Daniel asks…
Does anyone know about renewable energy?
I’m doing some engineering coursework and I’ve got an essay but not sure how I would go about doing it? I’m right out of ideas on this one :|:|
I’ve got to write about the ‘Social and moral implications of the continuing development of renewable energy. Include EEC and world targets. Predict changes in life style the technologies will make’
Any ideas?
The Expert answers:
I am an engineer myself and first want to say good luck with your career path.
Renewable energy in simple terms is “natural energy”. This means things like wind, solar, geothermal…etc. The whole reason renewable energy has been a huge issue this decade is because of the increasing amount of CO2 that is put into the atmosphere everyday and a scare of climbing global temps. Sources that create CO2 emissions would be coal plants, natural gas plants…etc. As an employee to a major energy company, the push nowadays is to invest in new greener technologies.
Will coal plants go away any time soon? No, coal plants currently produces 50% of the United States energy. 20% is natural gas and 20% is nuclear power. The remaining 10% is solar/geothermal/wind/hydro. So, to say the least, it will take time to implement greener energy sources. But from the movement I am seeing I believe it will happen and a large portion of energy will come from green sources in the future. How much? Who knows.
Also, I personally feel that nuclear energy will be an important step to reduce carbon emissions. Nuclear emits ZERO carbon dioxide and produces electricity 24 hrs a day, everyday. With growing population comes more demand for energy, and one nuclear plant produce much more electricity than several coal plants. As a side note, nuclear does not create as much nuclear waste as it is made out to. Truth is, most nuclear plants store there waste on the plant site in spent fuel pools and in concrete casings.
Good luck on your paper.
Nancy asks…
The world energy demand is ever increasing?
The world energy demand is ever increasing although the main source of energy supply is getting scarce, i.e. oil and gas.. Discuss why these types of alternative energy are still unacceptable. Is the problem with renewable energy purely technical? Or does it have problems related to politics and globalization
geothermal energy
liquefied natural gas
liquid nitrogen
steam generators
geothermal energy and etc
The Expert answers:
Actually, Active5, all current forms of electrical energy generation are using steam to drive the generators. Even Nuclear power stations are just glorified steam engines. The problem with alternatives is the ‘base load’, the continuous production of alternating current at a steady rate. Electricity must be generated continuously, as we have no satisfactory method as yet of storing the huge quantities of direct current which would be needed for a base load draw. Things like geothermal, either in hot spring areas like Rotorua in New Zealand, or the deep hot rock areas of Australia, are seriously being considered, but are generally a long way from the national grid. However, if the deep rock system in South Australia works, that is a minor problem, as there are mines in the area which will help pay the cost by buying lots of power. I hope the rest of the world is doing similar research.
Donald asks…
Are there any types of odd/un-common types of alternative/renewable energy?
For my Principles of Engineering class I was assigned to research and explain a type of renewable/alternative energy in the world. I came across only the most common ones “Hydropower, Solar Power, Wind Power” and so on… I’m looking more along the lines of an energy that isn’t highly talked about or common for the everyday. Thanks!
The Expert answers:
You may get an answer to your question here http://newesolarpowerlights.org/
Sandy asks…
As a Christian, how do you view renewable energy?
Should we be concerned with conserving non-renewable fuels? Can renewable energy help us become better stewards of God’s creation? If the world is really under God’s control, should we really put all our time into these renewable sources?
The Expert answers:
Consider God’s divine hand and how he has the the four seasons to give different stages for life. In spring life spouts up from the old, among the decayed matter which it uses for growth – food, in summer it grows and blooms, in Autumn it begins the dying or hibernation process and shed the growth – such as leaves on the tree which insulate the ground to keep the tree roots warmer and to nourish the earth. Then in spring those decayed leaves have formed a rich layer of peat or black dirt from which the plants must grow.
Now do you see how recycling is part of God’s own plan?
Betty asks…
What are your activities, endeavors and dedications in mandating the use of renewable clean sources of Energy?
The foregoing is drafted to enhance awareness in the promotion and mandate to all the people in the world to use renewable and clean sources of Energy.
This is likewise meant to prohibit the utilization of Fossil sources of Energy as the same is proven harmful to our Environment.
The Expert answers:
Yes eventually fossil fuels should be reserved for the rich and famous, music and movie stars. The rest of us should settle down to changing our light bulbs sorting our trash, winding up our rubberband cars and paying even bigger energy costs and taxes for GW.
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