Jenny asks…
How much is the “green” industry?
Eco–friendly goods, such as hyrbid cars, solar pannels, clothing, housewares, etc., is a booming industry. How much is this “green” industry worth? How much money does this industry rake in over the course of a year?
The Expert answers:
More than you’ll ever dream of.
Paul asks…
what is more environmentally friendly, leather or cloth clothing?
NOTE: credible sources only e.g. No green peace, PETA (especially these guys) etc. use of primary literature would be smiled upon. I am not asking about the use of animals that are raised in fur farms, such as mink, etc. but more common types of leather, such as sheepskin, cattle, rabbit etc. where the components of the animal can be used for other uses. e.g. you don’t kill a cow just for skin and waste all that good meat.
this is for personal interest. As such, I am willing to hear both sides of the argument, so long as no name-calling or eco-fanaticism takes place; respondents are allowed to have opinions, but their points must be valid, logical and sound. Be respectful, but more importantly be accurate. When answering you must assume that we HAVE to use one or the other; none of this “we shouldn’t be using the environment at all” stuff.
Also, I would like people to take into consideration the increasing use of synthetic materials in cloth, the effects of dyes in cloth and the chemicals used in the tanning process, as well as the amount of production that you can get per unit of land.
The Expert answers:
It has more to do with how it was grown/raised and processed than the actual material. If you have natural grazing animals that don’t take a lot of resources, aren’t pumped full of antibiotics and the skins aren’t tanned with toxic chemicals (which most are, that’s why the process has been shipped overseas) you would have less impact than convention cloths. Cotton is a highly sprayed crop and the dyes used on it are often extreamly toxic.
I have found trying to buy eco responsible clothes is a challenge. There are many low pesticide, natural products being used, modal (wood fibre), bamboo, organic cottons but many are shipped half way around the world and are produced in less than ideal social conditions. I usually weight the ecological impacts more than the social and transportation. My hope is that with enough interest in low impact clothes the proctice will increase and there will be better social and local choices. I don’t have much leather in my life, it is too expensive to find the stuff that wasn’t produced with toxins. I do like many animal products, silk,cashmere, angora and wool, and try to find items that were not factory farmed, they tend to be expensive, but if you take proper care of them, they will last a lifetime.
I avoid petroleum based synthetics. I try to reduce my over all consumption of oil, I avoid plastics as much as possible. I also avoid hybrids, that would be something like a poly/cotton blend. When you put a synthetic and natural product together you destine it to the landfill. A 100% polyester shirt can be recycled. A 100% cotton shirt can be recycled or biodegrade, a hybrid can’t do either.
Maria asks…
having a green baby?
my sister in law is having a baby and i want to get her eco friendly stuff – clothing, supplies, diapers, etc
any good websites of business for a green baby?
The Expert answers:
Helen asks…
How do you help the environment in your daily life?
I recycle cans, bottles, boxes, wrappers, and papers. I compost my leftover food. I carpool to work daily. I hang my clothes outside to dry. I purchase “eco–friendly” cleaning products when needed.
What household products will work for cleaning what? (Baking soda, vinegar, et cetera…)
What else can I do to eliminate my “footprint” on the earth?
The Expert answers:
I do the same things, reducing toxins and other chemicals in my cleaning supplies, and recycling.
A couple other areas to reduce your impact on the earth. Reduce food miles, buy fresh organic and local. Eat what is in season. Look at where the food you buy comes from, some so called farmers markets import food from South America, so ask if it isn’t labeled. Reduce toxins from your beauty products, buy organic and natural products there is a whole list of chemicals to avoid. Reduce packaging, look into the bulk bins at your local market and get reusable produce bags as well as shopping bags. Conserve energy and water, time your shower and cut it by a few minutes, adjust your thermostat by a few degrees, unplug chargers when not in use.
My favorite book on the subject is “The Green Book” you can check it out online at I also really like “Easy Green Living” by Renee Loux. I got my produce bags from, but they would be easy to make.
Donald asks…
Your Open QuestionShow me another »
I need your opinions!!jewelry/clothing?
1. Do you feel a need for more internationally inspired clothing( ex. indian, hawaiian, european, australian,african, brazilian)?
yes or no
2. Would you buy 15 dollar eco friendly jewelry if it meant you would be saving the enviroment as well as looking great?
yes or no
3. Would you pay more for jewelry and clothing if you knew you were helping save the planet by purchasing it?
yes or no
4. Are you looking for unique/hot jewelry/clothes?
yes or no
5. Do you like knowing that the jewelry your wearing is one of a kind and/or limited addition?
yes or no
6. What your favorite thing to have in the jewelry you wear?
ex shine, color, crystals
The Expert answers:
1. Do you feel a need for more internationally inspired clothing( ex. Indian, hawaiian, european, australian,african, brazilian)? No
2. Would you buy 15 dollar eco friendly jewelry if it meant you would be saving the enviroment as well as looking great? Yes
3. Would you pay more for jewelry and clothing if you knew you were helping save the planet by purchasing it? No
4. Are you looking for unique/hot jewelry/clothes? Yes I like unique items no one else would have
5. Do you like knowing that the jewelry your wearing is one of a kind and/or limited addition? Yes
6. What your favorite thing to have in the jewelry you wear? To be long and big and look boho vintage
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