Your Questions About Green Living

Lizzie asks…

Why is it that Europe moves forward while America seems to be regresing?

European human rights movement is getting stronger, gay marraige, freedom of speech, huge investment in infastructure, freedom of movement, higher levels of education, high focus on environmental issues.
What do you think?

The Expert answers:

I know it sounds good, but I’m still proud to live in the America.

Mandy asks…

Over the last 3 decades the environmental lobby has never had massive support, so why?

Are we in this energy crisis because of them? I mean environmentalissues” never ranked in the top 5 of importance to the American voter, and yet they have managed to insure no drilling for American oil in ANWR or off the coasts of our nation (even though other countries will), they’ve managed to insure no new oil refineries were built in 30 years, and that no new nuclear power plants were created. How did the environmental lobby succeed to wreck America without voter support?

The Expert answers:

There is no money in environmentalism. But now, they are trying to block the only real chance we have to avoid a depression (drilling in anwar and off florida coast).
I am a republican, but this is both parties faults.

John asks…

liberals, why aren’t you concerned about population growth of Mexicans in America?

You seem to be very environmentally concerned about over population, but you are mum on obvious
practice of illegal Mexicans coming to the U.S. and having babies. Their birth rate is alarming.
And you say nothing. Is it because you are only concerned about environmental issues when it
doesn’t insult a minority, or an illegal alien?
anna are you concerned about the world’s population are NOT? You prove my point. You are afraid to criticize what is an obvious problem according to liberals, over population, when it comes to illegal Mexicans. Just how spineless are you?

The Expert answers:

Well what do you expect liberals to do? You can’t prevent that amount of people from crossing the border. Not only that, but who cares and their birth rate, Mexicans aren’t infected or dangerous why should we be alarmed. So their stealing our jobs and not paying taxes, but we’d pay taxes and be hired before any Mexican regardless. Preventing enviornmental damage is important because there is no known way to reverse some of the damage being done. Certain enviornmental issues are more of a priority than the issue of illegal immigrants.

William asks…

i REALLY need help!!?

so i need to know this for a final in world studies:

Analyze the connection between economic problems/prosperity environmental issues in Latin America.

Thank you!!!
wow… no need 2 be mean… just asking for help!

The Expert answers:

I know nothing about the topic but it seems obvious..

If they’re in an economic crisis, they have no money to support the enviornment.

Helen asks…

What type of government would you describe this as?

Well ive been playing this game called nations, in which over time you answer political questions, and the results will change your country. And ive been playing for a bit now, so I wondering what type of government is this?

->Detail on the country, they dramatize it a bit.

The Nation of Better America is ruled by President Davila. Purity of bloodline is the primary deciding factor in the replacement of rulers in Better America. Technology is at the forefront of scientific research and the nation flourishes with superior communication and means of production. Government sponsored programs for health care allow any individual who owns land to receive care.

Life in Better America is very safe due to the right of the police to randomly search private property. This country sports an impressive military force which operates fully on testosterone-driven body builders which are used to intimidate any adversary. Religious tolerance is available to all those who can afford to buy it. All children in Better America ages five to thirteen are eligible for free placement testing to determine their proper schooling placement.

Most environmental issues in Better America are resolved with a simple coin toss which is then translated by an official coin toss interpreter. Privatization of corporations and free market are new concepts developing in this country, and freedom of speech has recently been allotted to the citizenship of Better America, but consequences for what citizens freely say are still enforced.

The Expert answers:

Sounds like something a collaboration between Robert A. Heinlein and Philip K. Dick would come up with.

I’d like to read it!

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Your Questions About Green Living

Donald asks…

Do you believe our culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living?

By culture I mean the dominant culture of mass media, cities, war, and violence.

If yes, why?
If no, what can we do? How does this realization change our tactics?

The Expert answers:

Few cultural changes happen voluntarily or peacefully but one can only hope we learn from history
some would say capitalism has sustained us why would it not continue to do so…well I would say because it is too reactionary and not sufficiently focused on long term social needs that may not be profitable such as health care, infrastructure or other isolated but important needs. Socialism has never really had a chance and tho it is being hybridized rather well with capitalism in europe we still see many class inequities

George asks…

Is there any sustainable energy methods I can harness while living in an apartment complex?

Or does anyone know a good website about harnessing energy for personal use?

I was thinking about maybe a small windmill or solar panels…But I’m not sure how it would work when being connected to other units. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

There were a lot of good answers given, especially regarding the film for the windows and the thermostat issues. Another suggestion I would like to add is one that I’ve done.

We bought solar outdoor lights and used them inside. We had the solar panel in the window and the sun charged it great, the lights were positioned around the room, and used for light at night. Buy rechargeable LED lanterns and use them in different rooms (my kids have these in their rooms, as oil lanterns are too dangerous for youngsters).

You can make a solar cooker if you have good sun exposure from a balcony or patio at your apartment. We have a variety of ways to cook (grill, propane grill, propane camp stove). I also re-charge batteries while driving in the car, plus charge the laptop when necessary. This I use for the kids to watch DVDs, and we have recently begun watching movies and such on Hulu. This would save on electricity for TV and save satellite costs.

Daniel asks…

which is more ecologically sustainable: living in a highrse apartment in a big city, or living on forest? why?

The Expert answers:

By living in the country at the edge of a forrested area. I get to see the impact on wildlife first hand and also get to watch and learn the wildlifes’ behavior, and see also how the city dwellers are so miss informed about wildlife. I see Californian’s and other city dwellers who move to the country and think how they are going to make a differance in the wildlife by feeding them food that is not heathy for them and not allowing hunting to keep the population of wildlife in check and allowing disease to run rappant in the wildlife.
By living in the country I get to smell fresh air everyday and not hear sirens and people arguing. You will know more about wildlife by being where they are and watching them for yourself and understand how they can adapt to people, and you yourself not being a miss informed brainless believer of the media or uniformed politicians. So as I sit on my deck of my loghome watching the wildlife and learning by watching and not listening, I hope I cleared the clouds for you

Lisa asks…

Sustainable Living/Environmental Experiment?

I need to come up with a environmental/sustainable living experiment for a class I am in. I only have a few weeks to do the experiment and then I just need to write a paper about it, but I am having trouble coming up with a project to do…..

Some people in my class are going to be vegetarians for a few weeks, one student is going to try and not use shampoo for a couple weeks!. The experiments dont have to be too extreme like these, some students are just going to make an effort to smile more and see what types of responses they get from others.

I want to come up with a unique experiment but I am drawing a blank….I would love any ideas!

Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for your ideas…the only thing is I am limited with what I can do because I am living in a dorm on a college campus!!

The Expert answers:

Not sure how much control you would have over your electricity bill (and if not, become an activist and get access), but if you can get a previous bill you could:

1. Change out all light bulbs for low energy ones;
2. Ensure your computer is off when you are not using it;
3. Don’t turn on the TV for a few weeks;
4. Go through the house and turn off everything that draws ‘phantom energy’ (chargers that aren’t charging anything, coffee makers with clocks, Sound video components in standby mode – you TV will be off etc.);
5. Wash dishes by hand, or ensure a dishwasher is full before running it (if you own one);
6. Air dry as much laundry as possible;
7. And turn off anything else with pretty lights you are not using (no straigting hair or haridryers either!).

Do that for two weeks, and either wait for your bill or contact the utility company directly to find out usage (if you can go outside and read the meter yourself before you start and when you are done you can even do the math yourself).

Once all that is said and done, you will have a profile of your energy use. Some changes can be permanent, others you can budget yourself for (such as TV – I am addicted to a few shows myself!) and make yourself sustainable for the long term.

There are some other things you can do too to minimize energy use, but I’m getting a pinky cramp writting…. Good luck and would love to see your results!

Betty asks…

natural/organic/sustainable living?

anyone know any catalogs or companies that sell organic or sustainable products? gaiam, etc…

The Expert answers:

Territorial Seeds ~ they will send you a catalog.

Also, there are some on ebay… Best Wishes!

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Your Questions About Green Living

Ruth asks…

Why does every energy solution always make more money for the oil corporations?

I vote for Obama’s energy policy where he will invest $150B into developing ALL FORMS of alternative energy.

This will create jobs here in America, eliminate oil dependency, stop the trade imbalance, stop pollution in the air and in our drinking water.

Of course the “Conservatives” will be against this since this is a conservative policy and the “conservatives” are actually anti-conservatives.

The Expert answers:

McCain flip-flops whenever it becomes politically expedient to change his mind. For such an environmentalist and maverick in he’s party he’s really turned out to be a hypocrite and a coward. It’s not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we’d only have 2-3% of the needed national supply.

McCain needs to stop pretending to be an environmentalist. McCain has a 0 rating while Obama has a 96 from The Conservation Society. If he was a such an environmentalist he wouldn’t support offshore drilling and the gas tax holiday which would increase carbon emissions.

Drilling will only cause prices to go down about a nickel over the next decade at the best. It’s not going to have huge longterm effects except on he environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we’d only have 2-3% of the needed national supply. We can’t depend on oil. We have to find alternative sources of energy.

Mark asks…

what kind of job deals with alternative sources of energy? its for a physics paper…?

i have a physics paper to write about alternative sources of energy, and one section is to describe a career that one can have in the field (of alternative sources of energy)…
does anyone have any ideas?

and i also need a formula that has to do with the topic and i have to explain the physics involved in alternative sources of energy (what it is, how it works, etc etc)…

so if ANYONE has ANY information, it would be much appreciated!


The Expert answers:

There are many careers that are necessary to the production of alternative sources of energy. Of course there are the engineers who build windmills, solar cells, and other physical structures. There are physicists, chemists, and other scientists that tell the engineers what to do and how to build something. There are politicians who mandate the use of alternative energy and provide funding for research. Then there are a few unusual ones, like an agronomist (someone who studies crops and plants). They study how to get the highest yield per acre and what crops are best for the given climate and soil conditions. You also have the farmers that produce the organic products necessary for the production of ethanol, biodiesel, and other organic renewables.

David asks…

Alternative energy vs. drilling for more oil?

Is this a true statement?

If the US does more domestic oil drilling, the oil companies get richer.
If the US develops alternative energy (wind, solar, etc), this would create a whole new industry and create more new jobs.

The Expert answers:

Very true.

Oil companies and people who make a living on oil future market don’t want alternative energy become popular. There is no wind futures and solar futures to trade.

Mandy asks…

What should I do to start my career in the solar and alternative energy field?

I have a Bachelors in Material Science and Engineering. No particular solar experience. I’ve been looking to get a masters at Univ. of Texas or another Texas University, but I’m not sure which degree would best help me get a job, if at all. What should be my next steps, I’ve been researching for a few days.
How would I go about getting a entry job in the solar industry, what type should i look for?

The Expert answers:

Check out this company I represent. I think it may suit you well.
If you have any questions feel free to call me anytime.
602 418 2823

James asks…

Why arte the conservatives afraid to create new jobs and improve the economy?

They want to “drill baby drill”, yet ignore the fact the Alternative Energy initiatives will create new jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities and improve the economy.

I never knew that repblicans advocate such things as borrowing (Bail outs and the economy) without having a plan to improve revenue streams, as well as are willing to rapidly consume a resource with no regard for what happens in 10 years afterwwards

The Expert answers:

The conservatives have been creating new jobs – in China.
By outsourcing middle-class jobs, they feel they are saving on labor costs and don’t give a second thought about how this affects their own country.

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Your Questions About Green Living

David asks…

CUTE eco-friendly clothing….?

Does anyone know where I can find really cute, trendy eco friendly clothes? I’m an ex fashionista (think Coach, GUESS, Chanel) who wants to do her part in making this world a better environment. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Lucky Brand Jeans has a really nice selection of eco-friendly clothing.

Nancy asks…

What are some eco friendly brands of clothing?

I am looking for brands of clothing that are some of the following:
– Organic
– Made with Solar power
– Made with Wind power
– Carbon neutral manufacturing

The Expert answers:

Try 100% cotten clothing regardless of brand.

Maria asks…

Ladies Have you bought any of the Eco-friendly clothing they have at Sam’s Club and Costco?

Okay I know typically these two places are not places you go to look for clothes but they have some cute outfits you should get that are good for the Earth.

The Expert answers:

I never went there before. I havent even heard of it
but i never wear animal skin

William asks…

Why are eco-friendly clothing soo expensive?

is it worth it?

The Expert answers:

Because they are made of organic, which is more expensive (and rarer) and grow and make clothing into.

George asks…

Do you buy eco-friendly clothing?

You know it’s pretty cheap and they sell some Organic T-shirts and stuff at places like Wal-mart, Jc penny, Nordstroms, or Mervyns, Kohls, just ask about organic cotton T-shirts and clothing and they should know where it is. It’s also very comfortable.
Kye H the difference is that organic cotton does not have any pesticides or fertilizer that can end up at the beach and ruining farmland. I think that is pretty Important or you can try drinking some of that water and see what it does it to you.

The Expert answers:

No way! Cotton is organic, what’s wrong with them?

What is the difference in cotton and organic cotton? Cotton is cotton and it comes from a plant

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sandy asks…

Since biomass is a renewable energy resource, there is a suggestion that the world switch to biomass as its?

main energy source. What’s an example of problems that can arise from this switch ?
From a society point of view
From an energy availability point of view
From an ecological point of view

The Expert answers:

Several problems can arise such as;
If the whole world was to switch to biomass there would be no natural environment as we know it because we would consume more than the world could produce and that would not be socially acceptable. Poor resource management such as where more biomass is used then can be grown could lead to our destruction (Easter island)
Ecologically speaking it could destroy an ecosystem and possibly cause a chain reaction of collapsing ecosystem. With advances in biogas production and using algea to produce oils there is a possibility that our energy needs could be met with large scale biomass farming and biogass collection/processing but only with good planning by scientists.

Sharon asks…

what would the world be like if we continue use fossil fuels and not renewable energy?

The Expert answers:

There is a growing concern regarding the collaboration between fossil fuels and environmental pollution. Debates regarding this contamination have become commonplace in today’s effort to sustain the earth’s health. Fossil fuels are not considered a renewable energy source and aside from the environmental impact, the cost of retrieving and converting them is beginning to demand notice. Seemingly this issue has many different angles that need to be addressed in order to ensure future generations a sustainable living

What is Renewable Energy? Renewable energy is that source of energy that does not diminish and gets their replenishment of energies from other natural sources like wind, sun, flowing water, geothermal flows of heat and biological processes.

With the depletion in resources of fossil fuel there seems to be a growing demand for solutions that can generate the same output but will not die out at the same time. Using energy resources also is environmentally friendly as we are only taking what nature has to offer, and generating energy from it.

Almost 18 % of energy consumption globally was from energy sources in the year 2006. The Geysers in United States, California is one of the world’s largest geothermal installations. The leader in Ethanol fuel is Brazil, this fuel drawn out of sugarcane, is used to drive vehicles. The highest ownership in household solar is Kenya, where most of the households draw their energy from solar power stations.

With so much happening globally in terms of renewable resources, several countries now have passed legislations that will help increase its use. This has seen a trend in increase in market demand for newer technologies in the energy resource industry.
Therefiore, converting fossil fuels may also result in the accumulation of solid waste. This type of accumulation has a devastating impact on the environment.

Maria asks…

How we can solve energy crisis in World in long run?

a)By using more & more renewable energy.
b)By controling our consumption of fuel.
b)Do not bother now.

The Expert answers:

For commuting use Bicycle, For Cooking and Lighting Use Solar Energy. If you are forced to Use Motor Transport then UsePublic Transport system. If not atleast join a car pool.

Mark asks…

will the western world become energy efficient ?

in the next 40 years will the wetern world be able to run on renewable energy ??? the germans and the japaneese have made a good progress but what about the others ??? when will they start building green cities like the germans ??

The Expert answers:

It is definitely possible however if governments don’t invest in it it is unlikely to happen.

Here is the proof

This is a report by scientists which shows it is possible to generate all our energy from renewable sources by 2020 if we wanted to.


Also “blue-green” algae can produce electricity or Diesel simply from air, water and sunlight. Although not fully developed yet they provide great opurtunities.


Seriously look at these links if we really wanted to we could produce plenty of energy.

Richard asks…

Why aren’t we on 99% clean renewable energies and leading the world and setting an example?

We have money to kill but not to lead and help.
Except for the money for the endless wars, right?

The Expert answers:

Problem is with people like you who like to cry and whine about renewable energy this and that but are not even directly associated in the discoveries of those new green technologies you want everyone else to get involved with. You mentioned in one answer that you are an econ graduate. Why economics and not Environmental Studies? Because you too are just out to make money for yourself so you can enjoy your life exactly like the politicians and economists and bankers and business that you say exploit the poor. And it’s much easier to pin the blame on someone else and make them responsible for something you could have easily done something about you try isn’t it? You drive a car, you use electricity, you even eat processed factory made foods. All use non green renewable energy. Where is your indignation against the non environmentally friendly resources that you use? Ah, there lies the hypocrisy doesn’t it?

And please stop saying “we” when you talk about the US because you are not American and you don’t live here. You said so yourself. Or are you a liar too?

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Your Questions About Green Living

Laura asks…

How do you suggest we get this country back on track?

How can we fix our economy, the housing market, the huge debt, the war in Iraq, social security, health care, security flaws, environmental issues, diplomacy, our relations with other countries, American’s jobs being sent to China, poverty, illegal immigrants, border security, education and the corrupt government who we are trusting to fix our problems. How are we going to fix all of these issues and get our country back after 7 years of complete incompetence in our government?
KRR- I know the sky is not falling but how are we going to fix these problems?

The Expert answers:

I think we need to value our manufacturing sector more. With the jobs flowing overseas for cheap labor, America is losing a lot of ground.

Mark asks…

Might it be hard for Westerners to understand Chinese “Human Rights”?

Based on historical evidence from over the past two thousand years or so, Chinese culture places a much lower value on human life than that currently found in Western civilization. As the Chinese population continues to grow, and resources begin to shrink, this cultural viewpoint is likely to maintain its influence. Thus, China could easily commit a few million troops to overrun any area it might choose, without regard to loss of life. Likewise, the CCP can eliminate any dissidents seeking to “modernize” the culture (as in “globalization”), with little repercussions. And, widespread deaths in coal mines and industrial accidents, or from short-cutting quality control (e.g. the powered milk and lead painted toys scandals) are seen as common business practices with acceptable losses of human life.

Might this cultural factor (disregard for Human Rights, as well as the environment) be so contrary to the viewpoints embedded in Western cultures that it could generate misjudgments during political/economic negotiations?

Do you know of any other examples where this has recently occurred?

Might it be totally unreasonable for Western countries to expect ANY progress in the area of Human Rights and environmental issues, so long as China continues to have such an immense and expendable population, and extremely little motivation to head in that direction?
CHN – Thorough response, thanks.

Patrick – I can understand Traditional Mandarin. However, you type in the bastardized form of Chinese created by the CCP. 很遺憾,您無法讀取真實中國.
Sailor – You refer to a simple question as being “silly.” I’m not sure why you didn’t understand the question. Individual perceptions of the world and one’s values vary according to cultural upbringing. I was inquiring as to whether Chinese culture/history is so diametrically opposed to Western culture/history in regards to the value of human life, that it might lead to great misunderstandings during attempts to mutually improve the environment (such as curtailing the use of coal-fired power plants) and settle issues of human rights (such as invoking due process of law).

The Expert answers:

There are alot of answers out there, but most of them misses the bulleye.

I will put it in simple terms for you.

1) China gives you all the rights you want, BUT if you commit a crime or voices against the communist party. Everything will be stripped from you including your rights. NO one will even know you disappeared, because China controls the media! Simple as that.

2) The industrial accidents, quality control etc you mentioned? That has nothing to do with human life. Its called they don’t give a crap. BECAUSE they are only concerned about themselves.
You should know the standard of education in China is low.

Simple things like don’t throw cigs out the balcony once u are done with them, sort out the trashes and of course respect others.

These are things the older generations in china don’t know.

3) The difference between Chinese cultural and western culture would NOT generate misjudgement for negotiations. Top negotiators would have a fairly good idea about the people they are dealing with including their culture.

Negotiations don’t workout because its matter of who gets the most benefit.

Take the Value of yuan for example. Chinese say of course their yuan is not artificially undervalued because they gives them an edge in selling their products because they are sooo dam cheap!
They are stealing everyones jobs in every country.

They know it, but they deny it because they want to maintain the competitive advantages.

4) Yes it is unreasonble for western countries to expect China to do anything about human rights, because IF all the people in china has freedom of speech and critize everything then the Communist party will cripple.

You underestand is not China doesn’t want to go in that direction, its because Human rights and environmental issues are BARRIERS for the Government to take full control and rise to super power.

Look at China now.. If they agree to tackle the environmental issue, that will pose more of a problem for everone to adapt rather than help with the businesses in china to push out the product.

They know how to play politics and maintance TWO FACED, Say one thing, do another.

If international MEDIA critize them, they will always say ” You are accusing us on groundless means, without any evidence, therefore you are hurting US- China relationship”

How many times have u heard them say that. They don’t admit that they are wrong, when they do the wrong things like HACKING GOGGLE.

Because that makes them Loose FACE.

Joseph asks…

How do you solve this critical reading question?

India is part of the Asian subcontinent and is home to over 1 billion people. Only China has a larger population. A little over half of India’s land is suited to agriculture, but about 65 percent of Indians are farmers or farm laborers. They raise rice, wheat, cotton, cattle, sheep, and water buffalo. To increase output, the government instituted irritation and land reclamation projects. Newer types of crops and fertilizers have also been tried. India is one of the nations benefiting from the Green Revolution. Unfortunately, the initial high hopes for the Green Revolution have proved to be illusory because of the high costs for the seeds and fertilizer and the environmental issues arising from the massive use of pesticides.

The author probably introduced the statistic about the size of the India’s population
A.) in order to set up a comparison with China‘s population
B.) because it is an interesting fact
C.) to provide background for the discussion for the Green Revolution
D.) to show the seriousness of the need for food in India
E.) to provide context for the number of Indians who work in agriculture

According to my review book, the answer is D… But where in the passage, is this answer supported??
—– the activities of her employees, the director refused to — their methods.
A.) Disarming..condone
B.) Appplauding—question
C.) Repudiating—reward
E.) Approving—arrogate

I believe the answer is C, but my review book says B…. Am I wrong?

The Expert answers:

If I can be honest, none of it makes sense to me. Why? Because of the number given right off the bat. Let’s round off and say there’s 1 billion people. If 65% of the population is farmers or farm laborers (assuming they don’t have hunger problems), that would mean there are 650 million people in the daily industry of growing (possibly ‘making’) food for the rest of the 350 million people. I doubt there is a need for food over there, they seem to be doing just fine.

Therefore, the answer I would choose is
C.) To provide background for the discussion for the Green Revolution

Robert asks…

Do you think we have ignored China’s Blatant disregard for human rights and fair trade long enough?

They seem so bully and walk over any country at will and show absolutely no restraint in environmental or political issues. The are so bold they as much as spit on everyone in the free world and yet our Government acts like their lap dog. Why is that?
George Bush Sr went over to China and Puked on their leader. Nixon was a Chinese lapdog too. Both Republican

The Expert answers:

YES! And let us add the dangerous products they sent to America. Now they are producing electronics that are infected with viruses that steal you passwords and allows others to control your computers. We need a total band on all Items made in China.

Mandy asks…

Why does the US have to keep buying toys from China?

and don’t say because it is cheaper, which is a given.
It is a shame that in this free enterprise and great country that we live in that we have to rely on other countries to provide these services. There are people out there that would rather work in a factory than McDonalds isn’t there?? The foremost cause of all the environmental issues in the world I would have to say is from the cheap and meaningless plastic pieces of crap you see on the shelves and everywhere these days. We need to get back to the old fashioned high quality toys and parts that don’t fall apart after 2 minutes in a 3 year olds hands.

The Expert answers:

The plain, and simple truth is that it is cheaper to have these products made over sea’s. $4.00 a day vs. $5.20 an hour.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

What are three renewable alternative energy sources?

I need help on this. When u answer can u be thorough about why the 3 alternative energy sources are renewable please.

The Expert answers:

Wind, solar and tidal (or wave) power.

They are considered renewable because no matter how much wind or sunlight or how many waves you use, you’ll never consume it all. Petroleum products like oil and natural gas are not renewable because there is a finite amount of it in the ground. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

It may not be windy, sunny or wavy every day, but there’ll always be more.

Carol asks…

Why did Jindal say alternative energy is a good thing but criticized the stimulus package?

Why did Jindal say we need more alternative energy, but then criticize the stimulus package’s contents of hyrbid cars for government workers and a magnetic rail line from Las Vegas to Disneyland? Maglev technology was just one more technology we lost to the Japanese and Chinese and could be a focus of our transportation needs.
So he is not for government spending on alternative energy either then? That’s not the impression I got from his speech.

The Expert answers:

Jindal is an idiot. He’s just another Sarah Palin. I loved his volcano comment. We should take his advice to use the money some states use in monitoring their volcanoes like Hawaii, Washinton, and Alaska, and use it on something else. So when those volcanoes actually erupt without warning, we can blame it all on Apu. Thank you, come again

Joseph asks…

What can you use alternative energy for?

I am writing an essay on alternative energy and it would really help if you answerd soon and gave me the resources!

The Expert answers:

There are different types of alternative energy, and each has its own purposes.

Bio-desiel is used primarily for operating vehicles.

There are a number of methane gas sources and uses. King County, WA is harnessing methane from a land fill to power its land fill operations and also for sales income. Mesa, Az is using methane from a sewage treatment plant to power the plant and several area residences. There are some farms/feed lots out there capturing and using methane for their own and surrounding purposes. In some cases, methane is burned for heating, steam engine/motor operation, or combustion engine operation. In other cases, it is converted into electricity; I would guess that it is through a burning process.

Wind, wave, and river energy tends to be turned into electricity.

Solar panels and wind turbines make electricity. But, passive solar often involves the pre-heating of water in outdoor bladders/container using the sun and then using it indoors. Often the indoor uses include radiant heating, pre-heated water for house hold heat or house hold hot water.

Is this the type of things you are asking for? Finding more information on these topics and/or specifics is easy by plugging them into a search engine.

William asks…

Do you support a complete switch over to alternative energy sources in the near future?

Or should the US economy continue to rely on oil and fossil fuels? Is this good for the long run? Would you support gov’t subsidies to reduce costs of alternative energy technology?

The Expert answers:

Out of idle curiosity, what are you going to make roads, plastics, rubber materials…etc out of if we no longer can use oil?

Mark asks…

What would be the most efficient and possible alternative energy resource to take the place of gas?

In the future what will we use when all the natural oil is used up? Please explain why we would be using this alternative energy and how it works. A website with information about this topic would be helpful too.

The Expert answers:

I think the best alternative we have right now is Bio diesel from algaee.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Helen asks…

How do we implement the practices of Sustainable Agriculture?

How do we implement the practices of Sustainable Agriculture?

What do we need to rethink?

The Expert answers:

1) We should rethink allowing the UN through their Agenda 21 programme
implementing power over local governments,
and thus strengthening global governance (government). Http://
Chapter 14
deals with what Agenda 21 wants to do to agriculture. As might be expected, the wording is vague, and the implementation is not.
– Programme area (a) seems to be about implementing central planning in order to insure food security. Such government efforts have been disastrous in the past in that they separated the incentive to feed people from the profit motive causing famine. Http://
– Programme area (b) is more specifically about bringing agriculture under government control as explained in section 14.14. The implementation in the USA has been the Food Safety and Modernization Act,
which has more to do with eliminating the small farmer (collectivization) than the almost nothing it has to do with food safety. This has also mostly resulted in famine whenever it has been tried before. Http://
None of this should be surprising given the wording in section 14.9:
“Implement policies to influence land tenure and property rights positively with due recognition of the minimum size of land-holding required to maintain production and check further fragmentation”
Indeed, property rights are being transferred from land owners to the federal government.

Lizzie asks…

What is the most sustainable fish to eat?

Having just complained to my dad about getting cod for dinner and suggesting haddock instead, he and I would both be interested to know whether haddock really is a more sustainable option. What is the most ethical option in a fish and chip shop – besides not getting fish and chips at all?

The Expert answers:

I would just like to add that I took a fisheries class last semester, and wow. There really ARE no sustainable fisheries!

Fish caught in the wild are usually over-harvested. If the number of fish caught starts going down, fisheries will use more boats and more nets so they get the same yield each year, until suddenly there are no more fish of that kind. And no matter what method you use to catch fish, you always get by-catch. So, you list a fish as endangered, and then when they’re trawling for flounder, they accidentally catch the endangered fish! Well, they can’t sell it, because its illegal to sell an endangered fish, so they toss it back. Too bad it’s already dead, because its gas bladder ruptured, or they had it out of the water too long!

Farm-raised fisheries don’t impact wild populations, but they pollute the water, and they need to feed the farm-raised fish other fish! So you end up over harvesting bait-fish instead of the target fish, but the wild ones end up suffering anyway because they have no prey!

It was one depressing class, let me tell you what.

I don’t know what is the most sustainable, but the WORST fish is probably shrimp. Shrimp trawlers tear up the bottom of the ocean, destroying habitat, and are 90% by-catch (meaning for every 100 fish they catch, only 10 of them are shrimp. The other 90 fish, which are killed in the process, get tossed back into the sea.) Up until recently shrimp trawlers killed hundreds of endangered sea turtles each year, but they started using “turtle guards” on the trawls, so turtles don’t get caught as often.

Daniel asks…

Why do we need sustainable Tourism? & what are the problems related to sustainable Tourism?

Why do we need sustainable Tourism? and what are the problems related to sustainable tourism regarding social, environmental and economical issues?

The Expert answers:

We need this cuz it is a huge part of our econemy. We get tons of money from people coming to see, the grand canyon, niagara falls, etc etc

Nancy asks…

What is a more sustainable substitute for black tiger shrimp?

I would like to replace the black tiger shrimp on our wedding menu with a more sustainable shrimp, but I would prefer another type of shrimp that is as close as possible to the tiger shrimp in size and texture.

The Expert answers:

The main thing to look for is country of origin. If you can get it from Mexico it will be much more sustainable than if it came from Asia. It is very hard to get very large shrimp that are not farmed raised. Wild caught shrimp has more flavor if you can find it. Mexican shrimp does not destroy as much mangroves or coral. I avoid shrimp from Thailand myself.

Donna asks…

What happen if the sustainable harvest rate is exceeded?

If the harvesting of forest products exceeds the sustainable harvest rate, what will happen to the forest and the communities surrounding the forest?

The Expert answers:

If a ‘forest product’ are trees and you just down more then can grow or are re planted you will have nothing left for the next generations. Clear cutting or logging is a good example for that. Put these two words into a search engine and you get much more than would fit here.
We all have heard of cutting down the jungles of Madagascar, teak and mahogany in the far east and so forth.
Animals that maybe would be hunted for food by the surrounding communities will also become scares or there will be nothing left to hunt, might that be wild deer, wild pigs or whatever there is.

If you are talking about other forest products like berries or mushrooms, pine cones or tree nuts, well there might be a good harvest for 2 or 3 season, and then not much left for the next few years, if anything will re grow that fast. (there should be a story on the net about harvesting pine nuts in Siberia). Or if you tap the maple trees in canada for instance, to much, for maple juice, the trees just will die, there is a story also somewhere.

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Your Questions About Green Living

David asks…

I need help with a renewable energy major.?


I have a pretty common question. What should I major in so that I can get a job that involves renewable energy maybe work with the nrel to help the military . I have been accepted to the Naval Academy and I do not have much to choose from. Your help is appreciated.



The Expert answers:

I have a good one, trash power because there is so much trash we could finally get rid of it

Mark asks…

Given UK’s desperate need for renewable energy, isn’t it time we crushed the NIMBY brigade?

The windfarm factory on the Isle of Wight has closed (500 jobs lost) because NIMBY objectors made the company’s UK operations unprofitable. The Severn Barrage project is continually delayed by skilled and selfish stalling of planning processes. It’s the same all over Britain; those objectors want the benefits of low-cost energy and to ride their hobby-horses as well.
Our oil and gas is running out; Thatcher destroyed our coal mines. Where DO those NIMBY people think our energy will come from?

The Expert answers:

It’s got to come from Nuclear energy. So called ‘Green’ renewable energies are useless because they don’t take into consideration basic facts and numbers.

Look at it this way: In order for the UK to meet it’s requirements for the % of energy production created by green energy (I think it’s 35% by 2020) as ratified by the EU, the Government would have to cover the UK in twice the number of wind turbines that are currently in the WORLD, let alone the UK. This means they would have to build 3 per day every day until 2020 to reach the target. And the current rate for building and installing a windmill? 1 per week. And the wind production at full speed and capacity would only be the same as 5 small coal-fired power stations.

So that means with natural fossil fuel production running out, we would have either harness methane production from livestock farms, or use nuclear energy. But those take 10 years to build (I don’t know why, but surely they shouldn’t take that long), so I do believe that we could suffer another winter of discontent.

Sandra asks…

What entry-level job positions are there to apply for in a renewable energy company?

Something you don’t have to have direct experience or a degree for…
Anyone know?

The Expert answers:

As most companies, there are various positions needed for it’s operations. They need someone to do the paper workd, they need someone to work out their finances, they need lawyer to take care the the legal aspects. They also need salesmen, engineer in various fields and a lot dozen more positions..

Maria asks…

where i can find job as renewable energy engineer?

The Expert answers:

Do a google search for “green jobs” “environmental jobs” “renewable energy jobs” and other such combinations there are companies which deal solely in environmental jobs. You could also search for companies which manufacture these products many have an employment section on their website.

James asks…

Degree type — Renewable Energy?

What degree type would be recommended for a career in renewable energy? Also, what jobs would be available?

The Expert answers:

Civil engineering for building structures (like towers, water wheels/dams, whatnot). Since you’re specifically interested in renewable energy, you might also look into electrical engineering. That will teach you how electricity can be generated and, more importantly, stored.

Making a wind turbine, for instance, is all about generating electromagnetic energy.

Good luck!

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Your Questions About Green Living

Helen asks…

Are there any effective, eco-friendly ways to whiten laundry?

I do my laundry at fairly low temperatures (30 – 40 degrees C) using ecofriendly washing liquid, to try to minimise the environmental impact. While this works fine for coloureds and darks, my white clothes/bedding could do with a bit of help. Is there anything natural I could add while washing to whiten them? (Lemon juice? Vinegar? Bicarb soda? Something else entirely?)

N.B. I do dry whites in direct sunlight as much as possible, but this doesn’t seem to be enough!

The Expert answers:

Darling… are certainly using the almost complete arsenal of green cleaners for whitening and brightening. All thats left to add is either borax or perhaps a half mixture of bleach with half of your usual dose of cleaning detergent. While not the greenest solution, it is better than the full dose of bleach you might use. Also, if your water is hard, you may be suffering the “hard water dingys” and need to soften the water more. A friend of mine who used to repair appliances said that most people use entirely TOO MUCH detergent to clean their clothes and actually make their clothes dingier by continuing to add too much. He advised me to use less detergent and when possible, to let clothes soak for a bit, even as little as 15 minutes can make a TREMENDOUS difference. My Mom taught me to NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, to mix whites with ANY colors AT ALL. And her whites are the whitest. Once I took that into my arsenal of cleaning, I noticed a distinct difference in the white of my whites. Also, you might try finding a little product my Grams used to use, don’t know how green it is, but I have it in my cleaning kit and use it when I need an item whiter that white, called Blueing. Its hard to come by these days, and any time I see it, I clear the shelf. I am down to my last bottle, and its half full. Add a few drops to a glass of water and add to your front loader, or if you have the standard top loader, a bit more to a glass of water and add AFTER the water has been added to your last rinse. Its a bit of effort to catch that last rinse, or you can try adding it instead of softener, oh oh….which also can make your clothes dingy too. Try giving that up for a bit and see if the clothes brighten up. Okay, I have emptied my cleaning tips for white on you! Good luck!

James asks…

What are some good eco-friendly habits to have when grocery shopping?

Any tips for shopping ecofriendly, to help the environment?

The Expert answers:

Recycle recycle recycle! Reusable shopping bags can be bought or you can bring your old ones. If people give you any grief on this, simply counter with “have you been to England lately?” If I buy one big object, I usually forgo any bags. Look out for biodegradable ingredients in cleaners, food, paper. Recycle your receipts on the way out (remember to tear up first if you have your credit card # on it). Try to eat organic if you can afford it, because organic means less spraying and artificial ingredients. But don’t be misled. The amount of effort it takes to ship organic foods to your location will invariably tax the ozone layer. A lot of liquid cleaners now offer small refillable bottles that are super-concentrated, so you just add to your old big bottle and add water and shake. Good Luck, and THANK YOU for caring about our environment!

John asks…

What is the best way to market eco-friendly products to high school and college kids?

I just want some feedback from the general public on the best ways to market ecofriendly products to high school and college kids. What methods do you think is best to get the message across?

The Expert answers:

Many high school and college students are already into the green/eco friendly concept (or at least they like to think they are) so that’s obviously a very important aspect of the product. If it looks cheesy (uncool in the world of the high school student) no one will by it. All aspects of advertising the product should really focus on balancing eco friendly with the latest trends. If advertising through the radio or television, for example, you’ll probably want the more popular recent music rather than old classics. For whatever reason, listing to the same music as our parents did and attaching that to a product can (sometimes) turn us off. Anyways, lots of music, color (maybe even green?) and a cool look will have us all hocked in for sure.
Good luck : )

Sandra asks…

What is an inexpensive, eco-friendly laundry detergent?

I am looking for an ecofriendly laundry detergent, but I don’t want to have to pay an arm and a leg for it. I also prefer the liquid to powder. Right now I am using All Small and Mighty. I would like something more natural, but that still smells good and clean. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

I love Method’s detergent and softener! Currently, I’m using water lily & aloe detergent products for my washes and they smell great and work well (haven’t tested it on heavy stains yet though). They’re also really affordable – the HE detergent is only $8 and the softener is only $6, both for I think 32 fl oz.

Method’s products are all biodegradable and made with natural ingredients.

Nancy asks…

What are the most eco-friendly methods of heating water in a house?

Our water heater is looking very sad and yesterday our neighbors burst. I took it as a sign.

My husband wants to get a tankless water heating system.
I’m wondering which methods are most ecofriendly, energy saving, etc.

I don’t think we can afford solar panels.
I should have mentioned that I live in South Florida so if I can harness the sun’s energy in a way I can afford (upfront) then I’m in the perfect location to do it.

The Expert answers:

There are 2 types of solar panels, photovoltaic – that create electricity to use for any purpose (like heating water) and solar thermal – used for collecting heat which is typically used to heat your home, your hot water, or even your pool. The former are typically expensive, the latter can vary a lot in price depending on technology. I wouldn’t dismiss solar thermal collection before exploring it. It is likely more expensive, and certainly more complicated than a standard (and probably tankless) hot water heater too, but remember the difference is paying for the higher cost up front, then getting essentially free energy for years. The cost of energy will likely keep rising over time too, so saving 50% now might cost you a whole lot more over the lifespan of the product you buy.

Depending on your location, a geothermal heat pump system can be much more efficient for heating and cooling your whole house, as well as heating water. Its not worth it for just hot water, but if you are looking at larger solutions these systems get rave reviews. Cost is high, but again you are paying up front and saving in the long run.

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