Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

Who benefits from a global climate crisis?

“Scientists who use climate change to explain environmental changes improve their chances of getting research grants from foundations, corporations — and U.S. government programs that budget a whopping $6.5 billion for global warming in 2007. They also increase the likelihood of getting headlines and quotes in news stories: “Climate change threatens extinction of rare frogs, scientist says.” Climate disaster skeptics face an uphill battle on grants, headlines, quotes and job security.
* Politicians can curry favor with activists who support re-election campaigns and higher aspirations; transform $14 billion in alternative energy pork into ethical planetary protection; and promote policies that otherwise would raise eyebrows.”

The Expert answers:

The only beneficiaries will be governments. And eventually it will need to be a one world government. After all, if I don’t use a CF bulb, it is harmful to everyone on the planet. The losers will be all peoples who will lose all of their rights. When it comes to global warming, there is nothing that you do that doesn’t effect everyone else.

I don’t think it is worth it. Let the planet warm one degree and let the oceans rise 17 inches. So what.

Lizzie asks…

Does anyone else get the feeling that even if there was an entrepreneur who could become a “Rockefeller of?

alternative energy” and make nice-looking small wind turbines that were quiet, cost effective synchronous inverters, super-affordable solar cells and hybrid cars that could go like hell while still getting 70 mpg, many conservatives would still scoff at alternative energy just because FOX News told them to?

Alternative energy is weak right now. The industry is over-run by wimpy cry-babies who are more interested in soaking up government incentives and university kudos than actually getting anything done. All that’s needed to make alternative energy more viable is one damn good entrepreneur.

The Expert answers:

On the contrary the day someone does that call me a customer.

Ruth asks…

Is Al Gore too hypocritical in his own environmental practices to win the Nobel peace prize?

Among having been the deciding vote to alleviate the gas tax when he was VP he also owns 5 homes one of which burned over ten times the average amount of energy for the area, as well as not having alternative energy sources to power them.

Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge environmentalist and if all Gore has done anything he has brought attention to the issue. I just think the spokesman from the environment should practice what he preaches. So giving the award to Al Gore instead of someone truly deserving seems a rather political than earnest move by the part of the Nobel peace prize committee.

“Awarding it to Al Gore cannot be seen as anything other than a political statement. Awarding it to the IPCC is well-founded,” said Bjorn Lomborg, author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist.”

The Expert answers:

Fifty years from now, those of us who are still alive will see the results of Al Gore’s mission. It’s easy to sit at our computers and chastise Gore for failing to ‘practice what he preaches’, but I wonder how many of the Gore critics actually know with absolute certainty that he, indeed, is so hypocritical.
The criticism comes mostly comes from Gore’s political opponents, who don’t seem to recognize that this is NOT a political issue. Global warming is a very real and serious threat to all of mankind; and it’s all because we citizens of the world during the past 150 years have chosen to waste, squander and spoil the very environment that sustains us.

Just because you don’t agree with Gore’s politics doesn’t mean you should turn a blind eye to his message about global warming. As arrogance, ignorance, bias, puffery, prejudice, bigotry and hubris sets in, we seem to lose sight of the fact that we have destroyed our planet with our smoke-belching factories; gas-guzzling Hummers and SUVs; refusal to REuse, REduce and REcycle; intrusive coal mining; destruction of rain forests and mangrove forest throughout the world; overfishing of the oceans; and absolute disregard for all of the plants and animals that are necessary for the very survival of the human species.
Those of you are are younger and haven’t started a family yet need to be keenly aware of Gore’s messages. If something isn’t done within the next ten years to stop the environmental and ecological erosion of our planet, YOUR children and grandchildren will be left to suffer, living lives without sufficient clean water, little clean air, and nothing short of global devastation without food sources, natural resources or elements vital to human existence.
Your great-grandchildren will inherit a world full of cement and asphalt monoliths, without greenery, trees, flowers, streams, clean oceans, whales, polar bears, babbling brooks, exotic frogs, agriculture, insects or pure air. ‘So what?” you might ask. How will you answer your darling great grand daughter as she sits on your lap and asks, “Gee, Grandpa, why didn’t you do anything to save me from all this depredation?” How will you answer HER??
-RKO- 10/12/07

Helen asks…

Does America’s economy really affect the world?

Here in America, our news talks about how our current economic woes has brought down the markets all over the world. How does our economy affect the people of Australia? Do you feel the American downturn has affected Australia? It was our greedy bankers that made bad loans on real estate, it’s our oil greedy President who hasn’t supported alternative energy. I really don’t understand how this works and was wondering how the people of Australia feel about this statement.

The Expert answers:

All world economies are interlinked with one another. If one collapses then the others will feel the empty space and will need to readjust.
Btw it was the war that caused it, not an oil greedy President.

Betty asks…

California Solar Company Gets $5 billion contract in China. Is this the new economy?
Al Gore and Obama both has said that the new US economy will be made up of “Green jobs”.
Now a California company has received a lucrative contract to build a huge solar electric-generating plant in China. Is this the future? Can being a tree-hugging, alternative energy company make billions?

The Expert answers:

Yes, China is outpacing America in the green industry. We will get left behind if we don’t pick it up. China has been innovating green tech for the past few years while we do nothing and the GOP attempts to block any kind of green tech stimulus. This IS the future and we can watch China out pace us or we can pick it up and treat it like we did the moon race – which is how it should be treated.

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