Your Questions About Green Living

James asks…

When will oil companies decide to switch over to renewable energy?

Will it be before they suck up all the world‘s oil resources or after? and can governments put more pressure on oil giants such as BP, Exxon Mobil, Shell etc to speed up the transition.

The Expert answers:

Oil companies produce oil. Why would they change businesses? They have been successful at the one their in.

Mandy asks…

Is Hydro electricity a Renewable energy?

Many in the energy community on the west coast of the USA and the world feel that Hydro electric power in its current form is a non-renewable energy source. They feel this way because how we currently make hydro power is a non-sustainable way of making power and a to be renewable you have to be sustainable. What do you think?

The Expert answers:

Hydroelectric power can be a renewable energy source. But it requires some planning and care.

On one level, it obviously is renewable–as long as a river continues to flow, the electricity can be generated.

However, like most things its not that simple. Altering the local ecology with a dam and resevoir can have unintended side effects–sometimes negative. And those have to be taken into account. If a hydroelectric facility disrupts the ecology in ways that make the whole project unstainable overall, then its hard to consider it a truely renewable resource.

Hydroelectri power, in and of itself, however, is renewable–used properly.

William asks…

How different would the World be if the USA spent half of its war chest on renewable energies and peace?

The Expert answers:

We would be worse off! Our defense would be weakened. Renewable energy is not reliable, and there would be MORE wars because we could not defend those who are attacked, like Israel, Japan, and Taiwan.

Michael asks…

Which country’s power resources all come from renewable energy resources?

Which country uses the most wind, solar and hydroelectric energy resources in the world?

The Expert answers:


Nancy asks…

The Future Energy of the World?

Do you think the US should be investing in Hydrogen technology for the future?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and Hydrogen is gas is used to power fuel cells, which have the potential of being 95.4% efficient. It is a clean renewable energy alternative, that when used in a fuel cell produces water (clean pure water). It is not only good for the environment but some scientist are researching it as being able to be a self generating source for electricity. the argument against it is it cost a little more to make then drilling for gas and oil or stripping the land away to get to the coal buried beneath. In 2006 the US and World energy agencies all declared that oil reached it’s peak production. that is the oil left in the ground can no longer sustain the current rate it is being used. in the nest two or three decades oil may no longer be available to power cars, heat homes, make plastic…
The Hydrogen fuel cell technology is over two hundred years old, but it has not been looked at until the 90s as an alternative. Wouldn’t it make sense to commit to using it where it will help purify the waters of the earth, There are no greenhouses gases formed by using it, and every home could have it’s own power station, as well as ever car.

The Expert answers:

Fortunately there are some very bright scientists working on it. I saw a TV program last night showing some examples of what’s being done. One of the most interesting projects was an attempt to use something similar to photosynthesis to extract hydrogen from water. If this can be perfected it would be a thoroughly green way to produce hydrogen for fuel cells. The only energy required would come from the sun.

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