Your Questions About Green Living

Sharon asks…

How to the 3 Front Runners compare on Environmental/Energy issues?

I know some about Obama’s stance:
* Reduce Carbon Emissions 80 Percent by 2050
* Invest in a Clean Energy Future
* Support Next Generation Biofuels
* Set America on Path to Oil Independence
* Improve Energy Efficiency 50 Percent by 2030
* Restore U.S. Leadership on Climate Change

What about Clinton and McCain?
Good site to compare candidate’s views and records re environmental issues:
They give McCain a score of 26, Clinton 90, Obama 96 (top score=100).

The Expert answers:

Actually, Obama and Clinton are pretty close in their ideology.

McCain is also concerned about the environment.

James asks…

What is a little known international conflict that would be an interesting topic for a paper?

I have to write a 4 to 5 page paper on a current world problem with relatively broad criteria: International Cooperation (the UN or another IGO), Regional Integration (the EU or another IGO), Conflict (anywhere in the world based on nationalism, ethnicity, natural resources, etc.), Terrorism, Environmental issues that are international in scope (Global Warming, Water Scarcity, Desertification, Deforestation, Population Growth, etc.), or Development issues. I, however, like to report on things people here in America traditionally don’t hear about. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Well, here’s a detailed list of the some forty odd ongoing wars/insurgencies on the planet, many of which Americans have never heard of:

Michael asks…

Why does America have so many religious fruitcakes?

Being such an insular nation, many people there must find it hard to see the perspective offered from the outside looking in.

The humanitarian issues, gun control, crime issues and the murder rate, pollution and environmental issues, not to mention the home grown and global damage done with no clear separation between the church and the state, all make the American religious high horse look completely absurd.

No wonder there are fanatics who abhore it. Maybe it;s time to ditch the Christian Right, and install an athiestic government who bases it’s policies on sound scientific information, instead of promoting that there is a god that selectively blesses America.

The Expert answers:

I think it’s just that America, unlike Europe, didn’t have several centuries of “religious warfare” where kings and countries and religious leaders were destroying each other and their subjects and their land generation after generation. That’s why, I think, you see such a marked difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution, both based on the same ideals. But France was just done with Religion and violence and injusice in the name of religion. Europe has become increasingly secular for the last 200+ years. America has had it’s share of injustice, nutjobs, etc. But nothing on the scale of Europe. So people are still open to religion here, that’s all.

Still, America wasn’t made to be governed by a religion. It was made to be dependent upon reason. I’ll take a reasonable atheist over a fanatical Christian any day.

Susan asks…

Best place/country in the world to live in?

So what is the best place/country in the world to live in?
What would your criteria be for choosing it?
The UN does not consider us the best place, as a matter of fact we’re in sixth place, we actually dropped 3 spots since Bush came on.
That’s based on several criterias- education, healthcare,social programs etc.
How about human rights issues? We used to point the finger at evrybody else and told them that they should shape up, now, we’re one of the worst violators in the world?
How about environmental issues? I mean , we walked away from signing the Kyoto Accord. Thank God, the Bush administration has finally at least admitted that we’re the worst violators in the world;
Although there are a lot of us that still think it’s all propoganda or a work of fiction.
Or do you think that the United Nations, Amnesty International and The BBC are all terrorist organizations that are out to get us?
Are we going to keep hiding our heads in the ground like stupid ostriches and pretend none of this is real?
We’re the best country in the world, but we should start acting and behaving like one….
We’ve been warned by our fore fathers but we’ve conveniently chosen to ignore:When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will … become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” – Thomas Jefferson
So what do we do?

The Expert answers:

I personally think that united state of america is number one no matter who says what. And where i live in the usa is number 1 period.

Daniel asks…

Why do people vote democrat considering America’s worst cities?

“After 50 years of exclusive control by Democrats, LA residents suffer the worst pollution, roads, schools, gangs, and crime in the nation.” Similarly, New Orleans has been run by a democrat for decades and it also is among the worst of the worst. Baltimore, DC, Detroit. Compare this to NYC pre-Republican control to the dramatic turn-around post-Republican control.

In many areas of the country, male African-American unemployment hovers around fifty percent. Moreover, the people they vote for stand for positions they generally oppose entirely such as abortion and gay marriage.

Why do people, and blacks in general, continue to vote Democrat considering the fact that their promises and policies have been a monumental failure? Welfare, the Great Society, etc. did not solve the problem as promised. Decades of the same old rhetoric and recycled policies haven’t solved anything from environmental issues to education to poverty, Y continue voting 4 a party w/no ideas since the 60s/70s?
Ummm, New Orleans is in the south, and you’re right it’s one of the worst; however, it’s run by Dems. LA and the other cities consistently lead in the worst of the worst. You can’t lie – the statistics are clear.
” If we didn’t have them, we would be considered one of the best countries in the world in which to live.” sorry pal, you don’t know detroit, baltimore, DC, camden, NJ, etc. You’re living in denial and the stats are available for anyone to see.
The cities weren’t cherry picked simpleton, they were chosen because they are the worst of the worst in terms of crime and other statistics. The worst cities have been dominated by dem control, the question is, why not try something new since what’s been in place hasn’t worked in decades. None of you have any answers, just criticisms. Answer the question.
Worst crime rates;
1 Maryland Baltimore
2 Michigan Detroit
3 Missouri St. Louis
4 District Of Columbia Washington
5 New Jersey Newark
6 Missouri Kansas City
7 Pennsylvania Philadelphia
8 Ohio Cincinnati
9 Ohio Cleveland
10 California Oakland
11 Georgia Atlanta
12 Wisconsin Milwaukee
13 Tennessee Memphis
14 New York Buffalo
Andy, you’re answering on the national level, this question is about the city level.

The Expert answers:

Cities which are heavily populated by Democrats always have the highest unemployment rates, highest welfare rates (70% roughly, last I heard of New Orleans), highest crime rates, highest violent crime rates, worst schools, most homeless and on and on. I don’t believe a logical answer exists. It may be that the Democrats are so good at telling them what they plan to do for them that they allow themselves to be enveloped by the system. They do not want to find any other way to survive than that check that comes in the mail every month. New Orleans is the prime example of what Democrats running things produce. Billions of tax dollars are dumped into that crap hole and the crooked government makes it disappear as if it were never there and have nothing to show for it. It all stems from the theory of Government is supposed to take care of everything mentality of the Democrat party.

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