Your Questions About Green Living

Nancy asks…

Why is Obama allowed to spend tax payer money based on cronyism?

and not solely on their economic merits?
He chooses which company to give our money to only if they are one of his top donors.

No less than 80% of the stimulus loans and grants given by the Department of Energy to alternative energy companies has gone to companies either run by or primarily owned by Obama’s financial backers — individuals who were bundlers, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party.
That’s a large chunk: about $16.4 billion out of $20.5 billion in issued loans.
A CBS News report in January found that at least 12 companies that received billions in Federal assistance were now in financial trouble.
Five have already gone bankrupt: Beacon Power, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, Eastern Energy, and Solyndra.
Last week, Abound Solar announced it was laying off 280 workers (70% of its staff) and delaying a new factory in Indiana. Abound got $400 million of your tax dollars.
That’s a far cry from July 2010, when Obama said Abound would use the money to “manufacture advanced solar panels at two new plants, creating more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs” at plants in Indiana and Colorado.
But that’s what you get when you pick energy investments based on the Buddy System…
What is the problem with you libs. The President is NOT suppose to give money to his Friends in Business. Why does 16.5 Billion not bother you? Just pissed off, poof, gone, wasted! These companies had NO Merit, like NOT good companies to invest in!

The Expert answers:

Oh it’s a joke.

Remember.. The executives got huge bonuses before they went under.

So.. Tax payer money goes to “Green” energy companies/investors.
Those same companies / executives will give some of it back to Democrats in the form of campaign donations.

In the real world, it’s called Money Laundering.

James asks…

Do you realize why the Congress wishes away wikileaks as undependable..?!?

Because more and more revelations of its ugly sides are appearing daily in the news. See the latest:

US Ambassador to India, had said that he believed that the cabinet reshuffle in 2006 when Iyer was replaced by Murli Deora as Petroleum Minister was done to enhance Indo-US relations…

Karat said: “… Mani sankar Aiyar was removed from the Petroleum Ministry “because of the energy policy he pursued and they brought a pro-American person (Murli Deora) into the ministry replacing Mani Shankar Iyer..”

“His efforts to bring the India-Pakistan-Iran pipeline to fruition…his efforts to bring an alternative energy grid…his talks with China…all this we knew that’s why he was being shifted out,” he said.

So whether it is the Pak policy or the petro policy, it is the US govt that decides Indian decisions under UPA rule! It is onething to be a friendly country and quite another to be a subservient one! Allowing PM’s plane to be inspected by US officials because it was supplied by their country or transfer of petro Ministers was done to please US etc are sure to be detrimental to national interests!

what are your thoughts?

The Expert answers:

Wikileaks has confirmed this “deliberate shuffle” in the UPA cabinet and even though we may deny the veracity of Wikileaks, this paricular incident is by and large true! US is opposed to india-pak-iran pipeline project and they had put the govt under pressure to instate someone who complies with their whims and wishes. Of course, the nuclear pact was at stake, so UPA meekly kowtowed before US pressure.
I have always been against the so called Indo-US nuke deal which has its repercussions on India more than the advantages. Nuke deal is a sham. It’s always a threat to millions of life. Look at Japan, that’s why the Jaitapur nuke plant protest has gained momentum. It is estimated that before the accident at Tarapur in 1992, lack of proper maintenance exposed more than 3000 Indian personnel to “very high” and “hazardous” radiation levels. Researchers at the American University calculated at least 124 “hazardous incidents” at nuclear plants in India between 1993 and 1995.
It’s claimed that this agreement will allow India to carry out trade of nuclear fuel and technologies with other countries and significantly enhance its power generation capacity when the agreement goes through, India is expected to generate an additional 25,000 MW of nuclear power by 2020, bringing total estimated nuclear power generation to 45,000 MW. I don’t feel that this target can be achieved anyway cause today just 1% of our energy comes from nuclear plants. Developed countries around the world generate cheap solar electricity as 35% of their needs are fulfilled from sun derived energy. Leave alone this, US itself fears the nuke setup in 104 of its provinces following japan tragedy.

There are many instances where US has led India’s faith down. Be it the ignominy Trivalley students faced or Headely arrest or its illegitimate support to. Pakistan. The UPA sarkar must realize that people don’t approve their unconditional love of US. Let US not rule our fate!

Mark asks…

Poll: Economy outweighs environment – Where do you stand on this issue?

Political climate for energy policies cools

Poll: Economy outweighs environment


Monday’s National Clean Energy Summit 2.0 will bring a parade of celebrated public policy experts to Las Vegas to discuss greening the country’s economy.

But as leaders including former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger encourage investments in alternative energy, their policy prescriptions could face serious headwinds from changing public opinions.

Recent surveys show Americans cooling to global warming, and they’re even less keen on environmental policies they believe might raise power bills or imperil jobs. Those sentiments could mean a tougher road ahead for elected officials looking to fund investments in renewable power or install a carbon cap-and-trade system.

“Right now, Americans are more concerned about the economy than the environment,” said Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of the Gallup Poll. “The politician who says, ‘I’m going to cripple jobs and shut down factories’ would be in trouble in this economy.”

The Expert answers:

If you don’t fix the economy with lower taxes and decreased spending, there won’t be any money or a country to try and help the environment. The economy is the priority.

The Global Warming tax is an economy killer. Arnold is a joke!

Steven asks…

Study: Plenty of wind to power East Coast?

Liberals talk a good game when it comes to alternative energy sources. The following study basically states that the East Coast can be powered by the wind.

However one of the most powerful Democratic Senators, Edward Kennedy, is blocking the establishment of a wind farm on the east coast in the waters off Cape Cod. Reason being is that he can see if from his house.

Is this a not in my back yard issue or does Kennedy really support wind power?
People, this is not a personal attack against Kennedy. He does a lot of double speak about topics and this is one of them. Its great somewhere else, but not in the Cape where his family has a house.

The Expert answers:

Argle…it is not really a personal attack…it is fact…Kennedy does not want it because it would be in his back yard…The person asking this question is just pointing out the hypocrisy of the senor Democrats…it could have just been as easy a Republican, but if it had been it would have been all over the Liberal Media…this situation is just like a City Counsel wanting to put a new land fill in your county…it is always anywhere but where they live…

Thomas asks…

Does financial gain from cap & trade explain why China suddenly stopped calling for a new reserve currency?

China has been calling loudly for a new world reserve currency for months and months. Many people don’t know because the mainstream media doesn’t report it on the front page or the evening news – you must go to the investment pages to read about it.

The last call was as recent as LAST WEEK”

“China’s Central Bank Renews Call for New World Reserve Currency”

Google for more. you will find numerous reports (weekly) about it.

then two days later …

The original title of this article was “Treasuries Advance After China Says Reserve Policy Is ‘Stable’” and it has since been changed to “U.S. Treasuries Advance Amid Quarter-End Portfolio Rebalancing “. Hmm. The content changed somewhat as well but still covers it in brief

“…Yields fell after Chinese central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said his country is sticking with its foreign-currency reserve policy for now…”

WHY THE SUDDEN REVERSAL? Is it possibly because China will be a major benefactor of cap & trade?

How many of our tax dollars will go to create new jobs and new industries in China?

Consider, for example, what cap & trade does in creating demand for RARE EARTH METALS which are essential for alternative energy technology. As it stands now, we will depend on China to meet the demand to be created by C&T.

“Crunch looms for green technology as China tightens grip on rare-earth metals (May 2009)”

“China’s grip tightens on ‘green’ metals”

“… The rare-earth metal neodymium, used in electric car motors and wind turbines, is at the epicenter of the race between wealthy and emerging nations to create green technologies, while poorer countries appear to be relegated to spectator status. … Neodymium is a lanthanoid, at position 60 on the periodic table of elements for the number of atoms in a single molecule. Its production and wide range of uses reflect the competition over raw materials in the area of green technologies. … Unless production of green technologies is supported outside of China by new mining in North America, Africa and Australia, the only place to manufacture them will be China, predicts Lifton, adding that if China decides not to export those rare metals, there won’t be any other place to obtain them. … ”

For those who jump in here and claim the new industries will be created in America, I ask you: what is the incentive for corporations to develop new industries in America when they can pay slave labor wages in Asia and avoid environmental regulation? Let’s be realistic.

And considering the potential for profit to China, does its unwillingness to cap its own emissions disturb you a little and/or even give you a little pause to question the motivation behind cap & trade?

Hmmm. Maybe this explains it, in part. Hot off the press:

“IMF Board Authorizes Debut Bond Issuance to Fund Aid (Update1)”

Read the article – China is purchasing $50 billion. It seems there is no need to call for end to the dollar as reserve. The IMF activating SDRs as currency marks the final nail in the coffin for the dollar. Its only a matter of time.

The Expert answers:

Yes. It has explained why.

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