Your Questions About Green Living

Daniel asks…

You say Obama is making promises he cant keep but mccain isnt making promises at all?

He says vote for me because he was a POW. He says hes for energy independence but is in bed with oil companies. News flash to you republicans we will never get alternative energy if we continue to drill because alternative energy is competition for the oil companies. Nobody who works for the oil companies would create competition for them. Do you people really think john mccain will bring about energy independence? Do you even care? John mccain stands for nothing he will not fix anything.

The Expert answers:

You’re right. I can’t believe the hypocrisy of republicans. McCain did not promise ANYTHING.

He peppered his speech with issues but the main meat of it was about his POW status. He just does not get IT. At all. Neither does Palin. Can she talk about something else other than Alaska and being a hockey mom?

Stop letting them brainwash you all!

Paul asks…

do you agree with out President that nuclear energy is a safe and green alternative to coal?

The Expert answers:

It is, for the most part. A properly run nuclear plant is just about as safe as a coal plant, and doesn’t belch out fumes.

Sighting it near a tsunami zone, or hiring imbeciles, or having a terrible design for your plant are bad ideas.

Richard asks…

Did you read this news item: The Green Bubble is about to Burst?

The temperature trend used by the IPCC (the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to support their conclusion about anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is likely to turn out to be fake.

By S. Fred Singer at American Thinker

The situation will become clear once Virginia’s attorney general, Kenneth Cuccinelli, obtains information now buried in e-mails at the University of Virginia. Or Hearings on Climategate by the U.S. Congress may uncover the “smoking gun” that demonstrates that the warming trend used by the IPCC does not really exist….

Once the public accepts these scientific conclusions, it should have immense consequences for policy. It will mean that the impact of rising CO2 levels is negligibly small, as has already been concluded by the NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change), a group of scientists skeptical of the U.N.-supported IPCC. It would also mean that wind energy, solar energy, and other “non-carbon” energy sources are not needed and are in fact counterproductive.

One may expect a huge outcry and serious and protracted opposition from those who have built their careers on global warming hype and who have made investments in alternative energy or are looking for immense profits from carbon trading.

The Green Bubble is about to Burst

I read a news about the risks of biofuel energy in yahoo and searched for the subject, wherefore a big list of sources were shown but I could not open most of the sources (saying, ”sorry, your page is not available”). The one I could open read as above!

We know for long that a dichotomy of ideas existed among scientists about the ”global warming” phenomenon. Particularly the UN’s steps to restrain the use of carbon emitting (fossil fuels) energy had raised controversy about the road blocks for industrial progress of developing nations.

In the US however, the taxation policy involved in the use of petro fuel also generated much antagonism to the GW theory! Now what do you feel about the emerging revelation? Conversion of large scale food crop area to biofuel yielding plants is feared in Europe! Some articles claim that the bio fuels would not solve carbon emission rates, but increase it!

What are your thoughts on this news?

The Expert answers:

First compare the volume of these gases that emanate from a volcanic activity to that of the fossil fuels.
The emission from an volcanic activity is huge and in a short period of time, where as from that of the fossil fuels is on a long drawn one.
The nature creates its own balance system by counter measures for overcoming the damage or adjust the environment to that state on a long drawn issue.
But the impact of a quick one, similar to that of a volcano, may be beyond the quick repair by nature.
If we take the environmental effect of all the volcanoes we will find the power of nature.

Take the case of the mexico oil spill. Considering the amount of oil spilled in to the ocean as indicated what should have been the effect, based on what the environmentalists profess, and what is the effect.
I think it is either not substantial as hyped or there is a dirty cover-up.
Nature is not that too fragile for man to manipulate too easily. It will spring back.
Yes – There are a lot of political manipulations, for sure.

George asks…

when, and by how much, will uncle sam tax you for energy you do NOT use?

reading along, trying to get a grip on what legislation will pass the senate (cap & trade bill passed by the house of reps already at the urging of mr. obama, who refuses to consider offshore drilling for oil until our alternate energy is good enough…), i came across a news article about the state of missouri and how its governor is proudly announcing a new cost to consumers of energy in MO which, he claims, will end up costing missouri businesses and citizens less than what they will be charged… huh, you say? me too:

how is it that government gets away with making us pay more now and promises that we will recoup those costs in the future? have you ever had any new tax recouped to you? what was it, a tax credit? what good does a tax CREDIT do for you if you go broker every day?

how about the taxes charged on toll roads? that’s a great example! when toll roads were built, everyone paid a toll to use them, supposedly a temporary tax only until the road was finished. but the crooked politicians NEVER stopped, but they did increase, the amount of the tolls that were paid. the tolls are a TAX.

inflation, especially to those of you without a job, is also a TAX. now the governor of MO says that the new energy-conservation tax must be charged NOW and that it will get “recouped” back to businesses, which are going to have to lay more workers off because of the increase that they will pay to the utility companies. when the workers are laid off, how will the utility bills at home be paid?

politicians in DC are getting quite excited learning about the governor of missouri’s ideas to help utility company contain costs, but when our president took the oath, he told us that we’d have to wait 8 months to learn if offshore drilling for oil would be allowed, since, he said, he wants rigs (which take about 2 years each to build) to be powered entirely by alternate forms of energy themselves! i have not heard a peep out of obama lately or within the 8 weeks after he gained the office of president, about offshore oil drilling. huh! the chinese are drilling for it off of cuba, which is actually part of our own eastern continental shelf. oh, yeah, but they are communists (as though that makes any difference)…???

democrats in the house, who control the house, say that cap & trade will only cost the consumer about $100 a year, but republicans say that it will cost (initially) somewhere around $770 per year and more than that, since alternative energy forms and “green industry” is certainly NOT in place now. we really have a long way to go on that. so who cares if the united states becomes the *shining example* of countries that are ahead of the game of conventional energy consumption?

i say, who cares, since if these increased costs (taxes) are going to put you out of a job, how will the federal government pay for more research and implementation of this foreseen, but not yet concrete, plan to run entirely on the new green energy? if you are out of a job, you will not pay income taxes, will you? and won’t you cut back on what you spend in the general marketplace? so, it is another domino effect, just like when the housing bubble broke. do you realize how many small companies have gone under after that? in chicago, i see more and more and more small businesses closing their doors, leaving their storefronts vacant. it is happening here ALL OVER our city of about 2.5 million people! and, it is happening ALL OVER all of the big cities and everywhere in our country, isn’t it?

so, do you think that we will have no federal taxation to offset research and development, as well as implementation of perfected green energy machines? how so?

what will you tell your senator? what will you do to prevent the house of reps and your state’s politicians from pulling the wool out from under you?

The Expert answers:

So long as voters continue to be mindless suckers, none of it will stop. Politicians promise anything you want to hear so you will cooperate with them. They are frauds, embezzlers, and extortionists. If I ever get an army together most will be prosecuted for that.

They sucker us to pay taxes for things like roads, then they steal that money and use it for what they want. Tolls on bridges here were up to two dollars and the tolls were about to drop to around fifty cents since the bridges were almost paid off. The racketeer politicians held an election, among people who don’t use the bridge, for buying fleets of ferries. Then the tolls were raised, not lowered, to pay for that and for nearly empty buses running across the bridges. The toll is now four dollars.

We need to wake up the mindless voters and drag the racketeers out of their offices.

Helen asks…

How excited are you that Heinz invented a new ketchup packet?

I don’t know why they have been wasting time on alternative energy and stuff like that while we were stuck with those crappy old ketchup packets. I am glad they got their priorities straight and I can die happy now

The Expert answers:

Ahh, FINALLY more hard plastic in our landfills and bodies of water! Hooray for f­u­ckwads!

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