Your Questions About Green Living

Michael asks…

How do I make other teens care about environmental issues?

I’m trying to get students at my school become aware of environmental issues. I am myself a student, but I don’t how how to make them relate to these problems in order to get them involved. How do I make them to care?
I trying to start an environmental club, and I could really use some help on how make them join the club.

The Expert answers:

You need to make it relate to them..tell them how a clean healthy environment supplies, air, food and water to them. Tell them how many medicines, foods, etc come from plants and from animals that pollinate plants. If they know that their future will depend on the environment, they may be interested in preserving it. Try to plan fun activities, touring a wildlife rehabilitation center where you can see animals being cared for, park clean-up where you could have a picnic before or after the cleaning, a camp-out clean up, etc.

Ruth asks…

What tactics do Corporations use to keep environmental issues from becoming social problems?

Corporations use tactics to keep environmental issues from becoming social problems… What are a few of these tactics we see here in the U.S.?

The Expert answers:

How many environmental problems that affect the health and property of people do you hear about on TV, in magazines or even your local newspaper? I think certain kinds of stories are squashed. By social problems, I assume you mean what would result if more people knew about these things and held the offenders accountable.

Joseph asks…

Are there any good online message boards concerning environmental issues such as conservation?

I was hoping there were some good message boards/forums for people to discuss environmental/wildlife conservation issues. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The Expert answers:

Wel we are writing a blog for environmental and other public service issues. We have just started it. And have written an article based on “hunger and poverty” which will be posted before the dawn. Our next article is based on pollution.

If you are interested keep in track with us. You are most welcome to share your views as comments

our blog’s URL will be

Lisa asks…

Why have environmental issues become important to Asian countries?

Why have environmental issues appeared on the international agenda?

The Expert answers:

Because of over pollution in asian counries

Sharon asks…

What kind of environmental issues are out there?

What kind of environmental issues are out in local, nationwide and planet wide areas?

I’m just a little curious on what’s going on around the Earth that we aren’t noticing so much of.

(examples are global warming, recycling, forest preserves, etc)

The Expert answers:

For one of my courses, we have our final project on “The Greatest Environmental Issue”, i.e. The most serious threat to the long-term well-being of human population. My professor made this list:

Air Pollution
Decline of Fish Stocks
Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Global Warming / Climate Change
Loss of Biodiversity
Mineral/Energy Resource Depletiion
Pesticide Overuse
Soil Degradation/Depletion
Water Pollution (toxic, and/or hormone mimicking)

Hope this helps. I urge you to look into these issues; each one is quite fascinating (and terrifiying!).

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

Which of these AGW solutions sound “socialist” to you?

There are a lot of posters here who think that AGW is some sort of communist/socialist/liberal conspiracy to take charge of our economy.

But (aside from the fact that unpalatable solutions don’t mean that the problem is false) there are a lot of solutions to AGW that, well, I don’t see how any sane person could call them communist, socialist, or in some cases even particularly liberal.

Off the top of my head:
government actions:
Cutting or entirely eliminating subsidies to or special tax breaks for oil and coal producers and fossil-fuel power plants
Replacing some portion of the national income tax with a carbon tax, or any other roughly revenue-neutral carbon tax
Offering tax breaks to alternative energy producers
Converting vehicles the government owns to use alternative power sources
Instituting energy-saving measures in government buildings, such as insulation, turning off lights and computers, and installing low-energy lighting
Expediting permits for biofuel, nuclear, and other non-fossil-fuel power plants
Allowing permits for plants intended to turn “spent” nuclear fuel into lower-power energy generation

personal actions:
Drive less
Turn off appliances when not in use
Insulate your home where appropriate
Support your local economy by buying locally produced goods, or at least ones made in this country (that is, Buy American–substitute your country where appropriate)

Feel free to chime in with any other non-“communist” AGW solutions.
Peter: I think you might be surprised what would happen with a completely level playing field. Look up “oil from turkey guts”, for a start…
And how is it “picking winners” to cut special advantages one set of businesses currently enjoy (the various subsidies for oil and so forth), or instituting cost-saving measures in government offices (the energy-saving measures I mentioned)?
And I’m not saying “a government program to make everyone turn off their lights”, I’m saying the government turning off unneeded lights/computers/etc in their own offices, and private citizens individually turning off their own unneeded lights/computers/etc. And the latter applies to everything else I listed under “personal actions”, that’s why it’s under “personal actions”, not “government actions”

Bravozulu: how are the things I proposed *increasing* government? I suggested a revenue-neutral tax (no change in government income), tax breaks (that is, *less* money going to the government), reducing/easing government regulations, and what should ultimately be reductions in government spending (though they may require some initial investments). This is increasing government how, exactly?

Jim Z: on your article, I’d count the money lent to Brazil as an oil subsidy…

Matthew: I *hope* you’re joking…

Peter: corn ethanol is a bad idea for several reasons…

Dook: heh.
Er, that is, corn ethanol as a fuel. Corn ethanol as a beverage is… no worse than any other booze.
Bubba: I think you mean externalities. Despite the spell check choking on it.
Bravo: and why would buying electric vehicles be stupid? They make perfect sense for a lot of in-town type driving situations (my brother’s Leaf can go 100 miles on a charge, that will get him pretty much anywhere in town and back, I’d bet a lot of government vehicles would have similar use profiles)

The Expert answers:

Many of these “Dorks” don’t know what socialism, communism, free market, capitalism are. They just spew crap from Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the GOP “think tanks” that long for Joesph McCarty.

Obviously, none are socialist.


A part of the equation to have an absolutely free market you ignore is externalizes. It is absolutely impossible to impose all the costs associated with externalizes on a business. Society will always pay for some of it. This means that the prices of some of the worst polluting industries is too low. Part of the costs is picked up by society, not business. The effect is they socialize costs (pass the costs of a product or service on to the taxpayer) and privatize profit. If you want a truly level playing field, you must incorporate those cost into the price of product of service to reach the true market value.

Susan asks…

Do you agree with the Occupiers demands?

Free college, open borders and 2 trillion dollars.

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

The Expert answers:

They should go somewhere and start their own country. They’re a bunch of crybaby losers. Obama did this to them and they blame Wall Street.

Donald asks…

Have you seen the Occupy Wall Street “demands”? Are these people socialists or plain old communists?

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

The Expert answers:

Well The link you posted is a blog site and the posting is total insanity. At least the moderators did disclaim the irrational posting/

David asks…

Is it safe to say that the Unions have hi jacked the Occupier movement?

From their list of demands?

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
Hey Darla: then why did they post it on the ir website or atleast denounce the list?
I’ll be a far right loon and you can be a far left gay liberal….sound fair?

The Expert answers:

This would bankrupt america. The hemp heads who started this are already a drain on society, they dont work, and want even more for “free” who do they think will pay for all this “free love”?

Joseph asks…

Here are some of the proposed demands of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement? What do you think?

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

The Expert answers:

I don’t know what to say to all this. I am appalled! These so called “demands” are unrealistic and stupid. Life isn’t very hard in this country! Easiest way to make it in America: BE YOUR ONLY DEPENDENT UNTIL YOUR SUCCESSFUL!!!, get a job, any job, rent a room from somebody, save your money, go to technical school, get a job in your field so your not making minimum wage, use that money to pay for school. (If you need to take out college loans then do it but don’t complain about your debt, it’s your fault you chose to waste four years studying liberal science, chose a real study and stay in school as long as possible.) Doing only the minimum makes you worth the minimum. Keep striving for excellence and to better educate yourself. Constant progression, just because it doesn’t happen overnight doesn’t mean that your not getting anywhere. Success will take time and effort. In these demands all that is being asked is for the protesters to be allow to be lazy. No debt=no legal incentive to work-no creditors=no incentive to pay on time as agreed-$20hr min. Wage=no reason to progress life. Minimum wage shouldn’t be something you’re comfortable with it should be something you’re very uncomfortable with so you want to move forward and get away from such a low paying wage. Your progression=the country’s progression.
Stand up, get the joint out of your mouth so you can stop being lazy and progress yourself.

-Live, Experience, Learn, Educate-(LELE) pass it on
-ignorance is the root of all evil-

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Your Questions About Green Living

Daniel asks…

Does anyone know about renewable energy?

I’m doing some engineering coursework and I’ve got an essay but not sure how I would go about doing it? I’m right out of ideas on this one :|:|

I’ve got to write about the ‘Social and moral implications of the continuing development of renewable energy. Include EEC and world targets. Predict changes in life style the technologies will make’

Any ideas?


The Expert answers:

I am an engineer myself and first want to say good luck with your career path.
Renewable energy in simple terms is “natural energy”. This means things like wind, solar, geothermal…etc. The whole reason renewable energy has been a huge issue this decade is because of the increasing amount of CO2 that is put into the atmosphere everyday and a scare of climbing global temps. Sources that create CO2 emissions would be coal plants, natural gas plants…etc. As an employee to a major energy company, the push nowadays is to invest in new greener technologies.

Will coal plants go away any time soon? No, coal plants currently produces 50% of the United States energy. 20% is natural gas and 20% is nuclear power. The remaining 10% is solar/geothermal/wind/hydro. So, to say the least, it will take time to implement greener energy sources. But from the movement I am seeing I believe it will happen and a large portion of energy will come from green sources in the future. How much? Who knows.

Also, I personally feel that nuclear energy will be an important step to reduce carbon emissions. Nuclear emits ZERO carbon dioxide and produces electricity 24 hrs a day, everyday. With growing population comes more demand for energy, and one nuclear plant produce much more electricity than several coal plants. As a side note, nuclear does not create as much nuclear waste as it is made out to. Truth is, most nuclear plants store there waste on the plant site in spent fuel pools and in concrete casings.

Good luck on your paper.

Nancy asks…

The world energy demand is ever increasing?

The world energy demand is ever increasing although the main source of energy supply is getting scarce, i.e. oil and gas.. Discuss why these types of alternative energy are still unacceptable. Is the problem with renewable energy purely technical? Or does it have problems related to politics and globalization
geothermal energy
liquefied natural gas
liquid nitrogen
steam generators
geothermal energy and etc

The Expert answers:

Actually, Active5, all current forms of electrical energy generation are using steam to drive the generators. Even Nuclear power stations are just glorified steam engines. The problem with alternatives is the ‘base load’, the continuous production of alternating current at a steady rate. Electricity must be generated continuously, as we have no satisfactory method as yet of storing the huge quantities of direct current which would be needed for a base load draw. Things like geothermal, either in hot spring areas like Rotorua in New Zealand, or the deep hot rock areas of Australia, are seriously being considered, but are generally a long way from the national grid. However, if the deep rock system in South Australia works, that is a minor problem, as there are mines in the area which will help pay the cost by buying lots of power. I hope the rest of the world is doing similar research.

Donald asks…

Are there any types of odd/un-common types of alternative/renewable energy?

For my Principles of Engineering class I was assigned to research and explain a type of renewable/alternative energy in the world. I came across only the most common ones “Hydropower, Solar Power, Wind Power” and so on… I’m looking more along the lines of an energy that isn’t highly talked about or common for the everyday. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

You may get an answer to your question here

Sandy asks…

As a Christian, how do you view renewable energy?

Should we be concerned with conserving non-renewable fuels? Can renewable energy help us become better stewards of God’s creation? If the world is really under God’s control, should we really put all our time into these renewable sources?

The Expert answers:

Consider God’s divine hand and how he has the the four seasons to give different stages for life. In spring life spouts up from the old, among the decayed matter which it uses for growth – food, in summer it grows and blooms, in Autumn it begins the dying or hibernation process and shed the growth – such as leaves on the tree which insulate the ground to keep the tree roots warmer and to nourish the earth. Then in spring those decayed leaves have formed a rich layer of peat or black dirt from which the plants must grow.

Now do you see how recycling is part of God’s own plan?

Betty asks…

What are your activities, endeavors and dedications in mandating the use of renewable clean sources of Energy?

The foregoing is drafted to enhance awareness in the promotion and mandate to all the people in the world to use renewable and clean sources of Energy.

This is likewise meant to prohibit the utilization of Fossil sources of Energy as the same is proven harmful to our Environment.

The Expert answers:

Yes eventually fossil fuels should be reserved for the rich and famous, music and movie stars. The rest of us should settle down to changing our light bulbs sorting our trash, winding up our rubberband cars and paying even bigger energy costs and taxes for GW.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Helen asks…

Why do estate/project residents not act like hippies, no mugging instead community sustainable living doing up

Lets see the excuse of the muggers, gangs, jukies, chavs, yobs, joyriders and associated scum is that on estates they are all poor, have no jobs, bored etc.

Im sorry so are hippy types living in squats and communies etc.

But unlike the estate scum these poor folk dont fight each other to see who gets to be top dog of respect and rob each other.

They work togehter as a team doing up their squats, operating sustainable living.

Pulling matterials out of skips to fix up the homes, they have community parties with no guns, they look out for each other, share skills, build community centres.

Have raves where they run generators on home made alcohol and cars or methane. Decorate the place on the cheap.

Say have a party where with one UV strip light and flourescent paper and UV string they can produce great effects putting scraps of flourectent material, sting and sticks they mach glow chandelerers.

Trading skills etc.

So why not on estates. They have time & people
Taking it in turn to run the creche so people can go out or to work.

Pooling together skills from what was taught in school.

Say if you cant afford petrol/diesel creating a bio diesel cracker or still to make alcohol not to get wasted on but as fuel.

Swapping skills to say do up the estate and decorate it in pretty colours whilst others sort food.

You jhave lots of bored unemplyed people often with skills.

Including mothers at home who could be doing this at home. and trading skills and abilities.

Scavenging what they can.

And instead of expensive nightclubs. Putting on raves. Working out how to sound proof the place.

All you have to do is convert ot eleiminate (dont matter how)the preditory scum who are the only reason the estate is poor.

As if the place is doen up nice and peaceful and safe people want to bring business and jobs in
And te big hard guys can make themselves useful lugging heavey stuff (good to impress ladies with muscells) or keeping out the dealers(ie crack and smack nasty ones not somones home made muschrooms and 70s strenght dope), muggers and other scum like a police support group

The Expert answers:

True hippies have always stood for love, understanding, co-operation, and self-reliance as a community.

Joseph asks…

Organic, Sustainable Living Products – Where to buy?

I like to use organic, sustainable products… paraben-free, etc… any good sites to share? I do already read the posts from Debra Lynn Dadd: and I’m a fan of 7th Generation stuff. Just looking for more good stuff/recommendations, at a good price.

The Expert answers:

I’d try Wal-Mart!

David asks…

Does anyone else practice sustainable living?

Sustainable living, homesteading, etc. Who practices such lifestyles (maybe not full scale off the grid homesteading) and what do you do?
For example, we raise chickens and pigs, have a large vegetable and fruit garden and just built windmills on our property.
Roseagle: check out this link:
Thank you for your response, we just got goats last month and I am learning all about them! Du cks might be next because we are having quite a slug problem!
We collect worm castings as well, they are a big help with our hot boxes in the winter!

The Expert answers:

We have been living on a farm for seven years. These are just some of the things we do:

We grow most of our own vegetables and fruits. We sometimes slaughter animals for eating, or we eat wild caught game. We heat our home with wood from our own trees. We have a winter garden and eat fresh greens from it during the winter. We have a worm bin that produces castings which we use for starting plants in the spring, instead of buying potting soil. Our chickens live on deep letter which also makes soil for the garden. We compost all our scraps and garden waste. We produce hay right here for the animals to eat. We buy organic grains for our animals. We milk our goats and make cheese and other things from the milk. We do no-till gardening, so as not to upset the upper layers of the soil. We raise sheep for wool.

Preserving food is a way of life for us, and this includes drying and salting meats in the old style, and also a few non-conventional preservation methods. We bake our won bread from whole, organic grains (which we buy), because nutritional value is preserved in the whole grain. We would love to build a wood-fired brick oven.

We also keep bees, which is a favorite project of mine. Another thing I am very interested in is collecting wild herbs to make tinctures for medicinal use. I grow certain herbs for this same reason. We are also considering tapping the sugar maples for syrup, since we were recently given the equipment to do so.

We homeschool.

In short, our lives are home-centered. Because of milking, we are always near the farm, or at least one of us has to be. When we consider the alternative of accepting whatever turns up at the supermarket, we know there is no turning back for us. Every year we learn and do more new things. For example,this year we added ducks because they love to eat slugs.

Many people talk about this lifestyle as being “the simple life”. In truth, it is hard work. Many people seem to admire our lifestyle, but when it comes right down to it, there are few of us who are actually walking the walk.

Your windmill project sounds very interesting. I would like to know more about this.

Tonight we are expecting the first hard frost of the season. I could go on about this for a long while, but for now, I have work to do!

PS) Feeding goats at a rate of 1 cup of grain/ day in the winter keeps them in milk. We have one goat that is has been in milk for three years straight, and two that are in their second year.

PPS) Thanks for the link. Since we are not supposed to chat here, I have allowed email contact on my account. You can contact me with your email, if you wish, and maybe we can share more ideas.

Richard asks…

DOes anyone know of a sustainable living book,?

which includes how to build your own natural shelter, how to make compost bins, gardening and other things like that?

The Expert answers:

The Valley of the Dolls…



William asks…

what some pros and cons of sustainable living?

The Expert answers:

Cons, it requires work.

Pros, feel better about what your doing to the planet

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Your Questions About Green Living

John asks…

How 2 get mildew smell out of fabric furniture?

My furniture was in storage for a year and everything smells like mold. Does anyone know a way to get the smell out? I would prefer ecofriendly ways to get the smell out.

The Expert answers:

Pure Citrus scented spray. It’s a 100% natural deodorizer with a pleasent citrus scent. It’s relatively expensive for a deodorizing spray — about $4.

Lisa asks…

Good thrift stores in new jersey cheap used furniture?

im moving to west new york NJ and my husband and i would like to make our home a little more eco friendly and retro……can any one recommend a good thrift store flea market or second hand furniture stores in the NJ area?

The Expert answers:

Your yellow pages and classified ads are the best places to look.

Carol asks…

eco friendly business name please?

I am starting up design small company with my graduate friends, we are going to provide range of design services in interior design to residential commercial markets, decorating, and furniture manufacturing,
can you think of any appropriate business name?

The Expert answers:

Paper again.
Green daysigns
eco deco
greeco deco
natures design ltd

Richard asks…

unusual eco-friendly materials being used now a days?

example cow dung furniture

The Expert answers:

It’s not THAT unusual, but I like the packing peanuts made from cornstarch. They’re water-soluble, totally break down in landfills, and they’re edible. Not tasty, but very edible.

Ruth asks…

How to have green home/eco-friendly?

O.k. I have a few questions about having a green home:

1. Is it true that ecofriendly homes cut the percentage of having a cold or being sick?

2. What type of floors are best, baboo, wood, carpet, what?

3. Type of lighting; what are good lights that you can use?

4. What are good furnitures; that don’t absorb alot of dust.

5. What is a good location for having an ecofriendly (or green home) home? The city, the suburbs, a farm, near an ocean?ect..

6. Last would the payment of lighting, water, electricity, be less? Meaning would the percentage of paying be less?

The Expert answers:

Here is a good site to help get you going:

1. Yes.
2. Http:// has great suggestions.
3. You should use florescent light bulbs like in this link: there is a 12 pack for 20 bucks. Most likely changing all your light bulbs in your house will equal the electrical use of just 1 or 2 conventional light bulbs. Also they last for a extremely long time. So you don’t have to change light bulbs very often also saving you money.
4. I would highly suggest reading this link. Greening furniture has many different factors to it, and I could write a book about it LOL. But someone else already has so here ya go:
5. Well living in the country would be a start if you would like to be surrounded with healthy air. The city has a lot of smog so I wouldn’t find it a very healthy place to live air quality wise. A place in the country that has a moderate time for winter would probably be best. I bet the cleanest air is in Alaska. LOL
6. Just changing your light bulbs and using florescent lighting will reduce costs alone so yes. However going green can be an expensive process.

Refer to the site below to find all your green suggestions. Also money saving tips on going green.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

What are some solutions to the environmental problems in India, China, and Mexico?

I’m working on a White Paper for school (blegh) and we need to have a few paragraphs covering a proposed solution to help solve the world issue we chose in 3 regions/countries. I chose India, China, and Mexico and my issue is the environment. Specifically I focused on garbage control, air pollution, and water pollution (rivers). I don’t really have any ideas for solutions and I want my solution to be solid and have good evidence to back it up, not just some opinion of mine that isn’t possible in the real world ;).

Any ideas? I know there won’t be a solution to completely solve all of our environment problems, but just some ideas would be awesome.

I’m not trying to cheat, I swear, I’m just looking for ideas to get a more solid paper. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

All three problems in all three countries boil down to a single root cause, overpopulation.

Paul asks…

Accounting problem?

A company in Hong Kong buys a $8 per unit from a subcontractor. If the subcontractor is located in mainland China, what additional international environmental issues, other than price, will firm management need to evaluate?

Thank u~~ I need the answer as soon as possible~

The Expert answers:

Hidden shipping and handling costs. Tarrifs.. Import duties and the man who does nothing but collect a percent just because he can.. I would want a itemized cost sheet or i would not deal. Ok gilermo

Helen asks…

Help me, what environment issue should I report on? What would be an interesting place?

My report needs something like.. for example, poaching of great pandas in china…results in endangered pandas…what is the effect on the ecosystem (plants, animals, people environment) here?

Please help me..

I need:

– SPECIFIC PLACE where in I can state the animals, and plants being affected by that environmental issue
-it needs to have a solution..

I just can’t think of a tpic right now… please help?

The Expert answers:

A looming concern in Iceland, beyond exhaust or earthquakes, is global climate change. If age-old ocean and air currents change their patterns, Iceland will be left literally icebound. Without the warmth the Gulf Stream carries to the northern latitudes, very frosty winters will ensue not only in Reykjavik, but from Boston to Paris. (Global warming might paradoxically cause such a disruption.)

Endangered species blue whale

Maria asks…

Is Global Warming nothing more than a Ten Trillion Dollar Scam?

Maurice Strong is the resident of People’s Republic of China. He is the head of the Council of the United Nation’s University of Peace. This university comes under the domain of United Nations and no other university of the world enjoys that status of “masters and doctoral degree awarding UN University”.

Kofi Annan paid homage to his extraordinary services to humanity and was of the view that they both faced many trials and hardships but Maurice Strong’s vision helped him adopt a global vision.

Annan told that Maurice gave his precious advice on many critical issues other than Korean Peninsula and China’s varying role in the world. Annan paid tribute to his dedication to environmental issues, idea of bloodless resolutions of global conflicts and multilateralism.

Now a huge scandal is surfacing. Political experts are revealing that the issue of “Global warming” was actually a $10,000,000,000,000 (ten trillion dollars) scam.
This is a humble and careful estimation of the money which Barack Obama, Albert Gore, Maurice Strong and others make per year.

The allegation is very contentious and may lead to further controversies and conflict between the pro-environmentalists and who oppose the theory of global warming. The doubts were created when Chicago Climate Exchange was publicized. According to a blog, Obama is a vital character of the Global warming scam.

Maurice Strong is 81 years old, a Canadian businessman and an environmentalist. He is also a big supporter of United Nations and advocates its involvement in the international matters.

So is Global Warming nothing more than a Ten Trillion Dollar Scam?

The Expert answers:

It is a scam for sure. How much of a scam it is is open for debate

John asks…

Global: What topic would this article fall under?

The article is about the recent explosion in China. Would it Fall under:

Human Rights
Population Issues
World Economy
Environmental Issues
First World/Third World Issues

The Expert answers:

I’m pretty sure its First World/ Third World Issues

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Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

Is Obama going to help us Layfolk tinker around with alternative energy stuff?

to try to come up with new ideas? I need a job. a green job, preferably.

The Expert answers:


Mark asks…

Now that the price of oil is rising don’t you wish you had an alternative source of energy which you voted no?

The price of gas is going up just as predicted after the election but many people still voted no on prop. 87 thinking that it would make the price of gas go up. The oil companies spent over 100 million dollars on the campaign to upset prop. 87 by distorting facts and practically scaring people into thinking that it was not necessary for a plan for alternative energy sources. It was a magnificant con job that the voters fell for. Now when you see the price of gas rising anyway and the atmosphere not getting any better, don’t you feel kind of stupid?……..

The Expert answers:

Not really. The higher the price of gas, the more reasonable alternatives become for the average guy. And there are ways…

It costs all of about $6000 to convert a gas guzzler into a nice clean electric car that gets about 50 miles to a charge. Add one of the many free energy devices that are being explored AND DOCUMENTED ONLINE, and you get electric cars that cost NOTHING to drive, other than insurance, registration, and maintenance.

Then we can smile as we drive by those expensive dinosaur juice dispensaries!

Donna asks…

Where can I learn/help design wind mills and alternative energy systems.?

I would like to find a company willing to take me on as an apprentice in designing home/business alternative energy systems. I have some designs in my head and I enjoy desinging efficient systems. My skills are mostly electrical troubleshooting, but I work with mechanical systems as well at my current job.
I can design from home and transmitt across the internet any desired drawings. I have a garage I could build prototypes in(and a wind tunnel at work with solar loading I could sneak into during the off hours)
I would like to keep my current job, at least for now. I expect a reputable company or some cash up front to show me you are serious. I know and use excel and have evidence I can use solid works successfully and excel spread sheets for design tables. I even looked up wind statistics for my area and learned what a rose chart was. the word “banana” in the subject.

The Expert answers:


Good starting place

Maria asks…

whats wrong if someones makes money through alternative energy?

I know it sounds like a quick way to make money when they scare us with global warming, but who even wants to work on an oil rig out on the open sea? I rather have a job in the city. what about all the coal miners that die for our electricity? how many die during installations of wind turbines and solar panels? at least you can survive the fall, not many survive when methane pockets explode and mines cave in.

The Expert answers:

There are several basic logic errors in your concepts about alternative energy sources. First is solar cells and the fact that they will not produce as much energy in their lifetimes as they use in being produced and the disposal of manufacturing waste from them. The original concept for solar cells is they would be used in huge satellites, produced in orbital factories from lunar or other orbital materials sources. Here they would operate at 4 times the efficiency they can on earth because the filtering affect of the atmosphere is removed. Also in orbit they would operate 24 hours a day where on earth over a year they might average 6 to 7 hours a day. And then there is the waste issue, in orbit the materials can be easily turned into something else usable where on earth because of environmental laws they must be put into a dump instead of being recycled. Because of silly environmental laws the US now recycles less than one third of the manufacturing waste they did just 50 years ago and it costs more to dump it instead of recycling it.

Wind turbines are also very inefficient and currently their power costs more than any other because of just a few basic facts that are due to design flaws in the machinery itself. The main problem is the propeller on a post design copied from the old Celtic windmills of 1000 years ago. There are new and better designs out there that could be used but they are not acceptable to the environmental community because they are not visible. So the why things are not proceeding is mostly because the major environmental organizations are only letting those programs that pay them off with enough money proceed. And the fossil fuel producers pay the best so the real answers like nuclear and space based solar have laws written to keep them from doing what they could, at least in the US.


Sandy asks…

seems like combining the housing market and all this hype about alternative energy is a no brainer isn’t it?

studies show that the slump in building new homes is what is keeping the economy down and unemployment up and Obama is pushing for alternative energy for homes……seems like if they pulled their heads out of their butts then they would combine the 2 in a single jobs bill….every new home creates 3 jobs for a year studies show……..well 3 million new homes is 9 million jobs created………

The Expert answers:

You are right and actually support the argument that the Republicans are blocking everything so they can claim Obama has failed. See, early this summer there was a bill doing exactly what you are talking about… What it did was put some of the stimulus money in to houses going green… Summary. Well guess what, the Rs blocked it saying no more spending.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Betty asks…

Sustainable development is related to pollution in that?

A. sustainable development allows pollution to continue at current levels.
B. sustainable development increases pollution of all types.
C. addressing pollution is a factor in sustainable development
D. sustainable development incorporates pollution as a benefit.

The Expert answers:

D. Sustainable development incorporates pollution as a benefit.

Donna asks…

Which statements describe sustainable development?

1. Fishing does not remove more fish from water systems than can be replaced by the number of fish that will be born to replace them.
2. Sustainable development is development that is designed to improve the economic conditions in less-developed countries.
3. Sustainable development is mainly a regional issue.
4. Sustainable development means water is used at a rate that won’t reduce the amount available for future use.
5. Sustainable development policies only need to be concerned with environmental protection.
6. Trees cannot be cut down faster than the number that will be replaced by new growth.

HELP please.

The Expert answers:

Although a few points here are true/accurate (1, 4, and 6) only one describes sustainable development: number 1. Sustainability is defined as the “improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems.”

In other words, sustainable development efforts should focus on us living without depleting our resources – in other words, only take what we need! We need to survive, but also need to account for our future generations to survive. In this case, man needs fish to survive, but if we take too much and do not allow the fish to reproduce, then they will disappear (become extinct), resulting in future generations having to move.

Number 4 is not sustainable development because water will always be around, but just in different forms and in different areas. We do need to focus on water management more heavily in certain areas because water will no longer be readily available in certain areas in the long-term if we keep up our current habits.

But again, this is not a development issue, but more of a management issue. Backing up in time, Arizona (a desert) is not the best place to develop. Americans made a mistake to develop these areas because they did not account for future generations or potential future issues/problems. But Americans could so they did, and now we have a mess on our hands, but that’s a different topic all together haha.

Donald asks…

Is there a direct or indirect link between sustainable development and climate change and why?

News today focused on many issues of climate change etc. Are these issues related directly or indirectly (or both) to the mechanisms processes of sustainable development in organisations and our individual selves? And on what evidence?

The Expert answers:

No there isn’t. There is a great deal of discussion and argument. The question is unresolved. First do you intend the concept within social engineering or microeconomics?

There is insufficient evidence that global climate change is a result of human behavior. Currently, China is testing the boundaries of development. Between the geological impact of the three gorges dam, which changed the balance of the earth ever so slightly, mostly in China, and the excessive pollution they are creating which causes additional medical costs and loss of productivity, there is a link between human behavior and health issues. China doesn’t believe in sustainable development, they have the throttle to the floorboards.

But there is no indisputable evidence of the impact of man’s actions on the global climate change. Global climate change is cyclical, and is not uniform.

Sustainable development is only a valid option when an individual community elects to pursue this path, regardless of whether it is social engineering or microeconomics.

These make for interesting discussions, but there is no firm evidence which incontrovertibly suggests a provable hypothesis.

Good luck, I have no idea who would have assigned this in any class. It would be a difficult choice for a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation.

Steven asks…

What approach to the environment (conservation, development, sustainable use, unaware) have you previously had?

What approach to the environment (conservation, development, sustainable use, unaware) have you previously had? How do you think the world approaches the environment in general? What do you base your answer on?

The Expert answers:

This should answer your question

John asks…

Is the dam a great example of sustainable development?

Is the Aksombo dam a great example of sustainable development? Why?

The Expert answers:

The Akosombo Dam is a hydroelectric dam in southeastern Ghana. The dam created the largest man-made lake, known as Lake Volta. The dam provides electricity to Ghana and surrounding West African countries.

The dam is 660 meters wide and 114 meters high. It was built between 1961 and 1965. In periods of drought, the water in Lake Volta is rationed and less electricity is generated. During these times, cities in Ghana are subjected to rolling blackouts to lessen their consumption of electricity. Ghana’s Volta River Authority has contracts with neighbouring countries for electricity. These contracts are given higher priority than the customers in Ghana’s own cities. Though Kaiser Aluminum is a major user, and the dam was constructed in part for the smelting of local bauxite, the economics have turned out such that raw materials have to be imported to keep the industry running.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Donna asks…

why did republicans vote against tax credits for companies who produce solar and wind energies…?

but kept the ones for oil companies?

The Renewable Energy and Jobs Creation Act, titled H.R. 6049
Samm I just provided the act number, you can check it out

The Expert answers:


Laura asks…

What does this mean? (from McCain’s Energy Plan)?

To develop these and other sources of renewable energy will require that we rationalize the current patchwork of temporary tax credits that provide commercial feasibility. John McCain believes in an even-handed system of tax credits that will remain in place until the market transforms sufficiently to the point where renewable energy no longer merits the taxpayers’ dollars.

The Expert answers:

What it means is that he wants to estabish a tax system rather than all the patches that are constantly being used. You have to have a known budget to determine how to attack new expenditures. Not just promising tax cuts for everyone. Know how much you have and make decisions and budget accordingly.

Lisa asks…

carbon credits?

where do i go or who do i contact to have a renewable energy project financed (is that the right word?) by carbon credits?

i am from the city of iloilo in the philippines, and there is an ongoing debate here now whether or not to put up a coal-fire power plant. however, my older bro talked to an engineer once who said there is actually a site in the foothills outside the city where a hydro-electric power plant may be erected. can a project like this avail of aid from carbon credits? if so, how do we go about it?

thanks in advance!

The Expert answers:

I can help you!

Feel free to contact me on my email.
Carbon credits can definitely be used. There are several types of and the hydro power plant can enjoy such a financing if it would not have been built without the help of the carbon finance.

Do you know how big the power plant is?

And what would be the capacity of the hydro power project? (or how much m3 water per hour, which water head (fall of the water between the two altitudes in meters)

Michael asks…

$16 Billion dollar question?

August 04, 2007: 08:43 PM EST

WASHINGTON—(Dow Jones)- The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $16- billion tax bill Saturday that would extend renewable energy tax credits and encourage energy efficiency, paying for itself by axing tax breaks to oil and gas companies.

Now that the oil companies are getting a new tax, how much of this tax will be passed on by the oil companies to consumers such as you and I? Can you afford this tax?

Is this tax a feel good measure by the democrats to say that “we are sticking it to big oil” and not really explaining how this tax will reduce the cost of gasoline to you and I?

Do Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, and Harry Reid have plans for this money as pet projects in their own districts?

Perplexing questions I would like answer too.

The Expert answers:

In the blink of an eye, a $16 billion tax bill can be passed onto oil companies. How can anyone believe the government doesn’t have enough tax money to keep bridges and roads in good repair? The problem is, they don’t use the money for those things.

Richard asks…

What would you do in Pickens’ shoes?

T. Boone Pickens is in a bit of a pickle. He’s a staunch Republican and makes a lot of campaign contributions to conservative politicians. He even gave the maximum contribution to James Inhofe!

Yet congressional Republicans are the ones blocking the renewable energy tax credits which projects like Pickens’ wind plan need to succeed.

Joseph Romm suggests that Pickens should give campaign donations to the Democrats who support renewable energy projects.

If you were in Pickens’ shoes (and remember, that means you’re a staunch Republican), what would you do?

The Expert answers:

He’s rich enough he can buy both Democrats and Republicans. It’s not like the Republicans will stop taking his money and stop doing favors for him if he also buys Democrats.

“Money talks and bullshit walks” – Ozzie Meyers

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Your Questions About Green Living

Mark asks…

Looking for an inexpensive “green” or eco-friendly baby toy?

My girl friend is having a birthday party for her baby and has asked for no gifts, but i’d like to give a small something. It needs to be ecofriendly or “green”

Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Hazelnut Kids has lots of green items to choose from.


You might also consider a small savings bond in the childs name.

Laura asks…

does anyone know a wholesale supplier of eco friendly different colored gift boxes?

they need to be 10-15cm in length and height and 5-10cm deep in beautiful colours and we need about a thousand of them

The Expert answers:

Umm…what the heck is eco-friendly box? Is it made out of sticks?

William asks…

What’s a eco-friendly alternative to wrapping paper?

I don’t want to use wrapping paper since its costly and I doubt you can recycle it since its glossy, but I don’t want to wrap my gifts in the Sunday Newspaper. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

We are AVID ‘re-users’ of paper, so start collecting last years as it hits the floor, ready for ‘next years’ presents!

We DO use ‘newspapers’, BUT, we use the ‘magazine’ sections, which are shiny and nicer and you can EASILY find large pieces without ‘MAN DIES IN CRASH’ written across them! You can even go the whole hog and do as we do, which is to keep EVERY little ‘scrap’ of wrapping paper and (I get the kids to cut these scraps into hearts, stars, etc. And then a TEENY dab of prit stick and they look SUPER!

A HUGE CHEAP curling ribbon roll is less than a quid (UK!) and looks SUPERB with a frill (drag the scissors along one side and it curls BEAUTIFULLY!) AND, the new DEGRADABLE ‘carrier bags’ from certain supermarkets, turned INSIDE out and then ‘gathered’ at the top, tied with a piece of frilly white ribbon (white means BOYS birthdays, GIRLS birthdays AND CHRISTMAS can ALL be done from the ONE roll! :D) looks GORGEOUS!
FINAL ‘suggestion’, CHEAPEST paper, new or old and ONE pot of ‘kids poster paint’, one ‘Christmas/Cheery’ stamper (ANY art shop or DIY shop’ll have them) and get STAMPING! Hang or lay it flat to dry and in the morning, masses of paper! 😀

HOPE ONE of the above is helpful?
ALL the best,
Angel 😀

PS. Glossy paper IS recycleable! 😀 😀

Paul asks…

“Green” / Eco Christmas gifts?

I was thinking of going green this Christmas and buying enviro friendly gifts for family and friends. I’m also purchasing gifts via charities and NGOs, but I want to give eco products too.
I was thinking carbon offsetting gift cards — I pay for their CO2 contributions and allow them to go carbon neutral on a small car/pet/daily activity.

Any other suggestions?
(I live in Australia, so local products and organisations would be best)

The Expert answers:

– Anything from the Product Red Campain (Gap, Motorola, Converse, IPod, etc…)
– Toms Shoes are a good pick, check them out!
– You can find really cool recylced mixing bowls at Lapria
– You can also find some nice ideas for plastic bag “alternatives” at Envirosax

This is all I can think of for now but try these websites that I inculded below… ;]

Donna asks…

What Homemade Eco friendly Method kills weeds?

What Homemade Eco friendly Method kills weeds?
Aside from pulling them or weed fabric.
Best response posted at (Ingredients / Recipe type only submissions)
Gets 50.00 gift card

The Expert answers:

Rubbing alcholo.

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