against it.

Michael asks…

Clean tech stocks lister otc or pink sheets?

I am looking for clean tech stocks, renewable energy, green stocks, alternative energy stocks listed in the otc or pink sheets

The Expert answers:

Well, it looks like CLNE will be there shortly !!!

Lisa asks…

Does anybody know of any alternative energy companies that offer stock?

or where to find out.

The Expert answers:

GE electrifies the world by providing reliable, efficient products and services for the energy industry. We help businesses and authorities that generate, transmit or use electricity. We work in all areas of the energy industry including coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy, as well as with renewable resources such as water and wind energy.

Americas Wind Energy Corporation (AWNE.OB) manufacturing and marketing of medium sized (500 – 1,000 megawatt (MW)) wind turbines for the North American market.

Babcock & Brown Wind Partners (BBWPF.PK) An Australian based specialized investment fund focused on the wind energy generation sector

Gamesa Corp. (GCTAF.PK) 18% of the world’s share of the wind turbine market. Based in Spain.

Kore Holdings (KORH.PK) A power provider and marketer of alternative energy from wind farms, hydro and distributed power facilities.

McKenzie Bay International Ltd. (MKBY.OB) Develops wind powered alternative energy systems.

Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc. (MMGW.OB) Develops prototype wind energy production equipment.

NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. (NKW.V TSX Venture Exchange) Wind energy developer in the Haida Energy Field off the coast of British Columbia since 2001.

Scottish Power plc (SPI) A leading developer and operator of renewable energy in both the UK and the US. It is one of the largest providers of wind energy in the US.

Shear Wind Inc. (SWX.V Canadian Venture Exchange )Provider of wind-generated energy in Atlantic Canada.

Sea Breeze Power Corp. (SBX.V Canadian Venture Exchange ) Developer of large-scale windfarms and underwater electricity transmission lines in British Columbia.

Tower Tech Holdings Inc. (TWRT.OB) Involved in the engineering, manufacture, and sale of wind turbine extension towers and monopiles to the wind energy industry

Vector Wind Energy Inc. (VWE.V Canadian Venture Exchange ) developer of wind energy projects in Canada.

Vestas Wind Systems (VWSYF.PK) 34% of the world’s share of the wind turbine market. Based in Denmark.

U.S. Wind Farming (USWF.PK) The federal court in Chicago entered a Final Judgment as to U.S. Wind Farming on October 20, 2006.

Western Wind Energy (WNDEF.PK) Produces clean renewable electrical energy from over 500 wind turbine generators located in Tehachapi and San Gorgonio Pass (Palm Springs), California.

Most of your stock brokers or online brokers will help you to invest. Here is a is of brokers that Yahoo came up with:*-***

Sandra asks…

how much is 1 stock of alternative wind energy worth as of May 2011?

Just curious.

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Green Living

Mary asks…

how do you say danger in french? and what are some things i could say in french about the environment?

i’ve got my french as level oral exam tomorrow, im really stressed out about it. I’ll be talking about the world around us: travel, environmental issues and the french speaking world. What are some things i could say?
and how do you say danger in french?


The Expert answers:

It is a very wide subject.
Here are a few pointers:
Les activités humaines mettent notre planète en danger. Elles sont une des causes du réchauffement global et de la pollution de l’air que nous respirons, de l’eau que nous buvons , de la mer et de la terre qui nous nous fournissent notre nourriture.
Nous voyageons trop, simplement pour le plaisir, et pas nécessairement par nécessité.
Nous consomons trop de matières premières apauvrissant les resources pour les générations futures. Les carburants que nous utilisons, les choses que nous brulons, la déforestation dans certaines parties du globe sont tous contributeurs de gaz carbonique qui cause l’effet de serre.
Nous manufacturons trop de choses inutiles dont nous disposons rapidement et que nous mettons dans nos poubelles.
Nous utilisons aussi des produits nocifs qui causent un nombre croissant de cancers dans la population.
Dans les pays prospères les gens mangent trop et de manière malsaine. Le nombre de gens obèses croit continuellement tandis que les habitants d’autres pays meurent de faim et de soif. En Afrique en particulier, les conditions de vie deviennent de plus en plus difficiles.

Toutefois la France fait de gros efforts pour utiliser des sources d’énergie propre: l’eau des montagnes, le vent ( éoliennes) et exerce le recyclage depuis un certain nombre d’années. Les gens y achètent des produits durables et de meilleure qualité en préférence aux pacotilles. On y mange moins de produits artificiels que dans d’autres pays, et le régime alimentaire y est plus modeste. C’est un pays agricole et les bois et les plantes y sont préservés et respectés. On y évite la pollution de l’eau et on minimise l’utilisation des engrais chimiques artificiels.

This is just a sketch and you have to add your own ideas, but it gives you a start. You will have to do a great deal of learning overnight.
Good luck with your oral!

Michael asks…

Is pseudo nonconformity a smoke screen…?

…undermining creative free thinking, advancement of a more equitable society and the global debate over climate change?

Have we been unknowingly marketed into believing that wearing a tattoo or buying from whole foods is going to make a positive impact as we continue to follow patterns of behavior that retains the status quo while neglecting important issues on on both a local and global global level? Is this similar to what occurred during the hippie movement of the mid 60’s- mid 70’s which arguably lead to rampant consumerism and a waste of opportunity during the 80’s and 90’s?

Are we being duped and tricked into submission in order to keep corporate profits secure by being “allowed” to believe that token actions are having a positive impact on society, culture and the great environmental issues before us?

The Expert answers:

People want to be cool…or think they are cool

When everyone is doing something to be non-conforming……

It really isn’t non-conforming anymore……

It’s a fad

I saw 2 kids sitting on a sofa texting each other

They could of just turned to each other and had a conversation


and feel like they were “cool” while doing it

back to your question


From Brando to James Dean to Steve McQueen to Easy Rider

The Baby Boomers ate it up…people still do

OF COURSE ..the one’s with “the knowing ” will cash in

Fads…from politics to sports teams to …..

“Buying our Identity”…by what cloths you wear , or if you have Long hair or shave your head, to riding a Harley to Hip Hop culture

YES we are duped

There is a lazar dot coming out of our television and computers and

And it is on the foreheads of millions

Just take a course or do some extensive reading on “Public Relations”

It is easy enough to see…if you choose to look

William asks…

In general, which political party do you think cares more about Environmental issues?

I’m a senior in high school and am taking an AP Environmental class. Our teacher was having us look up around 22 Environmental laws and amendments. One of things that she asked us to do was to name the presidents that were in office at the time the law was passed. I found it surprising that (aside from Clinton), all the presidents were of the Republican party.

The Expert answers:

In terms of history, yes, most environmentally friendly Presidents were indeed Republican, in fact it was Republican President Teddy Roosevelt who established the national forests we have today. But as a former Republican myself, I can tell you that, most assuredly, the Democrats care more about the environment today. Some, however, try to exaggerate the issues of the environment in order to assert primacy as the nations leading environmentalists, and subsequently hurt the economy.

Maria asks…

Does it seem like environmental efforts in the US are being focused on things that don’t make much difference?

Like the light bulb phasing out – when you factor in the mercury pollution, the fact that most people won’t dispose of CFLs properly and not to mention the loss of US jobs since most CFLs are made overseas, it’s really a policy that does little if any good. The government refuses to tackle environmental issues on a larger scale. Banning drive-thru at fast food places would do a lot more than banning incandescent lightbulbs, make people park and walk in to the counter instead of idling engines and wasting gas. Cracking down on industries would be the biggest help though, but we all know corporate lobbyists keep that from happening.
When your kids get mercury poisoning you can tell me how great those CFLs are. We banned lead paint and recommend against mercury thermometers and thermostats because kids get into everything and can sustain permanent damage from toxic metals.
The fact that it uses less energy is pretty much negated by the other environmental costs and the costs in jobs. CFLs require more responsibility and most people won’t be responsible with them.

The Expert answers:

Yes, sometimes it seems that we do what is politically feasible rather than what would actually have the greatest impact.

Robert asks…

what are some imperative and current issues in politics?

Hey everyone,

I have a paper that I need to start soon and for it, I need to look at a current and imperative issue in politics. I need to develop a thesis analyzing how the thinkers we have studied Plato, Rousseau, Karl Marx and Carl Schmitt would have thought about it.

I was hoping to stay away from US, environmental or economic politics since they are such broad topics and concern myself more with global or humanitarian issues.

Anyone have recommendation of a current issue in politics?


The Expert answers:

Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

How Israel is preventing peace, doesn’t care about peace, and doesn’t want it.
Why would they anyway? They are living better lives than most Americans at the US taxpayers expense.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

How do you make eco- friendly clothes, like, where can you buy recycled fabric and stuff to make it out of?

I want to know how people make clothes that are considered ecofriendly. I know its kind of far in the future but I’m fourteen and when I’m older I want to maybe try to start an environmentally friendly clothing line, so I was curious as to how it works. I’ve already drawn designs in my notebook. 🙂
Anyone have any tips?

The Expert answers:

Here is da website

Mark asks…

where can i buy organic/eco-friendly clothing?

i know of company planet earth clothing, a ‘skateboarding’ line that offers great organic apparel, although im not even sure where to buy all of their stuff. does anybody have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

Http:// Target has an eco- friendly line of clothing Mavi jeans are organic and pesticide free!
Http:// Vintage clothing and stuff… Recycling!
Http:// My personal favorite, Nimli has tons of eco- friendly clothing another favorite, 100% organic cotton, AND made in the USA!

Betty asks…

Name for an eco-friendly clothing line?

Hey, after much researching i came across a name i do find good for a brand name of a clothing line. It is [e&Co.] “e & company”. I was wondering if you thing it would sell. Would you guys ever shop or buy stuff from a brand labeled as such, being eco friendly [organic cotton] and it’s aimed at 16-25 yr olds girls and guys. Im startng with graphic tees, slim-fit.

Here is the link of how I would have it look [the brand name].

What do you guys think of the name? It can stand for environmental awareness, ecofriendly, interpret it however you want. Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

I dunno i don’t think the logo is catchy enough. I like the idea but i don’t think i’ll pay any attion to it make up a new name and a better logo. It looks more like a local campian to start liveing green.

Chris asks…

Where [online] can I purchase tall eco friendly/organic clothing?

I’ve purchased tops and blouses from sites like Soul-flower and Gypsy Rose, but I can’t buy any pants from those sites because they don’t have the option of a taller inseam. Are there any sites or companies out there that make such clothes in taller options?

The Expert answers:

It is very interesting when you are so concerned about eco friendly/organic clothing. Most clothing to be PC is made to “look” like animal skin and fur. Eco friendly/organic clothing is “real fur” and “real leather”. Most “look” like animal skin and fur is made out of synthetics, which is a by product of petroleum. Throw those PC clothes out and the degrading process is as long as a plastic bag and a styrofoam cup, etc. To answer your inseam question would best be served by Coldwater Creek, LL Bean, and Cabela. Among others which deal with higher end more expensive so called eco friendly/organic clothing (oxymoron) made from petroleum.

Steven asks…

Eco-Friendly Clothing?

For school, I was thinking about putting on an “ecofriendly” fashion show, modeling clothes made of organic/reycled materials. ANYONE KNOW ANY SITES/STORES that would carry such products? Do you think stores would donate clothes? Should I suggest it as being a product endorsement??? thanks for the help, i’m lost!!

The Expert answers:

Girl, these sites carry awesome and gorgeous clothing made from all eco-friendly materials like: organic cotton, hemp, soy, tencel and bamboo.

Faeries dance, lotus organics, kasper organics, prana (uses wind power too), blue canoe…and always check coop america, but those 5 are my top picks. Good luck! ~N

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Your Questions About Green Living

David asks…

Are South American Nations like Cuba leading the way on sustainable living?

With home market gardens designed on permaculture principles? Which nations are the pioneers?

The Expert answers:

Cuba, Peak Oil and Permaculture

Cuba is THE inspirational model for sustainable living.

The collapse of trade relations with the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries, and the tightening of the US blockade in early 1990s ceated a major economic crisis in Cuba known as the Special Period. Cuba lost half their oil overnight, lost 80% inport and export markets, food was scarce; people started to starve. They had a food crisis; they were unable to import food, farm chemicals nor use machinery to grow food by conventional means. Cuba HAD to become self sufficient and sustainable. Sustainable agriculture meant Permaculture style: organic farming, urban gardens and allotments, smaller farms, animal traction and biological means of pest control and fertilisation.

Government could not act quickly enough so gave the power back to the communities as people were starving. They made changes in land tenure, promoted agricultural education and training, and technological changes. Individuals and communities used Permaculture principles as the new model of food production using ecological pest management, intercropping, animal traction, organic soil management and the integration of crops and livestock. Without Oil they now live sustainably, supported by organic agriculture, urban gardens, renewable energy sources and they even transformed their transportation systems. There are approx 2.2 million people in Havana and 85% of all food comes from within the city grown on plots, roofs and in community spaces.

Cubans had no choice but to drastically reduce their energy consumption. However, there have been substantial benefits in Health due to improved diet and an increase in exercise from bike riding/walking/gardening. They have had to develop networks so community is strengthened and many say they have a much better quality of life than ever before. Their new values of cooperation, conservation and curtailment have enriched their lives. Cuba has a lot to show the world with how to deal with energy adversery. The Peak Oil crisis will effect us all, will mean a major change in all of our lives, so Cuba is a fantastic model for the rest of the world.

Carol asks…

I believe I have a sustainable resource to take the emphasis away from fossil fuels to a living resource?

Australia is one of the few countries left in the world that has not been overly depleted of natural resources. It is also the best country to launce an approach to a sustainable environment that would rejuvinate our living resources, clean the environment, change the financial structure from fossil fuels to living resources. Save our deforestation first, that can then be implemented on a global scale. Australia has a prehistoric forest that i can show how to make it the most valued resource in Australia by keeping it alive.
Toatally new to this, but my question would be. Would Australians and the Government be willing to fund a project towards a greener environment, the repletion of our ozone layer. The protection of it’s forests with the real posibility of altering the financial basis behind it’s economic structure?

The Expert answers:

I believe I also have a sustainable resource that will take the emphasis away from fossil fuels–well . . . Some undigested pinto beans, phewwwwww!

But seriously, I suggest peat moss–great resource!!!

Betty asks…

Is there a national ‘green,’ sustainable living conference/expo for engineers or really anyone? who? where?

I am studying to be a civil/environmental engineer and am looking for organizations and conventions to get involved in that has much to do with sustainable design. Also I would like to even get involved with non-engineering sustainability and green, organizations and conventions. Also is there like a green expo similar to the Consumer electronics expo or something.

The Expert answers:

There may or may not be a national green conference, but I am guessing there is because there is one in the Upper Midwest of the USA. Here is the link:

I am sure that once you are browsing their website you’ll find something along the lines of what you’re looking for. Happy green designing!

Susan asks…

things people do that don’t lead to sustainable living?

what are the things people do that don’t lead to sustainable living ?

The Expert answers:

Get into too much debt.

John asks…

What are some good sources for creating and living in a Self Sustainable Communities?

I mean a Community that need nothing from the outside. That has its own electricity, water greenhouse, Ext. Does anyone know of such a community. or Information on creating one.
Any related information could be useful thanks.

The Expert answers:

Read up about amish, they have minimal contact with outside world:

If you literally mean zero contact with outside world, read this:

You can also watch the Village movie (2004, M. Night Shyamalan)

Electricity will not happen in a self-sufficient community. Even if you have all the necessary minerals, it will take close to a hundred people specializing in different aspects of mining, metal smelting, metalworking, making generators and electrical appliances, repairing them when they break. Your community will need thousands people to feed that hundred. On the other side, making candles can be done by 1 full-time person, or several people making them in their spare time.

In practice, such communities are typically farmers who trade organic producer with outside world for tools and machines. To set up a community, you will need farmland, equipment or animals to work it, and people who know how to farm, build and maintain houses, make and mend clothes, etc. Life in a community is hard, there is lots of manual labor and not much entertainment. You’d need a very charismatic leader to keep the people from leaving.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sandy asks…

What are some environmental issues affecting our world today (besides the obvious ones)?

I have to do a project on an environmental issue but I can’t think of a good one to research. I know about global warming, deforestation, pollution, etc. I want to do my project on a less common environmental issue. Does anyone have any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Garbage in space

The plastic belt in the ocean

Organic Farming

Environmental Sustainability

Groundwater pollution

Acid deposition

Mammal Extinction

The Ocean Dead Zones

Polar Sea Ice Loss

Population Explosion

Carol asks…

Is accounting the appropriate system to use for social and environmental issues confronting business today?

The Expert answers:

I am not sure what you are attempting to convey with your question. If accounting the solve all for social and environmental issues? No, ethical standards must equal the company’s sustainability within the community. Any company concerned with social and/or environmental issues must develop a combination of not only way to support these theories through funding but also through their performance of services to the community. Nothing in the business world is purely numbers or words, although each play a part in the whole picture.

Maria asks…

What are some important but little known environmental issues in the world today?

I have to write a paper on an environmental topic for a summer class. The professor has rejected my first 2 proposals. I need something that I’ll be able to find literature on but not something that’s too mainstream (i.e. global warming or the BP oil spill).

The Expert answers:

Dead zones/algal blooms
Intensive farming
Resource depletion by overpopulation

Linda asks…

What are the major environmental issues facing Australia today?

The Expert answers:


Loss of habitat for native animals.

Global warming.

Rubbish in the waterways.

In appropriate chemicals in the waterways.

James asks…

of all the environmental issues today, what needs to be addressed first?

The Expert answers:

Great question but wow – that’s really tough.

Ok – it’s a toss up for me between addressing the continued burning of fossil fuels and the increasing loss of biodiversity through habitat destruction, hunting, and overfishing. But – if I had to choose, I say the loss of biodiversity – extinction. My reson is this.

While the our reliance on fossil fuels is causing tremendous environmental problems and itself leading to extinctions through global warming, oil spills, etc. I believe that if we can preserve large areas of ecosystems and protect the organisms in those ecosystems, we will have a better chance of preserving Earth’s diversity. Doing so can in itself offset somewhat the effects of global warming. If these ecosystems can be preserved from human destruction and pressure, the organisms in their will have a better chance of being able to adjust to the climate changes. We have got to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels. But if we put preserving habitats and species on the back burner while doing this – we’ll be in much worse shape at the end. Each organism is irreplaceble and unique, and a link in the ecology of the region. Losing one can result in losing many more. And each one is a treasure.that we can never bring back. I can’t stomach that. We’ve got to find ways to get people invested in saving these areas or organisms. People have to feel the need, and I beleive when people are invested in saving the environment, they also push for solutions to global warming and the energy issues. They go hand in hand.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Robert asks…

What are the modes of conservation for sustainable development and what are the three R’s?

I need to write about two pages on “Modes of Conservation for Sustainable Development” for my CBSE Class X EVS Project. I have to include the 4 R’s but I don’t know what they are. Please provide me with the information on the topic as well as the three R’s. Also give me the URL links to the information if you can find them.

The Expert answers:

The three r’s are recycle, reuse, reduce electrical use. Sorry that’s all I Know.

Mark asks…

What does sustainable living mean to you?

I am on a reasearch for a magazine. I’m interessted in any aspect of sustainability. Also about you question on how to live more sustainable. Thank you.
Also, how would you improve the world?

The Expert answers:

….by not polluting the surroundings.

Mary asks…

How does legislation work in relation to sustainable development?

College homework. The criteria asks for a description of how & why legislation and policies have been developed in relation to sustainable development. With so many other items to cover, my mind has gone blank =)

The Expert answers:

I am assuming you are in the UK…
this is the UK sustainable development main govt. Site… If you read the pdfs which are linked to on this page,,, that might help..
The introductions often give a good overview of the subject… That and the executive summaries (if there are any)…. Usually help. They may also refer to other papers which are relevant to the subject… Also have a look at any referencing… If you find the original source,,, it may give you further clarification with out being clouded by interpretation for the second or sometimes third time…
Good luck…
This may also be useful

Daniel asks…

What are the most cheapest sustainable materials?

I am doing some designing work however I need to add some notes in cheap and sustainable materials to suggest. I really do not know many but I know plastics are not sustainable.

The Expert answers:

Hemp cloth, rice paper, cotton, bamboo, etc

Ruth asks…

What is the sustainable level of fiscal deficit?

US fiscal deficit is nearly 11% of its GDP. What percentage of fiscal deficit that is sustainable (how much is a lot) and what is the optimal level of fiscal deficit to get the economy going?

The Expert answers:

Based on experiences of many countries of the last crisis in 1997, the fiscal deficit should not exceed 8% of GDP. It will induce speculants to attack the dollars. The value of the dollars is now sinking to the floor. That is the problem we are worried about. Is it a crossroad or temporarily situation? We don’t know for now.

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