Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

Suggest me some Eco friendly products?

hey folks i need a list of Eco friendly products so give me a list of categorized Eco friendly products

The Expert answers:

Farts are eco friendly and you can make them urself and u can use it to power a stove or even generate electricity. I mean if this aint eco friendly then i dont know what is….. Hope u like the list, this is a good start and u should consider it….

Mary asks…

Eco-friendly products?

Whats the benefit of using Ecofriendly products? And whats the importance of recycling?

The Expert answers:

Eco-friendly products release less harmfull odors into the air, giving you less headaches but doing the same job. Recycling reuses things that have already been made, so less materials are needed to make them. Every little thing counts.

Lizzie asks…

Eco-Friendly Products….?

Does anyone know what it takes to make a product like this? Does any one know any thing about ecofriendly products like go green? If so what? Any information that you know is helpful…

The Expert answers:

I can help you contract me.

Chris asks…

Want to buy innovative and eco-friendly products from Brazil?

A small yet very conscious Brazilian enterprise seeks business partners around the globe.

The Expert answers:

Send me a catalog of your products

Sandy asks…

What degree,class etc. do you need in order to make eco products and stuff?

i know environmental engineering helps much and so does civil engineering.
I want to know what other things do i need to start making eco friendly products
Im in middle school but i want to start thinking about my future and yes i have straight a’s

The Expert answers:

Wow, you’re thinking ahead 🙂 and good job on the straight A’s.

When you get to high school you should consider taking classes in Chemistry and Biology. Preferably AP classes if they are available so that you can take more advanced classes in college. It’s also a good idea to take a math class every year, through calculus if your school offers it.

Environmental and Civil engineering will work on large scale projects from my understanding, and Chemical engineering is also another good degree to consider. A chemistry degree would also be useful especially if coupled with biology classes.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Robert asks…

where can i find paintings that deal with environmental issues?

i need to find paintings that deal with environmental issues, such as water shortage, im having trouble, please help!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

I think you would find more photographs than paintings on enviromental issues

David asks…

what are some of the environmental issues associated with mining?

what are some of the environmental issues associated with mining, especially the river systems. what happens when the taillings and waste from the mines are been dumped in the river systems?

The Expert answers:

Pollution is an obvious problem when mine waste is dumped into rivers. Minerals such as copper can poison the water, killing off many life forms. Some forms of mining, notably strip mining, can have devastating environmental consequences. Removal of trees can accelarate erosion.

Daniel asks…

What is Denmark’s position on environmental issues?

What environmental issues are faced by them and what is their stance regarding them?

The Expert answers:

Denmark is the 10th greenest country in the world.
Denmark is also one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world.

If you want In-Depth info on Denmarks Environment visit this article:

Laura asks…

If humanity is guilty of problems like environmental issues?

Then do hunter-gatherers get some of the blame since they just happen to be of the same species as the people who are directly responsible for problems such as environmental issues?

The Expert answers:

Human have cause animals to go extincted in the passed. We now becoming more aware of the impact we have on are planet, and scientist are now trying to find new technology to help us live less destructively

Michael asks…

What environmental issues are there in the community of Eden, NSW?

This is for my geography assessment and i need to know the environmental issues that have or are affecting Eden

The Expert answers:

1 Forestry. There is a big wood chip mill south of Eden, exporting wood chip tp Japan. A lot of forest is logged to provide wood for the chip mill; but also provides employment. Very controversial
2 Fishing. Controversial because of fishing licenses and quotas, controlling how much fish can be taken.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Helen asks…

Will passage of the healthcare bill with a strong public option and the passage of the alternative energy bill?

that will create alot of jobs in this country be the end of the GOP as we know it? Since they have no vision for the future of this country and no ideas of their own?
JW… I don’t want a one party system either. But right now we have the GOP, the party of the right wing extremists. And, the Democratic party which is just to the right of center. I don’t see those as real choices either.
bbj…. I actually went ot private schools. You’re wrong about the GOP and the Dems. Obviously, you skipped the Comparative political philosophy classes.

The Expert answers:

I can tell you are a product of public education. GOP is left of center while the Dem,s are 3/4 left of center with 10% far left of center.

Chris asks…

Why are 4 regular jobs lost for every 1 green job created?

A study of renewable energy in Scotland shows that for every job created in the alternative energy sector, almost four jobs are lost in the rest of the economy. We’ve seen this movie before.

Not only has the sun set on the British Empire, but the promise of wind apparently is deserting it as well. A new study called “Worth The Candle?” by the consulting firm Verso Economics confirms the experience of Spain and other countries: The creation of “green” jobs destroys other jobs through the diversion of resources and the denial of abundant sources of fossil fuel energy.

The economic candle in the U.K. is being blown out by wind power. The Verso study finds that after the annual diversion of some 330 million British pounds from the rest of the U.K. economy, the result has been the destruction of 3.7 jobs for every “green” job created.

The Expert answers:

I’ll bet it’s because the green jobs are jobs created by government spending either directly or indirectly with tax breaks, which means they have to take money out of the economy and divert them to something that doesn’t pay for itself. If the subsidizing never ends, there’s no telling how many jobs it can cost the private sector especially in their respective category of competition.

Lisa asks…

Has Hillary every had an ordinary job with a tough boss kicking her butt every morning?

She doesn’t know what ordinary work, the grind, is like month after month. She lives in a political bubble. Idealistic and out of touch, just like Obama. They don’t know, the imagine. But aren’t they really all out of touch? It doesn’t take long to forget when you make it to the sweet life. How is that any different from the Hollywood crowd. Out of touch and looking at the world through rose colored glasses. More, better, upward, jobs, day care, new cars, alternative energy and wisdom and a kinder, gentler country. Perfect.

The Expert answers:

I’m voting McCain, but I at least can give Hillary credit for all the sh1t she put up with to get her shot and then some weasel un-american punk comes along and steals it….thats gotta suck.

” Hi I’m black, inexperianced, have sh1t for judgment, and probably not even an american citizen, vote for me “, and the backstabbers did.

Lizzie asks…

Tell me what you guys think of this alternative energy plan..?

If its good please tell me how might i spread the word.. if it suck please be nice.. 🙁

and im not very good with my English grammar..

In my Physic class today my professor talks about energy.. he talk about how human stores their energy in form of fats, how the government built this one Dam (hoover dam) to help stimulate our economy in the great depression, and how we uses the river’s kinetic energy to power Las Vegas… and he talks about how energy is converted or moved and how much it get wasted(efficiency), when we buy gas only 25% of our money is actully being spend… I then stand in front of my Calculus class start seeing a hamster run in my head.. and then i start remembering how the bike machine in our gym uses no electricity, but uses our momentum to turn it self on then it rely on us to keep it on..

So this is my plan…

Why not have our president put up a job program where we get pay for exercising while generating energy
like have us run on a treadmill as a JOB..

1. we get healthy
2. we get money
3. keep our economy strong
4. energy efficient (instead of wasting money going to gym they pay us)
5. many more advantages that i cant think of at the moment..

My friends told me this is a stupid idea.. and so i just wana see what everyone think.. the only thing i see that is bad about this is ppl might see this as slavery.. but we get pay for it.. so i dont think it matter.. and its a choice..
hm.. well if 1 person can generate that little energy why cant we have ALOT of ppl do it.. iono.. >.< ever since i think about this idea i think running is such a waste

The Expert answers:

I had thought of a gym model like this a few years ago, but not with the notions of paying people to generate power . There is actually a gym in Oregon who has something like this now. Keep in mind ,all people do not use food with the same efficiency ,not to mention ‘energy loss’ , meaning : the energy it takes to produce food, harvest, packaging , shipping..etc is Much higher than the power 1 person would generate on a bike in 4 hours ,No matter how fit they were. At a job like this only the fittest would be allowed to work=D . The body produces other things like Heat and sweat that can be used . A great green idea is to produce only things that something(someone) else can use up completely

I think the problem with your Idea is $ profit. Group of people were to grow and collect all their food & water , with the use of batteries they could generate the energy to power a laptop ,lights ,some small heating or cooling apps..etc. Understanding just a little about thermodynamics tells us that energy is only redirected ,never created(so far 😉 . The end of Cheap energy means finding new ways to use LESS power and use it more efficiently. Good Work,,Keep Thinking,

Jenny asks…

How much is Seven Billion dollars?

Oh, about the amount of dollars we export each year to OPEC…

We need to take the bail out money and invest in alternative energy and create jobs as well as keep dollars, here!
Excuse my typing – Question should read, How much is 700 billion dollars.

The Expert answers:

It is:

– $2300 for every man, woman, and child in the United States
– 5 times the total fortune of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett combined
– enough to fun the war in Iraq for about 6 years
– 1.7 million tons of pennies

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Your Questions About Green Living

Steven asks…

How do you become “Eco-Friendly”?

I want to start helping out the environment and other people who are more unfortunate than I am. The only problem is I have no idea where to start. If anyone could recommend some websites to get started that would be awesome. This can include places to buy ecofriendly items, clothes, household tools, office supplies… etc. Or webistes that help people such as or simple things you can do at home. I would deeply appreciate it. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Fantastic! Yeah there’s a lot of things you can do just by making some small lifestyle changes:
For example
– use public trasportation instead of own car as much as possible
– use trains etc. Instead of short distance flights
– save on electricity by unplugging devices when when you are not using them(even when they are turned off they use up electricity if they are plugged in)
– start recycling: biowaste, glass, plastic, paper etc. Find out where your local recycling center is.
– buy foods from the grocery store that are locally produced, or as close as possible (e.g. Buy domestic fruit instead of foreign(less fuel has been used for transportation))
– consume less products in general, fix things intead of buying new ones etc
… The list goes on
there’s A LOT to read on the net, type in “tips living green” etc in you’ll get endlessly of websites there.. Good luck! 🙂

Richard asks…

Where can i buy cute eco-friendly clothes?

i am on a completely green thing right now, but i miss shopping for cute clothes. where can i get good clothes that are ecofriendly?

The Expert answers:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and were all mentioned in this month’s seventeen issue, where there was a whole section on eco-friendly clothing and accessories. I would suggest getting a copy! The ones that sound green to me are,, and

Robert asks…

How can you tell which clothes are eco-friendly?

I want to do better for the environment but when i’m shopping for clothes i can’t tell which are made of Bamboo, organic, recycled and/or hand-dyed?
Any tips?
Serious answers please.

The Expert answers:

I can’t speak specifically for clothes, what I can tell you is that bamboo is controversial. Hemp or Wool, and Cotton may be better options. This blog explains a couple concerns about bamboo.

Bamboo Fiber: Green Washing or the Real Deal FTC Investigates

Twelve Questions About All Natural Bamboo in Mattress Covers

Lisa asks…

Eco friendly clothes manufactures.?

What are some Eco friendly clothes manufactures? Not just online stores were you buy 1 or 2 things. A place where you can buy Eco friendly clothes in bulk.

The Expert answers:

You can buy bamboo, hemp and organic cotton t-shirts in bulk from ONNO.

No Sweat handles bulk orders of t-shirts that are organic and sweatshop free.

You can find lots more organic wholesale opportunities through Ecomall.

Hope this helps!

– Aaron Dalton, Editor,

Paul asks…

Where can I get cheap eco-friendly clothes?

graphic tees, jeans etc… teen clothing

The Expert answers:

ZARA made a new eco friendly line but its not cheap
but still its ZARA

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Your Questions About Green Living

Ruth asks…

Post debate-A question for swing state and undecided voters?

How will you make your decision for US President?

-Filter out the gutter rhetoric and lies from both sides.
-Choose who you think is best able to calm and correct the economic crisis.
-Choose who you think will deal most effectively on a global scale.
-Choose who you think is more capable of rebuilding our national image and stature in the world.
-Choose who will work harder to assure our personal freedoms.
-Choose who will be most effective at maintaining our national security both domestically and militarily.
-Choose who is more dedicated to the ecological and environmental issues the world faces.
Best of luck.

The Expert answers:

This swing state voter will never vote for Obama NEVER.

Lisa asks…

Environmental Project Ideas?

Hey! Ok, for a school project in geography we have to create a powerpoint presentation on an environmental issue of our choice. Here are some examples that they gave us:
Over fishing
Animal extinction(Choose only one animal)
Oil spills
and Hurricanes

Ok, if I chose one from there, it would be sharks extinction. But, I want to do something the nobody would choose. It has to answers these questions:
How have humans interacted with the enviroment to create this issue?
Where does this issue occur most often?
Give a specific example of this issue
Give people or groups on both sides of this issue

Any ideas that nobody would think of? It is for a geography project, and if there are some good websites or books for informantion, please say them! P.S.
Do you think hybrids would work? Probably not….. anyway, thanks for the answers ahead of time!

The Expert answers:

One of the big ways to deal with groundwater contamination, and oil spills that get into groundwater, is through phytoremediation (or the use of bacteria to clean up the contaminant). There are groups now that are creating bacteria that preferentially eat oils and industrial solvents.

I wouldn’t imagine that too many people would get into this, but there is alot of information available on the web about this, so your research shouldn’t be to hard.

Also, you tend to get big points from teachers for big words like “Phytoremediation”.

James asks…

How do you, US citizen feel this opinion?

This is an opinion by Yukio Hatoyama, new prime minister of Japan.

A New Path for Japan

Article Tools Sponsored By By YUKIO HATOYAMA Published: August 26, 2009

TOKYO — In the post-Cold War period, Japan has been continually buffeted by the winds of market fundamentalism in a U.S.-led movement that is more usually called globalization. In the fundamentalist pursuit of capitalism people are treated not as an end but as a means. Consequently, human dignity is lost.

How can we put an end to unrestrained market fundamentalism and financial capitalism, that are void of morals or moderation, in order to protect the finances and livelihoods of our citizens? That is the issue we are now facing.

In these times, we must return to the idea of fraternity — as in the French slogan “liberté, égalité, fraternité” — as a force for moderating the danger inherent within freedom.

Fraternity as I mean it can be described as a principle that aims to adjust to the excesses of the current globalized brand of capitalism and accommodate the local economic practices that have been fostered through our traditions.

The recent economic crisis resulted from a way of thinking based on the idea that American-style free-market economics represents a universal and ideal economic order, and that all countries should modify the traditions and regulations governing their economies in line with global (or rather American) standards.

In Japan, opinion was divided on how far the trend toward globalization should go. Some advocated the active embrace of globalism and leaving everything up to the dictates of the market. Others favored a more reticent approach, believing that efforts should be made to expand the social safety net and protect our traditional economic activities. Since the administration of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (2001-2006), the Liberal Democratic Party has stressed the former, while we in the Democratic Party of Japan have tended toward the latter position.

The economic order in any country is built up over long years and reflects the influence of traditions, habits and national lifestyles. But globalism has progressed without any regard for non-economic values, or for environmental issues or problems of resource restriction.

If we look back on the changes in Japanese society since the end of the Cold War, I believe it is no exaggeration to say that the global economy has damaged traditional economic activities and destroyed local communities.

In terms of market theory, people are simply personnel expenses. But in the real world people support the fabric of the local community and are the physical embodiment of its lifestyle, traditions and culture. An individual gains respect as a person by acquiring a job and a role within the local community and being able to maintain his family’s livelihood.

Under the principle of fraternity, we would not implement policies that leave areas relating to human lives and safety — such as agriculture, the environment and medicine — to the mercy of globalism.

Our responsibility as politicians is to refocus our attention on those non-economic values that have been thrown aside by the march of globalism. We must work on policies that regenerate the ties that bring people together, that take greater account of nature and the environment, that rebuild welfare and medical systems, that provide better education and child-rearing support, and that address wealth disparities.

Another national goal that emerges from the concept of fraternity is the creation of an East Asian community. Of course, the Japan-U.S. security pact will continue to be the cornerstone of Japanese diplomatic policy.

But at the same time, we must not forget our identity as a nation located in Asia. I believe that the East Asian region, which is showing increasing vitality, must be recognized as Japan’s basic sphere of being. So we must continue to build frameworks for stable economic cooperation and security across the region.

The financial crisis has suggested to many that the era of U.S. unilateralism may come to an end. It has also raised doubts about the permanence of the dollar as the key global currency.

I also feel that as a result of the failure of the Iraq war and the financial crisis, the era of U.S.-led globalism is coming to an end and that we are moving toward an era of multipolarity. But at present no one country is ready to replace the United States as the dominant country. Nor is there a currency ready to replace the dollar as the world’s key currency. Although the influence of the U.S. is declining, it will remain the world’s leading military and economic power for the next two to three decades.
Skip to next paragraph
Times Topics: Yukio Hatoyama

Current developments show clearly that China will become one of the world’s leading economic nations while also continuing to expand its military power. The size of China’s economy will surpass that of Ja

The Expert answers:

Hey! America is sinking and the rats are jumping ship. Japan can see that China is the next big super power and is getting it ducks in a row. It all makes sense to me. The big question is: when will America wake up? Why are Americans acting like lemmings, lining up to jump off a cliff? Or, like following a madman to our demise.

Thomas asks…

join us in Earth Hour!!?

On march 28, 2009 (saturday) millions of people around the world will turn out all their lights and turn off all their electrical appliances for 1 hour at 8:30 their time. plz do the same! Earth hour spreads good word to political leaders about how we feel about global warming and other environmental issues, and also saves major amounts of electricity! plz answer and say that you’ll do it, email me if you have any questions

from a very dedicated Earth lover
I did it last year too! It was actually fun!
8:30 p.m. (10 characters?)
you can have candles and flashlights if you’re afraid of the dark just no electric lights

The Expert answers:

Sure thing

Paul asks…

Moving from the US to Europe?

I am a junior in high school so I still have plenty of time but I would like to know some information in advance so I have goals to work toward. I would like to live in a European nation for several reasons.

I love the diversity of culture in just about any European nation, not to mention the beautiful landscape. The European Union is another thing I’m a big fan of and would like to live under. I find the European culture to be one that is more accepting and even appreciative of diversity and the arts.

I also like how many of the countries, such as France and Italy off the top of my head, are much slower paced. They use bicycles and public transport instead of constant car usage and you are more likely to find a European that is concerned about environmental issues than you are to find an American.

There are many more reasons and I could go on forever about it. However, I’m concerned about cost of living (which is considerably higher in many European countries) and how to get on my feet living in another continent. So what country would you recommend and what tips would you have for a future immigrant?

The Expert answers:

I moved to Italy from Colorado about 11 years ago for my job. It’s been a great experience for me. There are wonderful people, interesting things to see and do and it’s easy to go out exploring when there’s available time. It is not the same as a vacation though. You still need to support yourself and the economy is not good right now. Hopefully, it will improve in the future and be easier when you’re ready to move. I would suggest that you might want to think about aiming toward marketable skills such as healthcare. Consider a university program that will allow you to spend a semester or year abroad to get some experience in your target country or even enrol in a foreign university. Start working on language skills now.

You cannot just pick up and move to Europe from the US. In order to live and work legally here, you would first need a visa that allows you to do so and those are not easy to get. EU citizens have the right to live and work freely within the EU, others cannot automatically live and work here. The site for visas here in Italy is: . The site has links to the application, the additional information you need to supply in order to get the visa and where to apply. It also includes education visas which are somewhat easier to get than work visas and residential visas which would require you to show that you can support yourself without working. For France, check the consulate website:… – you can click on the links for information about long stay visas and working in France. Look up consulate websites for similar information for other countries.

The rules in much of the EU have been harmonized and will be similar. You need to apply for and receive the visa before you arrive.

A work permit is separate – you cannot apply for that yourself. The company has to apply and they have to be able to demonstrate that there is not a viable EU candidate for the job. As a result, jobs for foreigners including Canadian or US citizens are pretty much restricted to people with special education, knowledge, or experience … And you would have to be able to speak the local language. Right now, the best bet would probably be something in the health care field. When I moved here, it was through a transfer of the job I was already doing in the US to the Italian office. Even so, it took 8 months to put all the paperwork in place to apply for a visa. Administrative/receptionist work is unlikely since there will be tons of European candidates for those positions. You might look a jobs doing translations though.

It’s useful to check the expat sites for information about living and working in the places you might be interested in:

Escape Artist

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Your Questions About Green Living

Donna asks…

Did you hear the ‘great’ news about the new Saudi oil fields that could help problems with rising gas prices?

Yeah, just great. And here I was sort of hoping all this would get people serious about alternative energies and we’d finally break the hold the saudis have on us. They’re getting rich while we’re over here feeling the pinch.
Before you think that I’m some kind of gas hating pansy, I love sports cars, and if I could I’d go out and hot rod all I could. It just seems like to me, if the future does not include gas as a cost-effective fuel and energy source, then shouldn’t we be looking for something else?

The Expert answers:

Yes, we should be looking for something else as we actually want a planet left.

I have a CONSPIRACY theory for you, the Saudis knew for a long time about these oil fields but didn’t use them so they could artificially drive up oil prices, when supply goes down and demand is rocketing the price of the product goes up and up, making them loads of money. I suspect this is happening with many other oil companies as well under the cover of oil shortage, not debunking that there is one though.

Susan asks…

The Catastrophe economy… Capitalism and the endless “Bad News” cycle?

Now that Capitalism/Corporatism has become the dominant world economy… we seem to have a steady stream of disaster. Let me explain..

Japan… the fact is Nuclear power is not safe or clean.. Earthquakes happen. This just as easily could have happened in California or Toronto or anywhere else.. The energy Companies and their iron grip on public opinion have done everything it can for 40 years to stop “Alternative energy” from moving forward… That is “Corporatism” dominating the power landscape.

We all know that Industry gets rid of competing industry whenever it can… that’s an accepted form of Capitalist Fascism… So it seems we are stuck with this now, which is to say we can expect Oil Spills, Political unrest, Nuclear Disasters, Wars, Suffering on genocidal levels to continue as long as we indulge in the exploits of “absolute” wealth and power which is what the current form of global capital is creating…

Instead of efforts to equalize living standards, the exact opposite is taking place.

Infinite Growth vs Finite resource is unsustainable without a shrinking of the population…
is that the plan ?

The Expert answers:

I’ll repost this for you

Thomas asks…

Where is Obama going to come up with the money to support this economic plan ?

WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama promoted an economic plan Saturday he said would create 2.5 million jobs by rebuilding roads and bridges and modernizing schools while developing alternative energy sources and more efficient cars.

The Expert answers:

From you, me and everyone else who pays taxes. He will raise our taxes(what a surprise).

Sharon asks…

Axelrod: Oil spill adds urgency to passing energy and climate bill (CAP AND TRADE)?

Yep. The motive behind this ‘accident’ is now crystal clear.
Never let a crisis go to waste…………

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should add urgency in Congress to pass an energy and climate bill, White House senior advisor David Axelrod said Monday.

Axelrod said that the spill, from which oil continues to pour into the gulf, underscores the need for developing alternative sources of energy.

“I would like to think that this will increase the sense of urgency in Congress, because it underscores the value in developing alternative sources of energy,” the senior advisor said during an appearance on MSNBC. “So I hope that it will give added impetus to Congress to come up with and pass a comprehensive plan.”

Now Im all for green energy, but government fascism and corporatism is something I despise.

What do you think about this? Do we need to hurry and pass cap and tax?

The Expert answers:

I think you don’t care one bit about the environment, and your lack of education is apparent when you reveal your ditto-headness by spewing your cap-and-tax garbage.

James asks…

Now that common sense has started to make a comeback, aren’t your thrilled that the term?

“green and going green’ are not being retired to the landfill?

Maybe next year it will “alternative energy” Can we all hope so?;_ylt=AtcNi_Jdnx.Ynix9UyMVjjkazJV4

The Expert answers:

The buzz words are just that, words that make your head buzz. No substance no purpose except to make someone feel good.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Mark asks…

Do oil companies really own the world?

Oil is one of the most precious commodities in the world. But do Oil companies really have as much power and control as the liberals would have us believe? Do they really influence elections, have certain politicians on their payroll, obstruct the development of the electric car and are they really buying up all the renewable energy companies?

Or is this all conspiratorial liberalist bullshit?
In response to a comment on the electric car: Look, I’m sure it’s possible to build an electric car that’s much more efficient than the ones that have been released commercially. Think about the other stuff electricity does and you’re telling me that nobody has been able build something that rotates 2 axels at a high speed and carries people around without having to charge every few miles? I find that hard to believe.

The Expert answers:

The world runs on coal and oil (for the most part)

The oil company’s have power as long as oil powers the world.

Influence Elections ? – No ! They don’t have to.
Politicians on payroll ? – No ! They don’t need to do that, that would be a waste of profits.
Obstruct the electric car that only get 90 miles to a charge at best ? – That’s silly talk.

The oil company’s have real power, not the kind you have to buy or steal. The have power because the world is addicted to oil.
And when we take our 9 mile to the gallon SUV’s to the gas station we are paying with our hard earned money to keep them in power.

Nothing Liberal about that.

Lizzie asks…

How are government and NGOs confronting climate change?

So far, I have that they demand the world move to renewable energy resources, what are two other ways the government and NGOs are confronting climate change? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

No Government, nor NGO is actually doing anything that would alter the course of the climate. There are some efforts to produce less CO2,
but CO2 is not what drives the climate. Http://
Many of their CO2 reduction efforts are really not to reduce CO2, but to use Global warming as an excuse for other policies ostensibly to reduce CO2 production. Http://;_ylt=AiBvlwbwfJDBnLyqssvEh_Tty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100427155928AAb6Dwg&show=7#profile-info-A6qoNVxJaa
Obama is currently pushing a climate bill proposed by Sens. Kerry and Lieberman that restricts CO2 production in only certain sectors of the economy, and subsidizes off shore drilling and nuclear power.

Richard asks…

Democrats, are you aware that Oil is vital to the world’s economy?

That as to date we have no large scale replacement of oil what-so-ever. That without oil in-addition to not being able to drive your car, you have no food, no water, no clothes, no electric (oil fuels the electric making generators) The few exceptions would be the Amish Farmers. Renewable energy as of yet a pipe dream.

That the White House rant against BP will only not solve the problem but is making it worse, that all our efforts should go into stopping the spill. Aka Bobby Jindal Governor of Louisiana

The Expert answers:

White House is putting pressure on BP because voters are putting pressure on it (the spill is already being called Obama’s Katrina).

Shale gas can replace oil for most uses, and there is plenty of it.

But otherwise you are right, politicians (of any persuasion) tend to be out of touch with reality.

Carol asks…

How much of the World’s energy consumption is renewable?

I know that the World‘s Energy Consumption is 483.6 Q, and the United States energy consumption is 101.55. The United States renewable energy consumption is 6.81 Q.

I can’t find any information the world‘s renewable energy consumption. Does anybody know what it is?


The Expert answers:

I remember hearing it was roughly worldwide about 1.5% sorry cant provide a link.

Daniel asks…

which renewable energy plays the largest role in electricity production world wide?

hydroelectric power
solar power

The Expert answers:

Coal, after all it’s biomass from millions of years ago. It just takes a very very long time to renew itself.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Paul asks…

eco friendly kids furniture store?

i’m coming up with an eco friendly kids furniture store for a school project, and need help with a store name or buzz words??

The Expert answers:

How about just EKO KIDS

Mandy asks…

Where can I buy Philippine made office furnitures including display cabinets that are eco-friendly & cheap?

Where can I buy Philippine made office furnitures including display cabinets that are ecofriendly & economical too? They should also be elegant in design and space saving. Is there any place in Metro Manila aside from Tiendesitas? Thanks

The Expert answers:

Cebu made furniture:
The Cebu International Furniture and Furnishings Exhibition, more popularly known as Cebu X, has become a focal point for buyers and retailers of both contemporary and classical pieces.
You should be able to order on line, or ask if they have a store in Manila or Quezon City.

Philippine Furniture made in Cebu:
Quezon City website:
33 Point 3 Exports, Inc
M.L. Quezon St., Casuntingan
Phone: (63-34) 7099985 Official Representative Phone: (63-34) 7099985
Most of the other locations were in Cebu which is far south of where you live.

Philippine Furniture Makers Alphabetical Listings:

Jumbo Pacific Inc.:
Based in Philippines, sells wide range of handicrafts.

Philippine Handicraft of Abaca & Sinamay,Rattan,Paper-mache

Filipino Handicrafts:

Philippine furniture on contract basis built on a contract basis only (sounds expensive, but of a high quality):
They specialize in outdoor furniture.

PRIMAFIL Furniture:

For CHEAP I would recommend going to eBay in China and the Pacific Area for your furniture. I would also check Vietnam, they seem to be stealing business from the Philippines (according to the Manila Bulletin On-line).
Check out this search from the Manila Bulletin:

Winners Furniture:
Blk. 27 Lot 18 Marcos Alvarez Ave., Green Valley Subd.,
San Nicolas 1, Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines
Phone: +63.46.872.0819

A lot of this furniture offered was made with Ratan which is a renewable resource.

The single cheapest source would be Craig’s List in the Philippines:
This is as list of local people, organized by city, that would be wiling to buy, sell or trade local goods; think of it as a yard sale that is held on line.

Sandra asks…

I need your advise on baby cribs. Can you help?

I am a furniture designer and I am interested in creating a nursery line. Do you Moms/Dads have any suggestions on how to make my cribs more convenient for you? I love modern furniture, so definitely this line will be modern as well. I am also planing to make it ecofriendly, and convertible (crib-daybed). What would you like to see in the future cribs? Any problems with you current cribs, suggestions? THANK YOU!

The Expert answers:

Definitely convertible, it saves so much money. It can be their bed for their whole lives.

Some how make it hard to scratch/dent.

One side being able to be lowered would be a huge plus which I don’t have.

Betty asks…

I need your advise on baby cribs. Can you help?

I am a furniture designer and I am interested in creating a nursery line. Do you Moms/Dads have any suggestions on how to make my cribs more convenient for you? I love modern furniture, so definitely this line will be modern as well. I am also planing to make it ecofriendly, and convertible (crib-daybed). What would you like to see in the future cribs? Any problems with you current cribs, suggestions? THANK YOU!

The Expert answers:

I’d like a crib that is quieter to raise and lower the side rail. Mine is so loud I always wake my daughter up when I raise the rail up at night.

Sharon asks…

I need your advice on baby cribs. Can you help?

I am a furniture designer and I am interested in creating a nursery line. Do you Moms/Dads have any suggestions on how to make my cribs more convenient for you? I love modern furniture, so definitely this line will be modern as well. I am also planing to make it ecofriendly, and convertible (crib-daybed). What would you like to see in the future cribs? Any problems with you current cribs, suggestions? THANK YOU

The Expert answers:

I am definately in the market for a convertible crib. We figure that after we have about 3 kids and everyone uses it then we’ll use it as a headboard/footboard. We want something that isn’t going to be too dated.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

What are some environmental issues in the Yukon Territory ?!?

Please help, this is for my geography assignment due tomorrow, i cant find any information on this .
So if you know any environmental issues then tell me please !!

The Expert answers:

Environmental damage from drilling for oil

Richard asks…

What actually are Global environmental Issues?

I have to make a project on this so please define it…..
& are natural disasters a global environmental issue?

The Expert answers:

A Global enviromental “issue” is a man made (global warming, ice-caps, etc.) excuse for more government spending. It lines the pockets of those in power and uses the Earth as their scapegoat.

There’s an agenda out there in the goverment (by the Liberals) that they dont tell you when they say they “care” about the earth.

Al Gore makes a movie, and flys around the world on his private jet, emitting more carbon than anyone warning the world of Global warming, and his house uses the most insufficent amount of engery it can.

We can drill more resources (oil) in Alaska because environmentalists are worried about the Caribou, yet research has shown that they are actually thriving and surviving better because of the heat that the already laid pipes give off.

There is no oil crisis or issue. We have the resources but goverment stops us from using them. They need the crisis or else they lose their power.

If you’re smart, you’ll research all of this in places other than your textbooks, because they’re written and distributed by the same people making the issue’s up. Dont be surprised when your teachers jaw drops, either.

Natural Disasters:

These arent issues, they are natural. Humans have nothing to do with them, and if they do it’s when the Earth says its time to cut back the population a few, “i need a break.” A hurrincane, volcano, or earthquake is the worlds way of evening itself out.

Chris asks…

What are the environmental issues in Chile?

I am working on a spanish project and i need help on some of the environmental issues in the country of Chile

The Expert answers:

Most of the environmental issues surround mining issues. Mining minerals, especially copper, is Chile’s main source of income. All the big mining companies are here: Phelps-Dodge, Barrick Gold, Placer Dome, Falconbridge, BH Billiton.

Go to youtube and search: Anthony Rauld

He is doing an extensive documentary on the Barrick Gold’s proposal to melt a glacier in order to extract the gold underneath. The project is Pascua Llama, and it’s been quite controversial. Anthony is currently completing his masters degree at SF State in Anthropology/Film.

Steven asks…

Do the recipients of charities,in which green homes are built for, become more aware of environmental issues?

•Do people living in these green homes feel they are healthier?

•Do they feel more concerned about environmental issues?

•Are they happy enough about their green homes to where the feel they should promote and tell their friends and family about the benefits of living green?

•Are people aware that by living in these homes, the environment benefits?

The Expert answers:

I have seen many stories about the homes built in the 9th ward of New Orleans, LA. The people involved in the building and those ultimately who will live in them become more aware of many issues, indoor air quality and energy conservation. For many low income families they was the green movement as something only for the rich. They are learning how to conserve energy and use resources better. Many of the homes being built after Katrina are reusing salvaged materials as well. They are a great way to show us all that a small initial investment can have long term costs savings as well as help the planet.

Sandra asks…

May someone give me some facts on the Environmental Issues in Sweden?

I was hoping to learn more about the Environmental Issues in Sweden and thought this could be a good way to find some more information out.

The Expert answers:

Sweden is a country of vast forests, marvellous archipelagos and clean air. But there are also severe environmental problems, such as excessively high nutrient levels in the Baltic Sea, acidification of lakes and land, and continuing exposure to a number of toxic substances, where the margins between current levels and levels that could result in adverse health affects are small.

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Your Questions About Green Living

Linda asks…

Why arent we enforcing the use of renewable energy and alternative forms or fuel?

why do we persist on continuing using our cars, boats or other vehicles when the price of oil is so high with so many protest from many industry groups across the world pleading their national governments to do something about the price of gas.

Is it not obvious enough that oil will run out and with the increasing price of fuel world wide? Its like humans are willing to pay more fuel money to drive thier car from A to B.

Why are we so reliant a non renewable resource that will eventually out. Its like society has a fetish for oil and fuel where we have become so dependent on it.

What can be done to break this addiction to non renewable resources that we depend so much on.

The Expert answers:

Because in order to force people to switch to an alternative fuel, you would have to force nearly everyone in the US to buy a new car and for many, especially in an economic recession, that just isnt an option. You gonna buy everyone a new car?

Nancy asks…

Will fracking give us the breathing room we need for renewable energy development.?

There is a lot of concern right now about the environmental impacts of fracking for natural gas. Natural gas production by fracking, though, is considerably more environmentally friendly than coal production by mining. Production and transportation costs are enough lower for gas than coal that gas is now a cheaper energy source than coal in the U.S. There are substantial reserves that can be developed by fracking in the rest of the world as well.Coal, which fuels about 45% of U.S. electrical power generation right now, generates about .96 Kg of CO2 per Kw-hr of electricity produced. Natural gas only exhausts about .57Kg CO2/Kw-hr when burned in the same efficiency powerplant. Newer dual-cycle gas-fired plants can about double the efficiency of coal-fired plants. Replacing coal-fired plants with natural gas would therefore decrease our CO2 output from electrical generation by more than 20%. In the 10-20 years until solar becomes the cheapest form of electrical energy, will lower-priced natural gas decrease our CO2 output enough to keep us below a 1000 Gt budget for world cumulative output from fossil fuel?
Edit – Larry, Who’s this “they” you are talking about?I was in the semiconductor manufacturing business in 1974 and heard no such thing.
Edit – Larry The Chairman of Evergreen Solar has stated that they will have grid parity in less than 3 years, with no improvement in the cost of silicon. MIT Tech review lists several companies that have demonstrated use of a recently off-patent technique for making silcon/polysilicon wafers at about a 50% savings. I base the 10-20 year estimate on those two sources, Moore’s law, and my expectations of how fast the solar industry can scale up.
Z – The reason natural gas prices are so low right now is that fracking has brought so much more production online. Those left-wingers must not be quite as effective as you think. Can you give anything other than your opinion why solar won’t be cheaper than fossil?
D/dx – I’m of the opinion that biomass methane can’t scale up fast enough to make a significant contribution before solar dominates. Contradictory evidence will be read and appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Methane can be made quite easily from biomass and then cleaned to pipeline standards, so fracking is not necessary. The cost of production is about $4/GJ, which is close to the current spot price for natural gas. The economic merit depends on location because pipeline transport is a significant cost. Locally, the consumer cost of natural gas is about 75% over the spot price due to pipeline charges. That leaves room for local production from biomass sources to be profitable. $4 cost of production + $2 profit margin + $1 local distribution. For fossil natural gas the numbers are $2 cost of production + $2 profit + $2 pipeline + $1 local distribution. The consumer price is the same, but local production from renewable sources is preferable because all of the money stays in the local economy and it is carbon neutral.

Edit: RE solar vs biomass scale up. I like both technologies. Solar captures a larger fraction of solar radiation than plants, but comes at a higher capital cost. At 50 N, a solar PV panel operates at 25% efficiency in December and January due to low solar irradiation. Solar PV panels are more suited to lower latitudes where the longer duty cycle will justify the investment. I think that biomass energy is more suitable for high latitudes where solar irradiation is more seasonal. The technology for biomass methane is quite simple. If 20,000 peasant farmers in Bangladesh can build anaerobic digestion pits with minimal resources and cook their meals with the gas produced, the technology is within reach for most Americans (although some of the comments on YA make me wonder…). The main limiting factor for biomass methane is political will.

Carol asks…

Renewable and non-renewable energy sources?

Ok i need(one place in the world it is used, advantages and disadvantages) of the following

natural gas
Nuclear power
solar power
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal power
tidal power

The Expert answers:


Natural gas
Nuclear power


Solar power
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal power
Tidal power

Hope I helped! 🙂

Mark asks…

Why are more and more people not realizing the impact they have on the world?

It seems to me and others I have talked to that more and more of us are under the impression that this world is never ending. The population is rising, and I can’t help but feel that people who have more than one or two children are clueless and selfish. This world can not continue to support a population explosion. The more space we consume, the less area we have to support ecosystems, the places required to grow food, support wildlife. This is directly impacted by population.
My second issue is renewable energy. Auto manufacturer’s are just now realizing they need to be responsible. Technology in automobile engines have shown that 50 mpg is not impossible to acheive. It’s been around since the 60’s. Electric cars have been around since before then as well. Am I the only one disturbed by all of this? The stupidity of those who are driven by money instead of the desire to help.
And those who say Nuclear energy is clean….think again. The bi-product is toxic. Be aware
As far as my understanding of our impact on the world, lets just say part of what I do is to provide the world with energy efficient designs for everyday use. It’s my day job. To further my point, nuclear energy has a bi-product that is toxic for hundreds of years. How much of this bi-product can we bury and forget about? It is not a realistic solution. Example: wind, water and solar are clean solutions to provide energy. Coal burning facilities are one of the worst contributors for greenhouse gases. Maybe not first on the list, but it is a problem. There are always new ways to save energy, flourescent light bulbs save energy, but how many people just throw them in the garbage and introduce mercury to the landfills? We use less energy but pollute in other ways. I have no solutions although I do help to make this world more energy effecient one building at a time. My need is to get everyone to reflect on these issues. Be aware, the time is now.

The Expert answers:

I think many people know of the impact but do not want to spend the extra time or money they think lessening their impact will take. Changing the way people are raised to think is hard,too.

George asks…

What will it take to change the way we consume energy on a mass scale?

From oil to coal we seem to be consuming energy from non-renewable sources. Do the major energy companies have a solution for a post-oil world? Does industry have a plan in place for producing goods when the lights go out? Are we just going to sit around and wait for the wells to go dry?

The Expert answers:

Individually, be aware of where of you dispose everything . Recycling has a major impact on our environment and it is also a political statement from the community. Politicians pay attention to your demands with the environment, now. Also , be aware of how alternative fuels work ahead of time, so when they become available you can demand either ethanol or biodiesel as a your choice of fuel. If the demand is big enough, the suppliers will produce.

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